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Trump Israel and Jerusalem, oh my


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57 minutes ago, meazza said:


Yet Roma won their CL group.


Eat a dick.

I always get a kick out of you spouting off at someone as you're almost always level headed and steadfast to avoid those who you'd have to reply to in such a manner

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2 hours ago, DC Tom said:


It's not racist.  Because he's a Democrat.


Because everyone knows that race and ethnicity are the first things they notice about someone. What could possibly be racist about that?

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Before the Balfour Declaration in World War 1 the population in Palestine was roughly around 4 to 6% before 1900 it was below 2 to 3% before 1880 it was around 1 to 2% and it was around that way for basically Century after Century after Century thousands of years


post World War II e the Western Powers feeling guilty because of the Holocaust even though the Palestinians had nothing to do with it decided to punish the Palestinians remove basically a million people from their homes that they've been in for decade after decade Century after century and randomly decide to put the Jews there mainly because of book written thousands of years ago so they have a history there



it's quite possibly the most retarded geopolitical decision in human history it's never worked out they've never been accepted  in the area for obvious reasons. and there were Jews who continued  to reject areas in the West in Canada the United States ,Madagascar which is actually proposed but by the Germans, so I have no sympathy for the Jewish people... I have no sympathy for a Zionist because I think a racist ethnic state is exactly that racist and ridiculous


eventually overtime I imagine the Jews will get their s*** together realize this isn't working and find a different area until then I have no respect for their plight

Edited by westerndecline
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21 minutes ago, westerndecline said:

Before the Balfour Declaration in World War 1 the population in Palestine was roughly around 4 to 6% before 1900 it was below 2 to 3% before 1880 it was around 1 to 2% and it was around that way for basically Century after Century after Century thousands of years


post World War II e the Western Powers feeling guilty because of the Holocaust even though the Palestinians had nothing to do with it decided to punish the Palestinians remove basically a million people from their homes that they've been in for decade after decade Century after century and randomly decide to put the Jews there mainly because of book written thousands of years ago so they have a history there



it's quite possibly the most retarded geopolitical decision in human history it's never worked out they've never been accepted  in the area for obvious reasons. and there were Jews who continued  to reject areas in the West in Canada the United States ,Madagascar which is actually proposed but by the Germans, so I have no sympathy for the Jewish people... I have no sympathy for a Zionist because I think a racist ethnic state is exactly that racist and ridiculous


eventually overtime I imagine the Jews will get their s*** together realize this isn't working and find a different area until then I have no respect for their plight


Cool story bro.

34 minutes ago, row_33 said:



Oooh... they outlasted Zagbag and CSKA Lokomotiv 1838....




Actually it was Chelsea and Atletico mouth breather.

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3 hours ago, Justice said:

I don’t think you understand my point. Maybe I did I poor job at conveying it. I want a one state solution with equal rights. That’s the card the Palestinians need to play. Protesting and violence isn’t the way. Admit defeat. 


Will never happen because it will be the end of Israel.

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2 hours ago, meazza said:


How is this any different than before?

were they protesting yesterday and burning the American flag?  


How many years have they operated out of Tel Aviv?    Does Dearest Donny know that you just can't send in moving trucks and move from Trump Tower in NY to a Hotel in Jersey? 


The US would have to build a  completely new Embassy building, or gut an existing building and start from scratch.   


Do you know what is required for an Embassy to make it a secure building, not only for the people who work their but the communications side of things?  

2 hours ago, B-Man said:



It is not.


Perhaps Shady 'thinks' that Palestinians love democrats ?

Why provoke unrest in an already unstable area?  


Wag The Dog.  Donald's forte.  Screw one thing up then create a distraction hoping people would for get the last f up.  


And if a democrat did the same I would criticize them too.  


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1 hour ago, westerndecline said:

Before the Balfour Declaration in World War 1 the population in Palestine was roughly around 4 to 6% before 1900 it was below 2 to 3% before 1880 it was around 1 to 2% and it was around that way for basically Century after Century after Century thousands of years


post World War II e the Western Powers feeling guilty because of the Holocaust even though the Palestinians had nothing to do with it decided to punish the Palestinians remove basically a million people from their homes that they've been in for decade after decade Century after century and randomly decide to put the Jews there mainly because of book written thousands of years ago so they have a history there



it's quite possibly the most retarded geopolitical decision in human history it's never worked out they've never been accepted  in the area for obvious reasons. and there were Jews who continued  to reject areas in the West in Canada the United States ,Madagascar which is actually proposed but by the Germans, so I have no sympathy for the Jewish people... I have no sympathy for a Zionist because I think a racist ethnic state is exactly that racist and ridiculous


eventually overtime I imagine the Jews will get their s*** together realize this isn't working and find a different area until then I have no respect for their plight

But, what about the Muslims forcing the Jews out of the surrounding states? 


Further, peoples have been conquered and relocated for "decade after decade Century after century." I believe the Muslim folks in that region should be recognized as a conquered people and leave an area they stole from the Byzantines, Christians, and joos (while attempting to create their own bigoted state).


I am happy Trump finally took a **** on this stupid Palestinian loving fad. Hoping this is the first of many to come. I mean, I prefer to have historical landmarks and structures nit be destroyed by a religion wrought with extremists in the Middle East.

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6 hours ago, Justice said:

Glad this finally became official. One step closer to a one state solution. Just like they’re saying on TV there’s only one Jerusalem. That’s true. There is only one and there’s only one Israel. There is no Palestine.


Let’s call it what it is and with this step we can finally have the one state solution there always should have been. Only now that one state will finally be exposed as an apartheid state. A state with two peoples with two very different set of rights.


This card shouldn’t have been played at this point. Big mistake. Now they’ll have to face the reality of the situation. Israelis know all too well that there are Palestinian people. They needed the status quo in order to get away with the civil rights violations they have been abusing. Keep telling people the Palestinians refuse to negotiate peace. That was working well for them. As they confiscate more land for settlements and steal East Jerusalem away from the Palestinians maybe more people will finally see the truth. There’s only Israel, but now maybe, just maybe, they’ll have to give equal rights to all its people and not just Jews. Yeah right. 


Andrew Klavan already has a one state solution



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1 hour ago, Paulus said:

But, what about the Muslims forcing the Jews out of the surrounding states? 


Further, peoples have been conquered and relocated for "decade after decade Century after century." I believe the Muslim folks in that region should be recognized as a conquered people and leave an area they stole from the Byzantines, Christians, and joos (while attempting to create their own bigoted state).


I am happy Trump finally took a **** on this stupid Palestinian loving fad. Hoping this is the first of many to come. I mean, I prefer to have historical landmarks and structures nit be destroyed by a religion wrought with extremists in the Middle East.

This was a !@#$ u to the million ppl in Palestine in 1948


Not disputed land thousands of years ago


The Jews were non existent in area pre ww1, they were still a minority during ww2


If u are so obsessed with a racist/ethnic state, why not go to Canada or Montana


Plenty of land and no enemies



U deserve any bull **** u get.


U don't just tell a million ppl to leave dumbass


So tired of the Zionist bull ****

Edited by westerndecline
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1 minute ago, westerndecline said:

This was a !@#$ u to the million ppl in Palestine in 1948


Not disputed land thousands of years ago


The Jews were non existent in the pre ww1


If u are so obsessed with a racist/ethnic state, why not go to Canada or Montana


Plenty of land and no enemies



U deserve any bull **** u get.


U don't just tell a million ppl to leave dumbass


So tired of the Zionist bull ****


:lol: The hate is strong with this one.

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23 minutes ago, /dev/null said:


Andrew Klavan already has a one state solution



Yeah. I’m not watching that. Took all of 20 seconds to see where that guy is coming from. 


Ok so I watched an additional 1:27 and cut it off again. Religious freedom??? Lmao. Gtfooh with this guy. You kidding me?

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2 minutes ago, westerndecline said:

I got news for these racist psychos, because that's exactly what they are. 


Israel will never, I REPEAT, NEVER FIND PEACE OR EXIST in tht area.


It's evil, it's genocide, and every person with half a conscience knows it won't last.



Get Over it and live in north America


:lol: You've never met an Israeli have you?

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1 hour ago, GG said:


Will never happen because it will be the end of Israel.

It will not be the end of Israel. Fact is Israel would never accept that deal and would be forced to give Palestine it’s own state. 

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2 minutes ago, meazza said:


:lol: You've never met an Israeli have you?

No I've met plenty.


Many agree with me that Zionist ideology is retarded


Just like black or white nationalism


Or white Christian nationalism


It's hateful ****


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