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Smith-Schuster and Iloka both suspended 1 game


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this is a total joke.  JuJu's block was legal, and even if not, during the course of a play attempting to make a block.  And what's up with the suspension for taunting?  Really.  That's not an infraction that warrants suspension.  


On the other hand you have a giant moron running with a weapon (metal elbow pad) at a player lying face down after a play about to get up, who then elbows him full-speed and full-body weight in the head.  How the NFL can give out the same suspensions for both is an utter joke that show's the NFL is more interested in the Pats**** and/or its "star players" than actually protecting its players.  

Edited by RyanC883
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What a BS suspension on all 3 accounts!


1. Gronk should have gotten a MIN of 2 games.  What he did was atrocious.


2.  JuJu made a CLEAN hit and turned his head away from the player on a great block.  Honestly have no issue if they give him 1 game suspension for the taunting, that was totally uncalled for.  The only issue I would have with a 1 game suspension on taunting is the fact that Gronk only got 1 game for his BS.  But the suspension references the hit too as part of the reason, which is BS.


3.  George was incidental contact.  You can't suspend players when they are running full speed to make the play and the tackle but the WR is forced to leap into a vulnerable position to make the catch.  If they want to fine him since there was helmet contact, sure go ahead.  But to suspend him seems out of line.  I seriously doubt he gets suspended had it not been for all the other activity in the game.  If this was an isolated incident, he maybe gets a fine at most.  


NFL has become a complete joke with this stuff.  

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2 minutes ago, Alphadawg7 said:

What a BS suspension on all 3 accounts!


1. Gronk should have gotten a MIN of 2 games.  What he did was atrocious.


2.  JuJu made a CLEAN hit and turned his head away from the player on a great block.  Honestly have no issue if they give him 1 game suspension for the taunting, that was totally uncalled for.  The only issue I would have with a 1 game suspension on taunting is the fact that Gronk only got 1 game for his BS.  But the suspension references the hit too as part of the reason, which is BS.


3.  George was incidental contact.  You can't suspend players when they are running full speed to make the play and the tackle but the WR is forced to leap into a vulnerable position to make the catch.  If they want to fine him since there was helmet contact, sure go ahead.  But to suspend him seems out of line.  I seriously doubt he gets suspended had it not been for all the other activity in the game.  If this was an isolated incident, he maybe gets a fine at most.  


NFL has become a complete joke with this stuff.  


The block was illegal and was flagged as such.  

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1 minute ago, Commonsense said:

What about Floyd's block seen above? No flag, fine or suspension and he "launched" into the Dolphin player.


You really expect officiating to be consistent across the league?  If only that were the case.  Irrespective of that JuJu's block was not legal. 

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Just now, 26CornerBlitz said:


You really expect officiating to be consistent across the league?  If only that were the case.  Irrespective of that JuJu's block was not legal. 


Im not sure if the officiating comment is sarcasm or not.


The disciplinary system has the benefit of hindsight, if the refs miss something on the field a player can still be fined or suspended. Floyd launches into the defender and delivers a peel back block. There is no consistency in the way this league views in game or...dead ball action as we saw on Sunday. 


It is pathetic.

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Just now, Commonsense said:


Im not sure if the officiating comment is sarcasm or not.


The disciplinary system has the benefit of hindsight, if the refs miss something on the field a player can still be fined or suspended. Floyd launches into the defender and delivers a peel back block. There is no consistency in the way this league views in game or...dead ball action as we saw on Sunday. 


It is pathetic.


It isn't and I agree with your point. 

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11 minutes ago, 26CornerBlitz said:


The block was illegal and was flagged as such.  


How it was flagged is irrelevant...for instance Gronk should have been tossed and wasn't.  


He made a legal block leading with his shoulder.  He got in more trouble because of the context of the game and his taunting.  There is no way that a block to the front side of a player pursuing the ball carrier should be illegal if they didn't lead with their helmet.  

Edited by Alphadawg7
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1 minute ago, Alphadawg7 said:


How it was flagged is irrelevant...for instance Gronk should have been tossed and wasn't.  


He made a legal block leading with his shoulder.  He got in more trouble because of the context of the game and his taunting.  There is no way that a block to the front side of a player pursuing the ball carrier should be illegal if they didn't lead with their helmet.  


No. He made an illegal peel back block on a defenseless player from the blindside.  He was flagged for both.  You don't know the rule.

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This is fantastic. They have now set the precedent that violent blow to a player (say, with the name Gronk or Brady) is a one game suspension regardless if during the play or after, from front or behind, etc... 


Hunting season can officially commence on the 24th!

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9 minutes ago, 26CornerBlitz said:


No. He made an illegal peel back block on a defenseless player from the blindside.  He was flagged for both.  You don't know the rule.


I know the rule, but I whole heartedly disagree with your description of the play.  He hit Burfict square while he was in pursuit.  Just because Burfict didn't have the awareness to see him shouldn't make him illegal to block.  


Tell you what...find me ONE player who was suspended one game for a hit that is accurately comparable to this block.  Not one that matches your "description", one that compares to the video footage of this play.  I will be shocked if you find even one.

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