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How do we pull the impossible and beat the Pats?


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3 minutes ago, B-Large said:

Watch the tape from the Giants Super Bowl and the Denver Broncos AFCCG 2015- its a simple formula, just difficult to implement.

That was 6 and 10 years ago. This is a completely different Pats team.

Plus the Bills dont have the dline to pull that off.

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1 hour ago, JMF2006 said:

They know how to defeat the crowd noise.


They do it every time they play here...they run the hurry up...it takes the crowd noise right out of the game.

Agreed 100%. That first home game against them in 2015 where we tried to break the sound record, Brady and co. did everything with silent signals while our D was confused because they couldn't hear each other.

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I would draw up a similar defense to what we saw last week against the Chiefs. That is, squat on the underneath stuff and TACKLE. The defense did manage to get some pressure on Alex Smith, but it was mostly with the front four. Humber blitzed several times but failed to get there. If that happens against Brady, he will kill us.


You have to figure that the Pats' game plan is to always take away the opposing team's top weapon. That would be Shady McCoy for us, so expect 8-9 man boxes with spies intent on keeping Tyrod in the pocket. One way to combat that would be to spread the field with multiple receiver packages rather than the lame 2 WR patterns we saw last week. I know we do not have much depth at WR, but it may not be such a bad idea to regularly split Shady out wide (and maybe Cadet too). The potential is there for Clay/O'Leary to have strong games. Tyrod will have opportunities down the field, if he can put on his big boy pants and play like a real NFL QB.


The biggest thing: the Patriots -- including Brady and Bill B -- are NOT invincible. I think too many of the our coaches over the last 17 years have allowed Bill to get in their heads. So they do foolish things trying to "outsmart" him. I think if the defense plays as well as it did last week -- and the offense sustains drives (which they can, as the Pats' defense is not all that great) -- then the Bills have a chance at home.

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Keep Brady on the sideline and control the TOP by scoring and keeping our  offense on the field. If we do the 3 and out stuff again like NO it's going to be a nasty day with Brady always on the field like Brees was.

Edited by xRUSHx
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2 hours ago, Steptide said:

Let's play a little game. You're the coach and you come up with the game plan. What do you do? 


Here's what I'd do. On defense, I would blitz every single snap for the first 4 or 5 drives. While blitzing doesn't slow Brady down (usually), I think if you were to Blitz him on every down this would eventually throw off his game. If the blitzing continues to work, stick with it. If not, do a 3 man rush and drop everyone else in coverage.


On offense, I would game plan to throw dump off passes for 5 yards all game long. Create short gains that wear down the clock and make long extended drives for the bills. If we score, onside kick on every kick off. Yes, every kick off. That sounds ridiculous, but at some point you're going to baffle the Pats and throw them off. 


I cannot see any scenario where we win this game playing the way the bills have played in these 12 weeks. I know that none of what I mentioned will happen. I'm just a fan that has watched the Patriots obliterate the bills the last 17 years 


I'll play along....


It's no secret Brady will pick you apart when blitzed, if anything, that's his #1 strength.  They have more weapons in the passing game than they do in the running game, so I would do the following with the above statements in mind.


1.  utilize 2 down linemen on every series outside of the 30 yard line, rushing Hughes as the third DE.

2.  Deploy 2 linebackers and 6 defensive backs with a 1Rb, 1TE set

2.a Deploy 3 LBs and 5 DBs when the Patriots have a 1RB, 2TE set


Now, run a trap zone(cover 2) where the defense bates Gronkowski to appear open, and tight man press when they line up with the quick slant/pick play formation to the slot receiver.  get a body on that man as soon as the ball gets there.  If you watch any of the games where their offense was completely shut down, this is your key right here.  go back and watch the 2007/2008 superbowl when the Giants Neutered Tom Brady and his high flying trapeze acrobats, they had a body on his little cheater/pick play almost before the ball got there.


Can't say this would work or not, but certainly seems plausible, and if that 2 Down Linemen formation sounds familiar, it should.  It's what Bellicheat used against the Bills in SB25.

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5 minutes ago, Chris66 said:

Unless the Pats are playing the Steelers every week its not going to be

Pats own the Steelers, so I doubt they're sweating it.  Pats vs Philly, NO, or Rams is a different story.

37 minutes ago, B-Large said:

Watch the tape from the Giants Super Bowl and the Denver Broncos AFCCG 2015- its a simple formula, just difficult to implement.

Those teams, and I'll include past Ravens teams, had a much better DLine than we have.  That makes a big difference.

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47 minutes ago, The Wiz said:

So basically the bills shouldn't blitz all game then.

Generally blitzing Brady does not work out too well. Just read a stat today where if teams blitz 6 or more guys , he has 70 tds and no interceptions in his career. That's mind boggling.


He gets rid of the ball too quickly for blitzes to be effective

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1 hour ago, JohnnyBuffalo said:

I think the key is disruption of their quick passes and tackling.   If the DB's and LB's can jam at the line and cause hesitation in the throw then maybe a chance.   If they get the throw off they have to tackle them immediately.   Force them into situations where they need more than that stupid quick slant stuff (3rd and long) and they may have a shot at getting to Brady.


This is the plan on defense.  We need to be physical at the line on every snap, jamming receivers to disrupt the timing of their quick passing attack. 


On offence, we need to stay balanced between pass and run, taking whatever the defense gives us.  The league has learned that they can stack the box, stop the run and beat us.  We have shown that we will run mindlessly into the heart of a stacked box.  We need to throw to unstack the box, and run it down their throats when Patriots have 7 or less defending the run.

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1 minute ago, billsfan11 said:

Generally blitzing Brady does not work out too well. Just read a stat today where if teams blitz 6 or more guys , he has 70 tds and no interceptions in his career. That's mind boggling.


He gets rid of the ball too quickly for blitzes to be effective

Exactly.  The way to beat him is pressure with 4 rushing him.  Problem is we have trouble with actual blitz's let alone front 4 pressure.

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There are only a few things you can do to stop New England. Get pass rush with 3-4 guys and play tight man to man coverage. That is a lot easier said than done because they have a strong o line with very quick receivers, but that's basically the only way to slow them down

1 minute ago, The Wiz said:

Exactly.  The way to beat him is pressure with 4 rushing him.  Problem is we have trouble with actual blitz's let alone front 4 pressure.

Ya I know. Which is why I think this game can get out of hand pretty fast unfortunately

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You absolutely have to be able to get pressure with your front 4.


That's not to say that you can't blitz, but blitzing can't be the primary way that you hope to generate pressure, or you're in deep trouble.


Yes, Brady is good at getting the ball out, but moreover, the way NE runs their pick and option routes is designed to give them multiple outlets when facing the blitz.


You can try to play coverage against Tommy Boy, but as long as you can't force the ball out of his hands in less than 3 seconds it won't matter.  Their WRs don't give up on plays, and he'll just sit there and wait until someone comes open--there's nobody more patient with the ball in his hands back there.


All that said, how do you attack him?  Well, you probably need to find the right combination of EDGE guys and interior rushers that match up well against their starting 5; their OL isn't special in any way.


I would probably move Shaq inside and let he and Kyle attack their OGs; use a rotation of Hughes/Yarbrough/LorAx/Davis (if he's available) on the outside.  The downside to this approach is that your LBs are going to have to have very quick run/pass recognition, or else you can get burned badly on draw and counter plays in the run game.

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