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Minimum Wage

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Does it really matter? I heard someone say that they couldn't raise a family on minimum wage, big surprise. Really any adult that is working for minimum wage must have a disability.


Plus if you raise the wage what about the people that had worked to get raises now all of a sudden you have people just starting out making just as much...Heck even when I was working in high school I NEVER had to take a job for minimum wage there was always a better job.

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Will Social Security be lock boxed ??? All I see is another way to raise $$$$, which in the end will be misspent. A employer matches the FICA taxes 6.2% and Meds. 1.45% tax, which you pay in the end because the employer will not eat added expenses.

So raise wages, which raises tax revenue, which raises prices on products, which in the end is misspent.

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Really any adult that is working for minimum wage must have a disability. 





When Ames was still open here in WNY,my mom worked for minimum wage. Of course she was only part-time,but she does not have a disability.

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When Ames was still open here in WNY,my mom worked for minimum wage. Of course she was only part-time,but she does not have a disability.


Part-time big difference...I would hope that your Mom if she needed to could/would have been able to find a job paying more than minimum wage.

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Part-time big difference...I would hope that your Mom if she needed to could/would have been able to find a job paying more than minimum wage.



Not in our little ghost-town we live in. *LOL*! But if she had to,there wouldnt be any problem.

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