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Eliminating Net Neutrality Rules Will Favor Carriers Over Internet Content Providers


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5 hours ago, GG said:


Yes, because regulating the Internet like a 1930 telecom monopoly makes a lot of sense to an administration that made fun of people who apparently didn't believe in science and progress.


5 hours ago, GG said:


Nope, this was not a new law.  The only way that Obama/Wheeler could get away with their gambit was to use the exact terms of the 1930's regulations.


5 hours ago, GG said:


This is the official ruling in the Fed Register.  But your link also lays out the ridiculous assertion by Netflix & Google.  They are taking a disproportionate share of Internet traffic, but want others to pay for that transit.


Thank you. Well stated, and absolutely correct.


You have no idea how refreshing it is for me to see/hear/read anyone saying any of that.


Cheers! :beer:


5 hours ago, DC Tom said:


Our upcoming civil war is going to be one of massive ignorance.



ANY upcoming civil war will be one of massive ignorance. I'm a bit surprised we aren't already in the middle of one already.

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1 hour ago, Azalin said:

ANY upcoming civil war will be one of massive ignorance. I'm a bit surprised we aren't already in the middle of one already.


I've been arguing that we are in one already - it's just being done behind the scenes and largely without going "hot" - and that's one of the primary causes of the uptick of chaos we've seen. We're definitely in an information war, and one of the fronts of that information war is being waged internally between the NSA/Pentagon and CIA. The recent NYT piece (linked below) makes that quite clear. As do the recent leaks/"revelations"/scandals/utter detonation of certain establishments and establishment figures. This civil war is being waged simultaneously to the information war between the US and its traditional geopolitical foes. 


I know you don't subscribe to that, nor do most, and I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything... other than to keep an open mind. :beer:



*Mind you, some key facts in this article are demonstrably false (the leak in question did NOT come from NSA, it came about because the CIA put their cybertool kit on unclassified servers so private intelligence contractors could use them. The evidence for this claim is abundant and came out largely over the summer through the WikiLeak Vault 7 and 8 drops). The way this is spun in the article, and whom the target is painted upon, is significant.  



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44 minutes ago, row_33 said:

Kent State ended the last attempt at provoking a civil war. 


You think SJW's are going to continue if another unfortunate eruption results in them being shot down in the street?



Any traditional Civil War would be short lived.  Snowflakes have spent their lives in fear of guns.  Antifa would just scurry home to Mom's basement to tweet about their ordeal.  BLM could mobilize an armed force but they get confused as to which end of the gun is up

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If someone I cared about was shot dead on the ground in front of me, I'd certainly recalculate the cause and the cost obviously coming.


I'm not sure what these people are angry over, getting drafted and forced to fight in Nam is a cause I fully could understand.



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3 hours ago, Deranged Rhino said:


Now you're getting it. :beer:


I say that tongue-in-cheek, but oversight does lead to taxation, which leads to regulation of both availability and content, which opens the door to censorship, so it's not as radical a notion as some might believe.

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On 11/22/2017 at 7:57 PM, DC Tom said:

Our upcoming civil war is going to be one of massive ignorance.

Yeah, when one orders a charge, 1/3 of the "soldiers" will go, 1/3 won't understand, and just sit there dumbfounded, and the final 1/3 will pull out a credit card. With the same thing happening on the other side, unfortunately, only the smart people will actually fight and kill each other, leaving us even dumber than we were. 


Unless....the left side of the civil war keeps its current leaders in charge. Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Howard Dean, and the rest of the clown school...would lose the war so quickly and so decisively, that we couldn't even call it a war. More like an "emergency". In fact, that would be part of their surrender terms: that we not call it a war.


Think about it: what if I organized about 100 semi truck drivers, and about 1000 infantry types, to cut off the highways/trains to NYC, Boston, Philly and DC? What would/could the leftists do? Pretty sure this siege/war would last about 24 hours before the surrender...conditional on not calling it a war. 


EDIT: as far as the thread, this has been beaten to death here, and GG has already stated what needs to stated. Next topic.

Edited by OCinBuffalo
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To summarize Net Neutrality:


A bunch of people invented a fake problem to justify greater gov’t regulation of the Internet in 2015.


Now the same people are throwing an insane tantrum because those regulations are being reversed in the same exact way they were imposed.


And the demands that everyone prove the benefits of removing the regulations are ridiculous.


The default should be less regulation.


It’s up to proponents to prove regulations are necessary. Clearly hasn’t happened with NN.



Edited by B-Man
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1 hour ago, B-Man said:


And the demands that everyone prove the benefits of removing the regulations are ridiculous.



Not only ridiculous, but obvious. All anyone needs to do is look at the relative lack of progress in telecom up to January 8th, 1982 compared with the explosion of innovation between then and 2015 to see exactly what government regulation of the telecom industry did versus what deregulation did.


People need to stop making this a political issue, and should always support keeping federal regulators out of it.




1 hour ago, row_33 said:

It’s up to proponents to prove regulations are necessary. Clearly hasn’t happened with NN. .



I agree but you are writing a letter to Santa Claus with that sentence....




And since when has government ever needed to prove anything before seizing regulatory power over something?

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2 hours ago, B-Man said:

To summarize Net Neutrality:


A bunch of people invented a fake problem to justify greater gov’t regulation of the Internet in 2015.


Now the same people are throwing an insane tantrum because those regulations are being reversed in the same exact way they were imposed.


And the demands that everyone prove the benefits of removing the regulations are ridiculous.


The default should be less regulation.


It’s up to proponents to prove regulations are necessary. Clearly hasn’t happened with NN.




Oh, but they have proven it, by screaming "Internet access is a civil right!"


That's proof in their minds...

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Stay classy snowflakes.


FCC Chairman Ajit Pai said his family has been harassed at his home following his proposal to repeal many of the agency’s net neutrality rules.

“Internet regulation activists have crossed the line by threatening and harassing my family. They should leave my family out of this and focus on debating the merits of the issue,” Pai said in a statement.



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