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What's your early assessment of Peterman ?


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From what I saw him do against the Saints in the 4th quarter I'm excited to see what he can do after getting all the first team reps.


From April 2017, Jon Gruden's take.


"Gruden offered up an intriguing assessment during the call. Someone asked him if he were to come back to coach this year and needed a QB to play right away, which of this year’s class would he choose. He said Pitt product Nathan Peterman."



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1) In Sundays game, he faced a Cover-0 blitz in his first drive.  He dumped off to the TE to avoid the pressure and got a 7 yard completion.  On the next drive he got the same Cover-0 blitz look and he remembered the single coverage on the outside.  Instead of checking down to the TE, he went for the end zone on 2nd down for an incompletion.  While the result wasn't there, the fact that he recognized the look from just the previous series and had the composure to know that he could take a shot shows a very intelligent play and the ball placement being out in front but still in bounds shows the "safety" of the high risk play.  Very positive couple of plays in a limited look for the progression in such limited time.


2) He made calculated risky throws to Benjamin that could have been dangerous, but he trusted his big man to make a play.  While this is going to lead to picks, it's also going to lead to some big plays, the ratio of which will determine his ceiling.


3) On the long completion to Benjamin, not only was he releasing the ball before the cut had been made, but he was able to shift his feet and hips to drive the ball with some velocity (which he had to with a DB reading the coming throw and squatting in the middle preventing a chance to make a play.  The ball was released at the 38 yard line and received at the NO 35 for a 27 yard bullet in the air, you are going to make lots of plays with that arm strength and the foot work helps to make efficient use of all the power available.  He may not have a rocket but he's not weak armed like everyone thinks.


Will he be good?  Maybe not, but the raw skills are there to be a successful QB within the West coast offense system.  Let's give him a few weeks and see if that in game growth translates to a few games.

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7 hours ago, KingRex said:

He lasted through 5 rounds due to a consensus judgment of every scout in the league.  The consensus can obviously make big time mistakes (look no further than Tom Brady).


However, the scouts as a whole generally make pretty good judgments and Peterman was correctly judged to be one of the ready to go players, but simply did not demonstrate that his potential for a strong start did not show a lot of long-term upside.


My sense is that he will not be an embarrassment as a player, but he is unlikely to solve the real problems on this team that have led two straight blowout loses.


I'd just like to point out that "the consensus judgement of every scout in the league" has a track record of about 50% success in choosing QB at the top of the 1st round - and falling to about 30% through the bottom half of the 1st round and into the 3rd. (that's true of every position, btw, not just QB)

Leaving aside Brady, we currently have 2 or 3 - 2nd round, 2 - 3rd round and 2 - 4th round QB starting in the league.  The two fourth round QB appear to be established starters.  By the logic above, that shouldn't happen because, 4 rounds of consensus judgement of every scout in the league.

What is true, is that generally, later round QB take longer to develop, if they do develop, while 1st round QB tend to either play reasonably right out the gate, or fall by the wayside (Alex Smith is one significant exception).


7 hours ago, KingRex said:

1.  The QB switch does nothing for a DL which without Dareus simply demands that an opponent run up the middle again and again. 

2.  Denison has really shown little as OC.  He likely will give the same mediocre play calling for NP he did for TT.

3. Our QB coach and OC proved unable to train TT out of a particular set of specific problems (Holds the ball too long, loss of Watkins ended deep ball threat (and even losing Woods as a solid #2).  Benjamin pick-up was a good one, but his contribution ((if any) is likely on him rather than differentiating QCs.

4. Our OL played great the last two years but has performed poorly this year.  NP is a better runner than expected but the escapability employed by TT was extraordinary.  NP is gonna have to run for his life or we may be seeing Tyrod sooner than expected.



There is NO Way Dennison, the hand-picked OC of our new HC, is going to be canned halfway through his first season.  That would make the HC look like a fool, and also like someone no other OC would want to work with.

You can't put "unable to train TT out of specific problems" on Dennison IMO.  It seems relatively rare that an entrenched problem can be entirely trained out of a QB.  What you can put on Dennison is there was 2 years of film on Taylor, good and bad.  He had the opportunity to design around TT's strengths, and to utilize a blocking scheme that was successful with the personnel he had, and he chose instead to implement a scheme that exposes TT's weaknesses and apparently ditto for the OL.  It also set TT up to fail when the entire cast of WR with whom he was comfortable was sent out of town.

That said, I think you may see an apparently better OL because NP will get the ball out on time.  While TT has escapability, he doesn't seem to have great pocket sense (the ability to take a half step up, or sideways, or back, and make the first guy miss so as to complete a throw - Brees has this, Rodgers, Warner had it).  So if he could be contained (which he often was, in this scheme) he got back to the LOS at best.

Your points 1 and 2 are IMO on the mark.

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6 hours ago, SoTier said:


Good post that pretty much sums up my views, too.  I will add that the Bills also don't even have a functional running game at present.   Unfortunately, I'm afraid it's likely to take at least three seasons of hopeless, mind-numbing losing to move OBD drive to admit they made a mistake with Beane/McDermott et al.

 Your Beane/McDermott comment must be a joke....right? S McD. has been know around the league as an up and coming top quality coach for some time. He took a team that everyone thought was going to "tank the season" into a 5-2 record in the first seven games. Yes the wheels fell off a bit, especially on the D, but to think that hiring Beane and\or McDermott as a mistake is plain ridiculous. 

 You are correct about the run game, but that's only because TT sucks and is no threat as a passer to almost any defense in the league. 

Edited by BigPappy
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I've only seen the same tape as most everyone else, which is a small sample. But my honest opinion is that Peterman is going to surprise a lot of people in a positive way and wind up a legit starting caliber NFL QB. Not a longterm backup. A bona fide starter. Imo him being there for us in the 5th round is flat out ridiculous and a huge steal. It is a draft anomaly and we for once are the beneficiaries. It will take a while for him to acclimate to the step up in game speed and quality cover but he will not only be able to do it but he will do it relatively quickly. I think his onfield results may well this year outperform M. Trubisky's, who I also liked in the draft, and who went long before the 5th round.

I think he throws for 200+ yards on Sunday, 2 tds, 1 pick.

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Such a profound thread. So happy to be a part of this, my assessment is that Peterman appears to be proficient at marketing on Youtube. :rolleyes:


In addition, he put the "Peter" in "man" so hey, kid has the world by the nutsack.







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