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11/15/2017 - The day that changed the entire course of history for this franchise

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had this move pegged for the bye week, turnovers stole  them a couple games and I was off by a couple weeks....  Rex ruined the defense last year, Dennison ruining the offense this year.   Someday they'll have and OC and a DC that are running the right schemes for the players they have when they have them.   Someday....  


Looks like the tank-like result is in play again.  No way Peterman goes on a tear as a rook QB with the upcoming schedule.  


Fun while it lasted.  Will still be fun to watch the inevitable ups and downs of a rookie QB in the NFL .   Same ole bills.   go Bills.  

Edited by 8-8 Forever?
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The biggest thing that gets me excited is this regime and HC.


Prior small thinking, scared, conservative, not smart, and failure HC’s rolled out mediocre QB’s week after week. The end goal was “earn a playoff spot” as we raced to the 7-9 finish line year after year...


Not McBean. These guys have brass balls and are going down fighting like hell. What McDermott said yesterday about made me run through a brick wall. Something to the effect of, “I’m not here to be 5-4 in a playoff hunt. I’m here to win CHAMPIONSHIPS!”


You gotta respect this new FO and staff if you’re a long time suffering Bills fan.

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1 hour ago, McBean said:

The biggest thing that gets me excited is this regime and HC.


Prior small thinking, scared, conservative, not smart, and failure HC’s rolled out mediocre QB’s week after week. The end goal was “earn a playoff spot” as we raced to the 7-9 finish line year after year...


Not McBean. These guys have brass balls and are going down fighting like hell. What McDermott said yesterday about made me run through a brick wall. Something to the effect of, “I’m not here to be 5-4 in a playoff hunt. I’m here to win CHAMPIONSHIPS!”


You gotta respect this new FO and staff if you’re a long time suffering Bills fan.

Exactly.  It's not about Peterman per se, it's about finding a leader of the offense that can consistently produce,  I'm so glad we are done with mediocrity. I was so tired of people saying "well, you can win with Taylor".  Yes you can win with him but under these conditions.


For once I want a QB that strikes fear in the other team.  A real franchise QB.  I don't think it's Peterman TBH, but at least now we can finish out the season knowing both these guys aren't what we are looking for and get a top tier guy with all the draft capital we have,  


This offseason will be telling and exciting.  

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1 hour ago, McBean said:

The biggest thing that gets me excited is this regime and HC.


Prior small thinking, scared, conservative, not smart, and failure HC’s rolled out mediocre QB’s week after week. The end goal was “earn a playoff spot” as we raced to the 7-9 finish line year after year...


Not McBean. These guys have brass balls and are going down fighting like hell. What McDermott said yesterday about made me run through a brick wall. Something to the effect of, “I’m not here to be 5-4 in a playoff hunt. I’m here to win CHAMPIONSHIPS!”


You gotta respect this new FO and staff if you’re a long time suffering Bills fan.



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8 hours ago, SaviorPeterman said:

Last night like many times before I awoke in a cold sweat in the middle of the night after having visions of a franchise QB. He rode into Buffalo like wild stallion. Moxie, confidence, poise and command of the huddle. A follower of Christ and legendary college QB handing Clemson their only loss of regular season. His name was Nathan Peterman and on a cold December day in Buffalo he leads a heroic comeback down 17 points to the Patriots, throwing the game winning TD pass with seconds left on the clock as the Bills Mafia erupts yelling "Peter-man! Peter-man! Peter-man!"


But alas that's where my vision ends as reality settled in and I realized Taylor was still the starting QB for now. 17 straight years will soon turn into 18 years and the Bills are destined for another epic collapse and 2011 type of finish.


Fast forward later in the day and I saw 'breaking news' on the NFL ticker and social media exploded with news of a QB change in Buffalo. I had to again pinch myself and question whether or not dreaming or awake. Can this really be happening, have Bills fans desperate for change prayers finally been answered?


And here we are. The day I knew was coming and all of a sudden the Bills playoff outlook is real once again. A bold, yet necessary, move was made by a regime that truly isn't going to settle for mediocrity any more. No more letting a QB play scared and checking down a FB on 3rd and long and missing WR's running wide open time after time again just of the sake pf playing alleged 'safe' and 'smart' football.


And speaking of Peterman, perhaps he himself foreshadowed this just two days ago on his twitter account (which isn't very active so the time and date of this post is very telling):





Mark this down, today is the day that the entire fate of the Buffalo Bills franchise was forever altered. It may not be as monumental as the day Mo Lewis knocked Drew Bledsoe out of a game in New England to usher in the Tom Brady era. But the Bills very well may be on to ending a 17 year drought behind a young gunslinger and I guarantee this entire team will look different in the coming weeks. People will say, where on earth did this passing game come from? Who would have thought Buffalo does have NFL WR's on their roster? The defense suddenly is inspired behind their dynamic new leader on the other side of the ball that says 'Fellas, make a stop for me and we'll get the ball back and win the game".


Bottom line, this move was L.A.R.G.E. and no matter what happens in LA on Sunday the future should be much brighter with a real NFL QB behind center. Once again just when I thought I was out, the Bills have pulled me back in....



Your schtick is really tiring. If you boil it all down it really reads I believe a 5th round draft choice is better than Tyrod Taylor.  I am not even a Tyrod supporter but your incessant non-supported claims that Petermanis the second coming of who knows what is sad.  The odds are very much that that Peterman will be yet another starting QB thrown on to the heap of those who can’t win consistently.  I guess you want to overplay the small hope that he is otherwise.


I hope you get to say in ten years “I told you so.”  The much more likely outcome is that you will soon be joining the ranks of people calammoring for Saviorunknown to replace Peterman.

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Just now, BuffaloBill said:



Your schtick is really tiring. If you boil it all down it really reads I believe a 5th round draft choice is better than Tyrod Taylor.  I am not even a Tyrod supporter but your incessant non-supported claims that Peterman is the second coming of who knows what is sad.  The odds are very much that that Peterman will be yet another starting QB thrown on to the heap of those who can’t win consistently.  I guess you want to overplay the small hope that he is otherwise.


I hope you get to say in ten years “I told you so.”  The much more likely outcome is that you will soon be joining the ranks of people calammoring for Saviorunknown to replace Peterman.


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8 hours ago, SaviorPeterman said:

Last night like many times before I awoke in a cold sweat in the middle of the night after having visions of a franchise QB. He rode into Buffalo like wild stallion. Moxie, confidence, poise and command of the huddle. A follower of Christ and legendary college QB handing Clemson their only loss of regular season. His name was Nathan Peterman and on a cold December day in Buffalo he leads a heroic comeback down 17 points to the Patriots, throwing the game winning TD pass with seconds left on the clock as the Bills Mafia erupts yelling "Peter-man! Peter-man! Peter-man!"


But alas that's where my vision ends as reality settled in and I realized Taylor was still the starting QB for now. 17 straight years will soon turn into 18 years and the Bills are destined for another epic collapse and 2011 type of finish.


Fast forward later in the day and I saw 'breaking news' on the NFL ticker and social media exploded with news of a QB change in Buffalo. I had to again pinch myself and question whether or not dreaming or awake. Can this really be happening, have Bills fans desperate for change prayers finally been answered?


And here we are. The day I knew was coming and all of a sudden the Bills playoff outlook is real once again. A bold, yet necessary, move was made by a regime that truly isn't going to settle for mediocrity any more. No more letting a QB play scared and checking down a FB on 3rd and long and missing WR's running wide open time after time again just of the sake pf playing alleged 'safe' and 'smart' football.


And speaking of Peterman, perhaps he himself foreshadowed this just two days ago on his twitter account (which isn't very active so the time and date of this post is very telling):





Mark this down, today is the day that the entire fate of the Buffalo Bills franchise was forever altered. It may not be as monumental as the day Mo Lewis knocked Drew Bledsoe out of a game in New England to usher in the Tom Brady era. But the Bills very well may be on to ending a 17 year drought behind a young gunslinger and I guarantee this entire team will look different in the coming weeks. People will say, where on earth did this passing game come from? Who would have thought Buffalo does have NFL WR's on their roster? The defense suddenly is inspired behind their dynamic new leader on the other side of the ball that says 'Fellas, make a stop for me and we'll get the ball back and win the game".


Bottom line, this move was L.A.R.G.E. and no matter what happens in LA on Sunday the future should be much brighter with a real NFL QB behind center. Once again just when I thought I was out, the Bills have pulled me back in....


Ok, look - I'm on board the Peterman train as much as just about anyone else for a variety of reasons not the least of which would be to give our Offense a needed change at the QB position, to give Peterman a real opportunity to prove one way or the other about his potential over the course of 7 games, and hopefully playoffs, and because watching Tyrod over / under throw receivers, while taking sacks, and failing to move the Offense is just maddening....buuuuuuuuut, maybe slow down on anointing him the next great....can we do that, for our collective sanity? Thanks

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Original post made 9 hours ago so roughly 11:30 PM EST. Peterman news broke around 10 AM EST if I recall correctly. By my calculations that means it took SaviorPeterman about 13 hours before he finally succumbed and showed up here to make a post instead of dreaming dirty thoughts about his guy.

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I'm pretty confident at least Tyrod knew something Sunday after the game (see my post "did anyone watch tyrods post game presser").


I wonder if he(Tyrod) was given a short leash after the jets game. Who knows. Maybe he just saw the writing on the wall 

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After waking up in a cold sweat last night wondering if it was time to book rooms in Minnieapolis for February. I slept a bit longer, and then awoke with a calm, like all my concerns were washed away. Truly a historic day yesterday.  and now hearing the next Bret Favre will finally start this Sunday for the Bills.  What could possibly go wrong? 

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8 hours ago, transplantbillsfan said:

Do you really have to be so hyperbolic about this?


Are you trying to just one-up all the other Peterman threads at this point?

Its SaviorPeterman.   Did you really have to ask?  



1 hour ago, Captain_Quint said:

Peterman 3:16 

I looked at Nates Twitter page ....   Keep the religion to yourself Nate please/ 

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5 minutes ago, ShadyBillsFan said:

Its SaviorPeterman.   Did you really have to ask?  



I looked at Nates Twitter page ....   Keep the religion to yourself Nate please/ 


He doesn't have to. That's the beauty of America.

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I would love to get on board with this bandwagon for Peterman however haven't we seen it before so many times. It started with RJ, it continued with Bledsoe coming here. Then we got JP Losman who was touted as a "gunslinger" then we get a high pick and get EJ Manuel. We are like an apocalyptic cult awaiting the MESSIAH and glorious rapture.  Only to be disappointed over and over again. I have one caveat though, Brady the greatest QB of all time  was somehow missed by NFL scouts in 2000 until pick 199 in the 6th round. Even in training camp he was passed over for Bledsoe by" super genius" Bellichick. Nobody was excited that Brady was taking over for Bledsoe, the National media was completely clueless. There's always that slight chance history repeats with Peterman as a diamond in the rough. I think Bills fans deserve it. We have had bad karma and misery for too long!!

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9 hours ago, transplantbillsfan said:

Do you really have to be so hyperbolic about this?


Are you trying to just one-up all the other Peterman threads at this point?


Those are rhetorical questions, right?  :P:D

6 minutes ago, kickedface said:

is this just a copy and paste from when trentative or jp or pretty much any qb has started in the last 17 years? 


I had that thought.  Backup QB always most popular guy in town when the team writes an "L" up

25 minutes ago, ShadyBillsFan said:

I looked at Nates Twitter page ....   Keep the religion to yourself Nate please/ 


WTF?  It's his own Twitter, man has a right to air his own beliefs and convictions especially if they don't incite or insult anyone else.

Ha!  Someone assembling a gingerbread house full of gingerbread dudes (don't ask) once asked "how can I be sure they're atheist Gingerbread men?"

I quipped back, "Keep them away from Gingerbread battlefields".   Not a battlefield, but I had to stand in there on the football field and execute with precision while crazed 350 lb behemoths launched themselves with the goal of smashing me down, well, sounds like a good reason to "go deep" with religion.



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3 hours ago, BuffaloBill said:



Your schtick is really tiring. If you boil it all down it really reads I believe a 5th round draft choice is better than Tyrod Taylor.  I am not even a Tyrod supporter but your incessant non-supported claims that Petermanis the second coming of who knows what is sad.  The odds are very much that that Peterman will be yet another starting QB thrown on to the heap of those who can’t win consistently.  I guess you want to overplay the small hope that he is otherwise.


I hope you get to say in ten years “I told you so.”  The much more likely outcome is that you will soon be joining the ranks of people calammoring for Saviorunknown to replace Peterman.


BB - I'm not here to thump my chest or say I told you so to anybody. But for weeks people have labeled me a troll and referenced the word schtick like you have when I said all along this move was coming and that Peterman is the better QB on this roster. This was based not only on my own football intuition and observations, but from common sense and a myriad of other factors. You can also find a lot of pre and post draft information citing this move as a potential steal for the Bills and another Dak Prescott situation.


Regardless of my prognostications, I'm well away that there will be bumps in the road and while I'm not as down on this team as I was a few days ago when Taylor was presumably entrenched as the starter, I fully realize this season may still go up in flames because of the lack of talent (particularly on defense) that has been exposed in recent weeks. This is also why we needed a guy that can move the ball downfield and score points if we have any faint glimmer of hope of the playoffs and Taylor isn't that guy.


But give credit to this new regime for not sticking with the status quo and choosing to go up in flames with their own guy as opposed to the one that failed 2 years in a row by the previous regime that brought him here. They didn't do this because of fans like me clamoring for a QB change on an online forum, they did this because they fully know Peterman is beyond his years and pro ready and simply the best option they have to win. After all McD said himself this team should be better than 5-4 and that's a direct indictment on the poor QB play thus far.



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10 hours ago, transplantbillsfan said:

Do you really have to be so hyperbolic about this?


Are you trying to just one-up all the other Peterman threads at this point?


well he could be in a close 2nd to the amount of taylor threads you created, so there is that.

2 hours ago, ShadyBillsFan said:

Its SaviorPeterman.   Did you really have to ask?  



I looked at Nates Twitter page ....   Keep the religion to yourself Nate please/ 


McD also has a high faith persona as well. connection? 

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