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  On 11/15/2017 at 8:15 PM, 3rdnlng said:

For all we know, you could be making this all up.



I’m not asking anyone to take my word for it. You can look this stuff up for yourself. Lots of articles about these accusations from a variety of sources.  I thought this stuff was already common knowledge.


It’s entirely possible that one or more of these are false.


Funny though that many repubs are falling over themselves to hang Roy Moore, but with Trump, it’s silence, obfuscation, and clumsy diversions...very much like many of the responses here.

  On 11/15/2017 at 11:13 PM, Cugalabanza said:


I’m not asking anyone to take my word for it. You can look this stuff up for yourself. Lots of articles about these accusations from a variety of sources.  I thought this stuff was already common knowledge.


It’s entirely possible that one or more of these are false.


Funny though that many repubs are falling over themselves to hang Roy Moore, but with Trump, it’s silence, obfuscation, and clumsy diversions...very much like many of the responses here.


When you make statements like you did then you should provide a link to them. I'm not going to try to look these up to prove your point.

  On 11/15/2017 at 11:19 PM, 3rdnlng said:

When you make statements like you did then you should provide a link to them. I'm not going to try to look these up to prove your point.



Oh crap, let me get right on that. I didn’t mean to deprive the group of your insightful comments.  :lol:

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  On 11/15/2017 at 11:13 PM, Cugalabanza said:


I’m not asking anyone to take my word for it. You can look this stuff up for yourself. Lots of articles about these accusations from a variety of sources.  I thought this stuff was already common knowledge.


It’s entirely possible that one or more of these are false.


Funny though that many repubs are falling over themselves to hang Roy Moore, but with Trump, it’s silence, obfuscation, and clumsy diversions...very much like many of the responses here.


notice the majority of those throwing roy moore out are up for reelection or having cameras shoved in their face.


when asked about anything like this it is the only thing you can do but back away.


are you really this naive?

  On 11/15/2017 at 9:15 PM, Cugalabanza said:


Forgive me if I'm a little dense today.  What is your point?  I honestly can't quite tell.  It seems to be that you're just advocating for defeatism.  People are idiots.  They don't care much about facts.  Therefore, no point discussing facts.


Or maybe it's just to point out that I'm being naïve somehow?  I certainly won't dispute that people are idiots.  Maybe it's just too tired of a task to point out the bad behavior of politicians?  Is that it?  I'm not clear.



My point is that we shouldn't argue about who's outrage is more justified, but instead teach the idiots that prioritize outrage over facts that facts actually matter.  Equality and justice should not be appropriated by the party with the greater histrionics - that sort of behavior was one of the things our government was specifically designed to avoid, and has been forgotten at some points in our history that we now consider to be shameful to the point of denial.


My point is also that you're focusing on a single instance of hypocrisy to the extent of failing to see the far, far bigger societal problem.  The discussion shouldn't be Trump vs. Moore, but the rule of law vs. mob justice, and whether our pronounced slide to the latter is really as good an idea as many people seem to believe it is.

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Posted (edited)

People made their own judgments of the allegations and decided to either vote or not vote for Trump.  The people of Alabama need to do the same for Roy Moore.  There were a few GOP Senators who pleaded with Trump to get out of the race after the Access Hollywood tape I believe.

Edited by Doc Brown
  On 11/15/2017 at 6:08 PM, Cugalabanza said:


Seemed like a legit question to ask.  Please tell me why you think the issue can be dismissed so casually.  And, why are one person's jollies ok to scrutinize while another's are off limits somehow?



Are we also going to scrutinize Bill Clinton's behavior?   How about HRC's behavior for protecting and enabling him while slut-shaming the multiple women who accused Bill of rape?


Funny how the general views on sexual harassment can vary so widely from party to party.   


Trump's silliness was fully before the voting public and they didn't care at all.


so keep crying whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa to your mommy, he is going to win in 2020 also.


Posted (edited)
  On 11/16/2017 at 3:21 PM, row_33 said:

Trump's silliness was fully before the voting public and they didn't care at all.


so keep crying whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa to your mommy, he is going to win in 2020 also.




You're right.  Didn't make much of a splash at all.  I think that if the timing had been a little different, if the Trump accusations hit post-Weinstein, it could potentially have played out very differently.


Trump might very well win again in 2020.  If he does, I'll once again respect the democratic process and quietly curse the idiocritization of our society to myself and probably, yes, call my mommy and cry whaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

Edited by Cugalabanza

Of course, the timing of all these accusations coming to public light (post-primary) is politically expedient as well.  But nah, that has nothing to do with anything.

  On 11/16/2017 at 4:12 PM, LeviF91 said:

Of course, the timing of all these accusations coming to public light (post-primary) is politically expedient as well.  But nah, that has nothing to do with anything.


Sure, no doubt.  Although some of those women had made their accusations previously, to practically zero fanfare.  The package deal of allegations was conveniently anthologized at that time for a reason, no disputing that.

  On 11/16/2017 at 4:23 PM, Cugalabanza said:

Sure, no doubt.  Although some of those women had made their accusations previously, to practically zero fanfare.  The package deal of allegations was conveniently anthologized at that time for a reason, no disputing that.



so the mainstream media covered up for Trump....


you need a few days away from here, you mind is lost.... in..... space.....

and i agree not to bother ANYONE ever again about unwanted touching or even more mild nonesense if we take out Al Franken FOREVER from public light.


HIs totally unfunny comedy career and bloviating through a rotten burrow Senate seat are too much.


oh looky-here!!!!


  On 11/16/2017 at 4:27 PM, row_33 said:


so the mainstream media covered up for Trump....




I did not say that.  I think you lose your way sometimes when you hastily put words in other people's mouths. 


Those previous allegations didn't go anywhere because typically those kinds of allegations don't go anywhere (at least at any point in our history before about a month or two ago).  I think it was generally understood that Trump was a creep and these claims were seen as kind of...meh, no big deal, typical powerful male behavior, locker room talk, etc...


I would not make the claim that mainstream media ever covered up for Trump.  I have eyes and can see that Trump is under intense scrutiny from the media.


I didn't say what you said I did.


As long as we're trading advice, I'd suggest that you tone down your tendency to make things personal and to make judgments where you don't have a full understanding.

  On 11/16/2017 at 4:23 PM, Cugalabanza said:

Sure, no doubt.  Although some of those women had made their accusations previously, to practically zero fanfare.  The package deal of allegations was conveniently anthologized at that time for a reason, no disputing that.



Yeah, and funny, leftists didn't give two ***** about any of these women until they could preen over their own virtue signaling at the expense of a political candidate.


so the mainstream media had all these goodies on Trump and didn't tell us???


were you on a Rip Van Winkle nap to Jupiter???


I'm laughing at you, you are wasting you life away on this crap.



  On 11/16/2017 at 4:41 PM, LeviF91 said:


Yeah, and funny, leftists didn't give two ***** about any of these women until they could preen over their own virtue signaling at the expense of a political candidate.


There was an article I read recently, I can't remember where, that basically said that liberals should take the opportunity to savage Bill Clinton's behavior now that it was politically convenient to do so, and use him as a lightening rod to pull the strikes away from folks like Bob Menendez whom they should protect because him being hurt by allegations was not politically convenient, but that once he was out of the political picture he should be savaged as well.


It's nothing more than moral posturing for political reasons, and it's even more dangerous than usual because Democrats are appealing to mob rule.

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