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26 minutes ago, B-Man said:

POLLS IN ALABAMA: Gravis says Jones by four, WBRC says Moore by seven. Which is correct? Your guess is as good as mine.


I doubt any polling is reliable in a race this crazy.

I wonder if folks don't want to admit via a poll that they are voting for Moore. Or, the polling is just not covering the same regions in Alabama. I think it is the former, but this is one of the hardest races to predict, but if I had to bet I'd say Moore wins. 



12 hours ago, Boyst62 said:

Funny, I've been listening to Howard Stern from 3 weeks ago when this all began with Roy Moore and listening to him vilify the whole GOP. Saying that Alabama shouldn't be allowed to vote for a senator because they shouldn't elect a man like this who has molested people, and even talked about how people wanted Jeff sessions to resign and bwck tof Alabama. The best quote was that sessions could even be trusted because he lied to Al Franken, right to his face and Al Franken was one of the only Senator to have the wherewithal to question sessions. 

Yeah, I have grown so sick of so much of the media, these days. Are there any outlets that don't express political bias constantly? I mean, I miss the days where the media strived to appear neutral.


most conservatives voters have learned to never tell polls what they will do on election day, has taken a few decades to convince most of us


we just tend our garden, raise families, do our job, go to church and silently show up and destroy polls on Election Day


this only works for close races, if its a no-brainer result (Obama twice, Reagan twice) then it's not in effect.




And you defend Kennedy and Clinton to the end. 

Ted actually did collude with the Russians - as did Hillary and Bill. 


But that's okay, because they're liberal Democrats.

Got it.


nanker, Tibs is just yanking your chain


nobody could be that dumb and get past the age of 2 months in this world...



1 hour ago, Paulus said:

I wonder if folks don't want to admit via a poll that they are voting for Moore. Or, the polling is just not covering the same regions in Alabama. I think it is the former, but this is one of the hardest races to predict, but if I had to bet I'd say Moore wins. 



Yeah, I have grown so sick of so much of the media, these days. Are there any outlets that don't express political bias constantly? I mean, I miss the days where the media strived to appear neutral.


I'm betting it's like the polling for the presidential election in 2016.  People don't want to admit they're voting for the Repub because it means they're racists, sexists, pedophiles, etc.  But Moore will win.

1 hour ago, Tiberius said:

You are making excuses for an alleged child predator. Just saying. 


What allegations?


You mean the bimbo eruptions?

10 minutes ago, Nanker said:

Yep. He'll re-sign tomorrow. :ph34r: 

Meaning once he's out of the Senate he'll re-up with SNL. He'll be a big draw. 

What, is something going to make him funny this time around? Swallow this without choking---he's eligible for a pension from the government.


First and best laugh I've had from Al in 40 or so years of being forced to find out he exists.


Moore will be seated and do well in the Senate and Al gets thrown under the bus by his former friends in a heartbeat.


1 hour ago, 3rdnlng said:

What, is something going to make him funny this time around? Swallow this without choking---he's eligible for a pension from the government.


It's funny - when you word it like that, I'm against his receiving a pension in light of what he's done. On the other hand, if you had instead worded it like "maybe we can just pay him to shut up and go away", I'd have said it sounded like a good idea.



the BEST part is this looks like TOTAL PANDERING by the Dems to some guilt-pledge, that they think this will win brownie-points for arguments over Moore or the next accused


well... there will be a little present under the tree for them and when they open it they will read that they can pick up their gift at 1-800-eat-****



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