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2 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

So no, you don't. I suspect most Conservatives are anti-democracy too and the feeling is growing. "Hello Russia if you are listening, help us beat the Democrats" 


You do know that there are major differences between a democracy and a republic, right?

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2 hours ago, Tiberius said:

Work harder on the cyber security, make it a priority. 


What would you do. I mean if you were not opposed to protecting our voting systems? Just pretend you actually cared. 


What does actual cyber security have to do with the sanctity of the vote? Do you think that the Russians are trying to change the vote online?

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Dems still wrestling over superdelegates - a 2016 issue
Associated Press, by Bill Barrow


Original Article


WASHINGTON — Bernie Sanders is back in the Senate minority. Hillary Clinton is selling books and playing with grandchildren. And the Democratic Party is still navigating the fallout from their bitter 2016 presidential nominating fight. The latest reminder came this week as party leaders failed to agree on how to reduce the influence of so-called "superdelegates" in picking Democrats´ next White House nominee. That class of party leaders — Democratic National Committee members, elected officials and others — overwhelmingly favored Clinton two years ago, inflaming Sanders backers who accused Democratic power players of stacking the deck.





Yes, it was rigged.

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The Democrats still want that tax cut money back, because they know better how to spend it than YOU do:


6b-4Q-FI_normal.jpg The Democrats


The #TrumpTax has been a giveaway to corporations and the 1%. Democrats want to take that money and fund our roads, schools, and bridges. http://politi.co/2oW5pvm 


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Absolutely, and I hope the voters turn out to kick these bums out! Republicans have complete abandoned their obligations to check an extremely bad president. 


Here’s how Republicans antagonize voters who thought they would take their oaths seriously. Rep. Adam B. Schiff (D-Calif.): ““I think one of the really sad realizations over the last year is not what kind of a president Donald Trump turns out to be — I think it was all too predictable — but rather, how many members of Congress would be unwilling to stand up to him, and more than that, would be completely willing to carry water for him. That is a very sad realization.” 

On 3/12/2018 at 3:27 PM, B-Man said:

The Democrats still want that tax cut money back, because they know better how to spend it than YOU do:

Yes, that message sure worked in the heavily red Pa 18. 

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As for the nature of the Republican base, the Pew Research Center finds:

Women and especially college graduates have moved toward the Democratic Party. By contrast, the Republican Party’s advantage in leaned party identification among white voters without a college degree has never been greater, dating back more than two decades.

While partisanship among voters usually does not change much on a yearly basis, some differences have widened over time, especially by educational attainment, gender and age. And these gaps are even larger when categories are combined, such as education, race and gender. . . .

About half of white voters (51%) identify with the GOP or lean Republican, while 43% identify as Democrats or lean Democratic. These figures are little changed from recent years. By contrast, African American voters continue to affiliate with the Democratic Party or lean Democratic by an overwhelming margin (84% Democrat to 8% Republican). Hispanic voters align with the Democrats by greater than two-to-one (63% to 28%), while Asian American voters also largely identify as Democrats or lean Democratic (65% Democrat, 27% Republican).

When you get to millennials, you’ll see that a xenophobic, misogynistic bully is — who knew? — a huge turnoff.

“Nearly six in ten Millennials (59%) affiliate with the Democratic Party or lean Democratic, compared with about half of Gen Xers and Boomers (48% each) and 43% of voters in the Silent Generation. A growing majority of Millennial women (70%) affiliate with the Democratic Party or lean Democratic; four years ago, 56% of Millennial women did so.”




Non-college educated older white males. This is a real problem for the wealthy using these people to control the government. The younger generation coming of age hates all this crap the Trump voters want. And the Trump voters are dying off. 10,000 baby boomers retire each day and since the uneducated one die younger (un-healthy  habits of the ignorant) their voting power is literally drying up. 

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Canny Democrats will make precisely this point. “While Republicans argue that Americans are going to vote with their pocketbooks this fall (thanks to a growing economy boosted by tax cuts and deregulation), Democrats seem to be betting that health care — costs and access — will be the more salient issue in 2018. In fact, as we saw in the special election in [Pennsylvania’s 18th Congressional District], Democrat Conor Lamb made the case that many of his constituents are going to have to use their tax cut refund to pay for escalating health care costs. It’s also true that Americans are more emotionally attached to health care than they are to almost any other issue.”

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59 minutes ago, B-Man said:

“The ‘big tent’ of the Democratic Party now seems a pup tent.”

Bishop Dolan to Democrats: Why have you forsaken us Catholics?




For instance, under the proposed Reproductive Health Act, doctors would not be required to care for a baby who survives an abortion. The newborn simply would be allowed to die without any legal implications. And abortions would be legal up to the moment of birth.



I'm pro-choice...but seriously?  What the !@#$?

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Hysterical article about how the left simply can not get out of their own way for the midterms.


Hysterical in that it made me laugh, and hysterical in how the left simply is pushing on with the single greatest political meltdown in our lifetiimes.


Pay particular attention to the bit about NY Congresswoman Grace Meng, taking over the DNC Twitter account, and urging America to "end period-shaming" of women to help the economy.


Hysterical. Unhinged.

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57 minutes ago, LABillzFan said:

Hysterical article about how the left simply can not get out of their own way for the midterms.


Hysterical in that it made me laugh, and hysterical in how the left simply is pushing on with the single greatest political meltdown in our lifetiimes.


Pay particular attention to the bit about NY Congresswoman Grace Meng, taking over the DNC Twitter account, and urging America to "end period-shaming" of women to help the economy.


Hysterical. Unhinged.


Do not do further research in to Meng's crusade.  It is surreal.  

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