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you know your once-in-a-lifetime fountain of youth Hall of Fame QB is retiring soon. there's no way he strikes gold twice, and if he tried to trot out Hoyer or whomever, and gets totally owned, it's really going to take some of the shine off of his legacy.

Thats a distinct possibility. Brady has taken a beating this year. I saw a few time where it was very difficult for him to get up. As they keep piling up on his 40 year old body he will break down.


No way, I want him there for at least two more fruitless years while the Bills take the division each year and let him and marsha go out with the bitter taste of defeat in their mouths.



Buffalo Bills own the 2020's. It's all coming to fruition.


The NFL is all about cycles and wouldn't be surprised if the Bills return to prominence and dominate the AFC East again after the Patriot reign is over.


Wouldn't discount the Dolphins though because Tannenbaum and Gase are building a hell of a program down in Miami and who knows what could happen with the Jets if they land a franchise QB next year in the draft.


This is great - by 2020, BB will be retired, Miami will be underwater, and the Jets will still be ... the Jets. Things are looking up!

And we'll probably have a new coach.

Posted (edited)

Maybe Belichek sees the writing on the wall. The Pats will fade down the stretch as Brady will start to breakdown taking lots of hits this year. I think he wanted to keep JG as his future qb and Tom and Kraft overruled.


A guy can dream.

Edited by Turk71

Given that in his version winged beasts dont descend from the sky and tear Belichick and Brady to pieces and then devour them in front of thousands of sniveling Patriots* fans at Foxboro, Id say John Breech and I differ on what we believe to be a fitting way for this to end.


Given that in his version winged beasts dont descend from the sky and tear Belichick and Brady to pieces and then devour them in front of thousands of sniveling Patriots* fans at Foxboro, Id say John Breech and I differ on what we believe to be a fitting way for this to end.

hahaha that is a divine vision.😂



Wouldn't discount the Dolphins though because Tannenbaum and Gase are building a hell of a program down in Miami and who knows what could happen with the Jets if they land a franchise QB next year in the draft.

Like everything you post, once again you are wrong! You know nothing you're a braggart (former scout lol) and generally posess juvenile knowledge of football. MIAMI sux, and will continue to suck until Gasse is canned. They have no QB, and just traded one of their better offensive threats. Were concerned about you. are you still having " visions"?





I want to beat them this year and end this stretch of Patriot s@#$ before they both retire and Brady takes a job with Bruschi spreading Pats propaganda.


I want to beat them this year and end this stretch of Patriot s@#$ before they both retire and Brady takes a job with Bruschi spreading Pats propaganda.

I feel that way too. The Bills should beat his team a few times in a row and by huge margins before he retires. I want at least one game where the Bills run up the score and go for it on 4th down when up by 30.


Like everything you post, once again you are wrong! You know nothing you're a braggart (former scout lol) and generally posess juvenile knowledge of football. MIAMI sux, and will continue to suck until Gasse is canned. They have no QB, and just traded one of their better offensive threats. Were concerned about you. are you still having " visions"?


Petty insults aside, I'm still perplexed that some fans believe a team that is one game worse than us in the loss column is so terrible. Especially one that lost their franchise QB in training camp but have still managed 4 wins in their first 7 games.


And even if Miami flames out and doesn't end up making the playoffs again this year it doesn't mean their long term future is bleak. They have a solid foundation of talent and one of the best forward thinking GM/HC combos in the business.


Like I said, even after the Patriots are out of the picture (if that happens) don't mean the Bills are going to have an easy path back to dominance of the division.


His contract with the devil is running out and figured the extension wouldn't be worth it when Brady is done.

Those contracts never end, Ever.

D just reassigns him to something more nefarious.

Does Trump need an advisor?




I too am getting ready to retire. Only 36 more years...

at least you have an attainable goal.

I assume you do not have children?

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