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That Man has always been the essence of what i want/and do to look up to.

In Pro Football and life in general even. We all have a hero or 3, in many forms and shapes.

Fred Jackson and Kyle have always been mine in Buffalo and Football.




Screw that. Lets take the whole damn thing


bingo. Who sits down for dinner only to eat a salad?


but i am quite willing to be flexible this year


Kyle might be my favorite Bill of all time. But I'm pretty sure this is his last year. Seems like for 5 years now people kept saying he was done, but they were way wrong.


But he just hasn't looked the same this year. I just don't see that quick first step anymore, which was his best weapon IMO. He's never been the biggest or strongest so his quickness is a huge part of his game.


I'm already dreading the day the Bills will suit up without 95. I really hope we can win one for him this year.


Kyle still has game, he might not be as good as he was 5 years ago but he is still a good DT in this league. Did you see him push Gabe Jackson 5 yards back into the RB last game?


If we make a playoff game this year I know Kyle will find a way to put up a Kyle Williams type of performance from 5 years ago. Just get to the dance and you never know. I could not think of a better feeling than seeing Williams bring Buffalo a super bowl championship.

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