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Posted (edited)

My favorite: Panthers GM pulls out the old "Kaelin Clay needs to get on the field" card in justifying the trade. I'm starting to think that maybe Beane was the brains of that organization.


Panthers general manager Marty Hurney told ESPN.com that Buffalo reached out to him. He said the trade made sense because it gives Carolina a chance to be more diversified on offense in terms of getting more speed receivers -- Russell Shepard, Curtis Samuel and Kaelin Clay -- on the field.


Edited by The Frankish Reich
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Posted (edited)

I still get a kick out of your avatar. old Irv, channel 7 news. he goes way back. hell, I was a kid when he started out as the sports anchor.


I went to UB from '83-'87. It was Irv or Clip Smith. Went with Irv. Class act!



Edited by Badthingsman
Posted (edited)

That's hysterical!


I kinda like this one:


i never thought i could hate a team more than atlanta but buffalo is really starting to piss me right the fug off. Stay the fug out of our cookie jar !@#$s




That fan needs to learn his history. It's just payback from when Carolina became an expansion and they got Polian who brought in Carlton Baily, Frank Reich, Pete Metzelaars, and Done Beebe from us.

Edited by Herc11
Posted (edited)

Wow...they are really letting Hurney have it, hahahahaaha


And they are still pissed that Beane left saying the guy that should have been the GM for us fleeced the guy who is the GM for us

Edited by matter2003

Just broke down in tears laughing after reading some of those comments.


My favorite:


Oh. My. God.

We just got bent over.. the Bills went in dry. WTF are they thinking?


Honestly, the Bill gave "fair value" for Benjamin. If Carolina uses the draft picks with competence, they might improve their team, in the long run.


The Bills gave up currency they have plenty of, and should improve both in the short term, and the long run.

Posted (edited)


I went to UB from '83-'87. It was Irv or Clip Smith. Went with Irv. Class act!



Sorry to quote myself but want to be clear - Clip Smith was a class act too!

Edited by Badthingsman
Posted (edited)


As far back as I remember as a kid, Rick Azar was the Sports Anchor with Irv as the News Anchor.

And commander Tom on the weather outside with his trusty chalk board. :thumbsup:

Edited by The Monk

...at least we know why Beane was implicated as being in the TOP THREE WORST Buffalo GM"s of all time in another thread ,right?...............

Too funny! Lol


I live in Charlotte. Not a single one of my panther-fan friends are the least bit thrilled. They're all like.. seriously?!?!? I drove by Bank of America Stadium on my way home tonight, smiling and saying thank you!


No, I think this ones the best.


"The guy who should be our GM giving the guy that should never be a GM the big hairy D.




and an L. Hold that L Marty you poo bag. You fugin sit there and HOLD IT!!"


...at least we know why Beane was implicated as being in the TOP THREE WORST Buffalo GM"s of all time in another thread ,right?...............

Yes, you should always believe what you read here...

Posted (edited)

Who remembers the Irv Weinstein jingle?

I started singing... Irv Weinstein you're really a pro... as soon as he was brought up in this thread. Now I have an earworm. :doh:


And so the rest of you can suffer along (compliments of his wiki):


Irv Weinstein, you're really a pro!

Ya got all the news that we wanna know.

You tell it like it is and never throw us a curve,

Nobody says it like Ir-r-r-r-v !

Eye-wit-ness News (Yes-sah!)


Edited by Buffalo_Gal
Posted (edited)

Who remembers the Irv Weinstein jingle?

God help me...I do!

"Irv Weinstein, you're really a pro -

You've got all the news

that we want to know


You always tell it like it is

and never throw it a curve -

Nobody says it like Irv!"


That's pretty close I think...


edit...damn, I shouldn't have tried to find it on Youtube as well, or I'd have been first!

Edited by johnnychemo
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