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I still get a kick out of your avatar. old Irv, channel 7 news. he goes way back. hell, I was a kid when he started out as the sports anchor.


As far back as I remember as a kid, Rick Azar was the Sports Anchor with Irv as the News Anchor.


This comment had me rolling :


The guy who should be our GM giving the guy that should never be a GM the big hairy D.


and an L. Hold that L Marty you poo bag. You fugin sit there and HOLD IT!!

Posted (edited)

This comment had me rolling :


The guy who should be our GM giving the guy that should never be a GM the big hairy D.


and an L. Hold that L Marty you poo bag. You fugin sit there and HOLD IT!!

That's hysterical! 😂😂😂


I kinda like this one:


i never thought i could hate a team more than atlanta but buffalo is really starting to piss me right the fug off. Stay the fug out of our cookie jar !@#$s

Edited by KelsaysLunchbox


As far back as I remember as a kid, Rick Azar was the Sports Anchor with Irv as the News Anchor.


Did I ever tell you my, Rick Azar, Pizza John's Knotted Bar story?


"Beane: hey Marty long time no see

MH: hey beane

Beane: I’ll get to the point, deal of a lifetime, well we evaluated your offense and decided that you guys would be a lot better off with more speed on the field

MH: yeah good idea

Beane: trade us Benjamin and you can do that

MH: what do we get?

Beane: a 3rd and a 7th

MH: what about speed?

Beane: just make Fuchess your number one and put Curtis out there, plus with these draft picks and your elite scouting prowess, it’s a Home run trade.

MH: deal. Thanks now we can put more speed on the field. I can’t wait to tell Cam and Ron"



Some real hate on their GM! Reminds me if the Whaley hate. Some serious love for Beane and McD. Folks in Carolina think we stole this guy despite a few posts about KB being a lard ass.




Thanks for this. My fave:


i never thought i could hate a team more than atlanta but buffalo is really starting to piss me right the fug off. Stay the fug out of our cookie jar !@#$s



Nope. Do tell.



Back in the 80s, when I worked at WGRZ, I was having dinner at Pizza John's (great little Italian restaurant located on Lovejoy, I think--wish it was still there). So I wonder up the long bar to get a drink---a TV on each end, with the NFL game on. I'm right at the center of the bar watching one TV, the guy next to me, who was there well before me, watching the TV at the other end.


So the guy next to me asks, "Who's playing?"

"Cincinnati vs Denver"(for argument's sake, I don't remember the exact teams), I reply.

"Who's go the ball?"


"Who's the QB?"

"Boomer Esiason. I'm sorry, I thought you were Rick Azar."

"I am Rick Azar."


Twilight Zone bizarre.

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