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Halloween Stuff


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Throwing out some Halloween thoughts out to you:


1.At a Halloween party, what's the dumbest costume you've seen?


2. What's been the earliest you've had trick or treaters at your door?


3. What's the latest you've had them at or door?


4. Got a funny prank on Halloween you want to share?



1. Some guy showed up in a Confederate officer's uniform, complete with a cape! Trying to come across as the dashing, courageous

handsome man "fighting for the just cause." Felt like dousing him in beer.


2. 3 in the afternoon. It was great. Some of the parents taking their little ones out for trick or treat.

3. 9:30, teenagers out with just plastic bags getting their haul of candy. Didn't say "thank you" or anything.


4. Our high school band in the evening, was leading a bunch of trick or treaters down the middle of the street leading to the high school. Earlier

in the day I found a dead pheasant in the back ally of our town. Went & got it & from the sidewalk, tossed it RIGHT INTO the tuba

player's tuba! He kept marching along and then finally stopped & dumped it out right there in the street, and kept marching. Me and

the guys I was with laughed our a_ _ off.

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Pouring rain yesterday in S.Cheektowaga/West Seneca and still had under a 100 Trick or Treaters on "Beggar's Night" last night! Very hard core here considering there is now a 1/4" of slush, snow and rain on the ground.


I guess if I leave the light on tonight, they will come again... I still have half a 5 gallon bucket of candy left... So the rain slowed them.


Some of these kids in WNY are badazz... Hope they come again so I can unload... Candy that is. My brother is in Florida, so I am watching my father. I guess he bought a lot of candy, judging from the crowds of years past.




It did snow on Halloween three years ago in Illinois (2014)... How I remember is my son took and passed his road test that day. So don't get sensitive, it isn't just crappy in BFLo! ;-)

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LoL... Snowing not bad now... Nice covering on cars and grass... Not early October, I guess that is a good thing! ;-)


Early October Snow



It will not stay.

But this morning we wake to pale muslin

stretched across the grass.

The pumpkins, still in the fields, are planets

shrouded by clouds.

The Weber wears a dunce cap

and sits in the corner by the garage

where asters wrap scarves

around their necks to warm their blooms.

The leaves, still soldered to their branches

by a frozen drop of dew, splash

apple and pear paint along the roadsides.

It seems we have glanced out a window

into the near future, mid-December, say,

the black and white photo of winter

carefully laid over the present autumn,

like a morning we pause at the mirror

inspecting the single strand of hair

that overnight has turned to snow.

"Beggar's Night" still exists?

Sure does Brutha! This is throw back here... Time stood still! I am quite impressed. I flashed back to 1973! Then I saw a kid with Smartphone and I snapped out of it!


PS... I gave the kid in the Gronk costume schit... And only a one pack of Smarties! ;-)

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LoL... Snowing not bad now... Nice covering on cars and grass... Not early October, I guess that is a good thing! ;-)



Sure does Brutha! This is throw back here... Time stood still! I am quite impressed. I flashed back to 1973! Then I saw a kid with Smartphone and I snapped out of it!


PS... I gave the kid in the Gronk costume schit... And only a one pack of Smarties! ;-)



Proper move !!!!

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To answer your ??s:


1. That misguided kid in Gronkowski uni.

2. 3:00

3. 9:00


In my Illinois town, trick or treats is from 3:00 to 6:00pm tonight. Here in NY I think it was/is 6-8:00pm. Again kids in pouring rain with umbrellas... Umbrellas get a bit dicey on porch... LoL... Then my dumb brother parks his Jaguar up close so I look like a cheapskate when I am holding back with the candy early (thinking more will come). His loss, if it was my ride, I wouldn't want kids within 10 feet of it with an umbrella! LoL... But I am the neurotic brother. ;-)

Edited by ExiledInIllinois
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I chaperoned the kids' elementary school parade through our town this morning, fun stuff. All the teachers and parents dress up too.


Best costume was a guy dressed as a reporter with a microphone. Around the sides of the cube on the mic (where the network logo goes) was "FAKE NEWS"

Edited by KD in CA
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The last 7 years we’ve had a never ending stream of trick or treaters. About 70 houses in the neighborhood, but only one with a child. Our houses are close together, and a treasure trove for those looking for the good stuff, so they usually get driven in by their parents and we go through buckets of candy!


Tonight the doorbell rang THREE times. Strangest thing ever. I’ve got BAGS and BAGS of candy to give away or throw away.


We have one landscaping company that does the entire subdivision, and I wonder it someone told them to stop hitting up our neighborhood? I liked the kids coming better than some of the old farts (....yeah, like me....) around us.


I was second place in my work dress up contest.

I’d question the judging! ;)

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When we moved into our subdivision my son was one of three "kids" on our street - and he turned 18 the next month. We had four trick or treaters that year. Fast forward 12 years and the neighborhood has changed as the old guard has moved or died off. Last year we had about 70 kids, so I bought a TON of candy this year (got most of it from Platters in NT, and it was well received).

With how crappy the weather has been in WNY since last Friday, I was worried I'd have a ton leftover (although, for some reason, hubby didn't have the same concern). Never fear WNY children are a hardy lot! We had 40-50 kids last night even though it was quite chilly out. It was clear with little wind though, and that is all that matters.

Hubby was already out this morning getting doe permits, and 50% off candy at WalMart. :wallbash::doh:

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I dressed up as a hippie (long pony tail wig, fake beard, tie dye) to take my kids trick or treating last night...in Vermont. You might imagine the interesting reaction I received at many homes when the person answering the door looked just like me.


HA! “That’s right.....I’m YOU!”

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