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Around the NFL Week 8

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Watching Cowboys/Skins game right now. Cowboys just blocked a FG, and a Cowboy picked up the ball and headed the other way, toward the endzone. In the pursuit of the guy, the holder for the Skins...don't know his name, but he looks to be about 5'9", 170 lbs; LOL....was pushed down like a rag doll by one of the Cowboys, and in his fall after being pushed down, he took out 2 other Cowboys. THE REFS CALLED A PENALTY on the puny guy for a low block!? WTF?! HE WAS IN PURSUIT, TRYING TO TACKLE THE BALL CARRIER! How is that even possible!? He was NOT blocking. The absolute worst part was that FOX brought in their "rules expert" (Mike Perriera) and he agreed with the call!


Again, WTF!? NFL Refs SUCK!!! The NFL is a joke. LOL

Edited by John in Jax
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