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RIP Mike Hudson


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My former Editor at the Niagara Falls Reporter, Mike Hudson, passed away in Los Angeles last night after a short battle with colon cancer.


Mike was the leader of the legendary Cleveland-area punk rock band The Pagans.


He was a complicated individual and his passing will find him roundly blessed and cursed by those that knew him.


Two of his most influential stories were the one that took on and brought down corrupt Local 91 and the one that exposed the big bonuses that Kaleida Health executives were taking when they announced they would have to close Children's Hospital. Due to Mike's reporting they reversed course and Children's was saved.


He changed the landscape in Niagara Falls forever and believed in my writing when I was a complete unknown.


Below is his last music video.


RIP, Mike. There will never be another like you.






Edited by ChevyVanMiller
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