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Totally reminds me of being a kid in the 80's while watching in syndication shows like "The Jeffersons", "Flipper", Gilligans Island, "What's Happening" on WPIX out of NYC.




And he was pretty close. Guilty of fraud and other indiscretions. I think virtually nobody was shocked when the s#it hit the fan, His business practices were INSANE:





And it always comes crashing down because of the crazy philandering:


"Only months after Crazy Eddie's IPO, Eddie started arguing with his wife and former high school sweetheart, Debbie. He began having an affair with another woman, also named Debbie. They were caught by Eddie's wife and sister on New Year's Eve 1984. Crazy Eddie's troubles began almost immediately afterward; the scam had relied extensively on family members helping keep the appearance that it was an immensely successful company."


We'd think we would learn as human males by now. Don't argue with the ump!


LMAO... Such a crazy dummy!

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