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Voice of the Fan - TBD and Buff News

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This $2.99 a month paywall for Buffalo News online articles will not last. If it does it will be the end of the Buffalo News. Nobody, & I mean nobody under the age of 40 pays a monthly paywall. I understand the News needs to find ways to make $$$, but this won't be successful.

I wish the BN well (and losing a hometown daily is a major loss to a community), but I have to agree with you. This won't work. At 36 bucks a year, to bring in any serious revenue you've got to get subscribers into the tens of thousands. 10,000 subscribers = $360,000. But then you've got the bloated staff of writers (some of whom should probably be called "content providers"); even at post-internet cheapo pay, it adds up. Not to mention the marketing costs (including the salary of our fine facilitator of this discussion). I'm sure they'll keep subscriber numbers private/proprietary so we won't know until the plug is pulled. This strikes me as more of a Berkshire Hathaway pilot project - can we find a new model for newspapers? Inundate readers with content and hope that fear of missing out is enough to make them pay? Then adjust the price accordingly until you find a significant drop off in subscribers.

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I wish the BN well (and losing a hometown daily is a major loss to a community), but I have to agree with you. This won't work. At 36 bucks a year, to bring in any serious revenue you've got to get subscribers into the tens of thousands. 10,000 subscribers = $360,000. But then you've got the bloated staff of writers (some of whom should probably be called "content providers"); even at post-internet cheapo pay, it adds up. Not to mention the marketing costs (including the salary of our fine facilitator of this discussion). I'm sure they'll keep subscriber numbers private/proprietary so we won't know until the plug is pulled. This strikes me as more of a Berkshire Hathaway pilot project - can we find a new model for newspapers? Inundate readers with content and hope that fear of missing out is enough to make them pay? Then adjust the price accordingly until you find a significant drop off in subscribers.


What's strange is that they tried to charge for it 4-7 years ago, it didn't work, and now they are trying again, while all the remaining paid newspapers are going free.


The only thing that would get me to sign up for the BN would be if the Bills were to continue to overperform but at an even higher level and I was desperate for more content to revel in for purposes of squeezing out even more enjoyment from the team's success.


I'll subscribe if they push their record to 6-2.

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I wish the BN well (and losing a hometown daily is a major loss to a community), but I have to agree with you. This won't work. At 36 bucks a year, to bring in any serious revenue you've got to get subscribers into the tens of thousands. 10,000 subscribers = $360,000. But then you've got the bloated staff of writers (some of whom should probably be called "content providers"); even at post-internet cheapo pay, it adds up. Not to mention the marketing costs (including the salary of our fine facilitator of this discussion).

One problem with your analysis--the cost structure you mention exists with or without the $2.99 Bills Blitz subscription fee.


I'd bet that virtually all revenue generated by this new paywall falls to the bottom line. Monetizing existing newspaper content is a neat trick and there are several hundred thousand good reasons to keep doing so...

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What's strange is that they tried to charge for it 4-7 years ago, it didn't work, and now they are trying again, while all the remaining paid newspapers are going free.




No they're not. More papers are looking to provide niche content that they can charge for, and are having some success. No one has devoted the resources the BN has to Bills coverage, and it shows. More than worth it for $3/mo during the season.

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No they're not. More papers are looking to provide niche content that they can charge for, and are having some success. No one has devoted the resources the BN has to Bills coverage, and it shows. More than worth it for $3/mo during the season.

It really is worth it. Easily.


$2.99 is one half of a Coor's Light.


There are a ton of articles on the Blitz. Mark Gaughn back is a big plus. A lot of varied content.

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No one has devoted the resources the BN has to Bills coverage, and it shows.

Yep. As part of my job, I try to read as many online newspapers from around the country as I can. I have yet to find a mid-sized daily that devotes as much time to the NFL as TBN does.


That said, I've also found that emphasis to be a bit sad as well. With all the public policy challenges in WNY and NYS, it's almost an ostrich-like 'head in the sand' or 'let them eat cake' capitulation to a readership that cares a lot less about politics, the economy, global trends or being ripped off by [fill in the blank] than it does the box score...

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One problem with your analysis--the cost structure you mention exists with or without the $2.99 Bills Blitz subscription fee.


I'd bet that virtually all revenue generated by this new paywall falls to the bottom line. Monetizing existing newspaper content is a neat trick and there are several hundred thousand good reasons to keep doing so...

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It really is worth it. Easily.


$2.99 is one half of a Coor's Light.


There are a ton of articles on the Blitz. Mark Gaughn back is a big plus. A lot of varied content.

I actually access it through the BN subscription I bought my grandmother. The content is honestly better than I expected, more in-depth and even-handed than you'd think if you've limited yourself to Sullivan's columns in the past.


The only weak point is that "Voice of the Fan" feature...but that's nothing a better writer wouldn't fix...

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Well, no. Read the comments below. The BN commits more reporters to covering the Bills than pretty much any other NFL city newspaper. So the model is to step up coverage and see if that additional content will spur subscribers. The typical model is the opposite: offer less, but offer it for free. The Denver market (where I live) used to have 2 dailies with probably 8 reporters/columnists combined covering all or mostly Broncos. Now it's one paper, 2 reporters/columnists. You get what you pay for.

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This $2.99 a month paywall for Buffalo News online articles will not last. If it does it will be the end of the Buffalo News. Nobody, & I mean nobody under the age of 40 pays a monthly paywall. I understand the News needs to find ways to make $$$, but this won't be successful.

Nor will this site if it keeps allowing the Buffalo news to spam its homepage. Tuesday morning the entire homepage was filled with 25 Buffalo links.

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What will I ever do without those quarter-by-quarter hot take analyses? Will I actually have to, like, watch the game and draw my own conclusions? As a famous man once said, I'm consulting with myself. I have a very good brain.

Why are you on a message board if you're a Bills know-it-all? Just to offer your inarguable brilliance to all of us ill-informed cretins?


On a side note of another "voice of the fan," Jeff Glor was just named permanent CBS news anchor. A huge Bills fan, native of Tonawanda and fellow alumni of Kenmore East High.

Edited by Kelly the Dog
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Is this your line? Because it's a good one and I intend to "appropriate" it. It also sums up a lot of what's wrong with society today.

Yes. Although I assume others may have said similar if not identical things before. It seemed so obvious. Appropriate away. But use at your own risk. It begs snarky answers from those with knowitallitis.

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