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Uranus has been broadcasting all day


On a side note, today at work somebody was talking about sniffing packets (networking term) so I walked into their area and said "sniff this broadcast packet", crop dusted, and walked away


Your right it is called Tropospheric ducting because yesterday I was listening to a country station on 101.3. I was like where the heck is this from and the song got over and it was WMCI from Effingham Illinois area! That's like 500 miles south of here! People often think your lying when you tell them you get these signals from long distance. There is also another thing called skip on the FM dial where the warm air allows for radio signals to bounce in the atmosphere. I have gotten Texas and Florida like local stations many times this past summer. My friend told me about it and I didn't believe him either until I seen it for myself.


Ducting can also do this strange thing where you don't hear local FM because the signal's bent away from you.


I've seen that happen...a 50kW signal from a antenna 6 miles away fading in and out.


This last summer into the Fall I noticed when we get a huge cold or warm front passage we get distant radio signals in Wisconsin. Last week Grand Rapids, Lansing and Kalamazoo Michigan were in super strong on the FM dial. This week Milwaukee and Chicago we're in super strong. Last Summer I had a 97.5 Ontario station that came in here! You guys ever get these conditions on The FM dial?

97.7 HTZ FM probably?


From St Catharines Ontario, rock station


Years ago the Texas Rangers were on 1080AM


I had no problem hearing it on any radio there in Arlington Texas.


We go to see my in laws there and Granbury Texas an hour southwest and couldn't hear it at all.


Yet we'd be vacationing there in Corpus Christi and could hear it with no issues.


It was very frustrating.


The Fan 590 in Toronto has terrible range, lost 20 miles west of the city, driving by the Dome and a Spanish station may cuts it off.


Live S of Richmond VA., and after dark, most of the local AM stations reduce their power, so on the AM dial, am always fishing for something interesting.

I'm not sure that is how it works or what they do.


In the evening the "noise floor" is reduced and you can actually pick up more radio stations. These "additional" stations may interfere with local stations that broadcast at a lower power.


I can listen to WGR at 6:45 AM which is 450 miles away and not ESPN 980 - Washington D.C which is 50 - 25 miles away. (home to work)

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