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JFK classified files future date


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Link to the (redacted) files.



Wonder what the national security threats are... anyone who followed the Deep State thread already knows. Can't admit there was a coup run by the USIC in this country - despite the fact we're living through one now.

Yup, gotta discredit western institutions. That's Putin's game. Good job Ivan

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Kissinger being Kissinger - spreading terror and destruction as far as he can for as long as he can.




Yup, gotta discredit western institutions. That's Putin's game. Good job Ivan


Your understanding of what makes this country what it is is as shallow as your understanding of basic English. Keep on fighting the good fight for fascism. You're a wonderful brown shirt: borderline illiterate, easy to rage, and comfortable with calling for violence against dissenters.



The Soviets called it what it was from day one: a coup (pg 5 they even say KGB has evidence of LBJ's involvement)



FBI Director confirms key witnesses in Garrison's case were paid to perjure themselves by (probably) CIA:


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The Soviets called it what it was from day one: a coup (pg 5 they even say KGB has evidence of LBJ's involvement)




I found it interesting that the KGB had little-to-no information on LBJ. You would think they would have a file ready to go on the Vice President, just in case.

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Nobody cared about LBJ at all, outside of a scandal with Baker that Life magazine was going to press on that fateful week. Sadly we got too much of him when he deserved to disappear and be forgotten.

Edited by row_33
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