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JFK classified files future date


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I thought by law they had to be released. Anyways, Ted Cruz's father has just fled the country.




Since when has the USIC ever played by the letter of the law? If they release everything they had on JFK unredacted, a certain political family would have to run for cover and the CIA would implode.




Trump's tweet comes as he is staring down an October 26 deadline set in law by Congress mandating the public release of the still-secret documents -- including FBI and CIA files -- barring any action by the President to block the release of certain documents.



Yup. Lots of wiggle room for !@#$kery left with that kind of phrasing.


Project blue book should be next.


Blue Book was released in full - and it proved, like Sign and Grudge before it, that the USAF was more interested in pushing disinformation and squashing legitimate research into UAP/UFO sightings than they were in researching it openly and honestly.

Blue Book examined over 12,000 sightings, and despite explaining most, 701 sightings remain unexplained.


All it takes is one, and they admit they have 701 sightings that are not of terrestrial or conventional origins... and that's just what they admit to.

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Why did you post this here and not in Greggys aliens threads?

Because Gregggggggy's aliens thread is full of nonsense and troll bait


Granted the JFK conspiracy stuff is too, but at least there will be a release of factual and documentary evidence rather than mere conjecture

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Most of the perpetrators are deceased. But not all.


I got dollars to donuts saying we won't get the full batch released. If we did, certain institutions and political families would be ruined forever. Plus, we would have to reeducate most of the world as to the truth about how WW2 really ended.

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Most of the perpetrators are deceased. But not all.


I got dollars to donuts saying we won't get the full batch released. If we did, certain institutions and political families would be ruined forever. Plus, we would have to reeducate most of the world as to the truth about how WW2 really ended.

Wo, are you bringing Hitler into this? Like he lived in Argentina until he as 97 or something?


The grand unification of conspiracy theories is the one that links the JFK assassination with UFOs, aliens, and Hitler surviving WWII.


Those are your 4 prongs right there.

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Wo, are you bringing Hitler into this? Like he lived in Argentina until he as 97 or something?


The grand unification of conspiracy theories is the one that links the JFK assassination with UFOs, aliens, and Hitler surviving WWII.


Those are your 4 prongs right there.


I doubt Gregggggggy meant that Hitler survived WWII.


I suspect he subscribes to the theory that the Third Reich was in contact with Aliens. Near the end of the war both the Western Allies and the Russians made a mad dash to capture as much German/Alien technology and as many German scientists. The Cold War was part of an Intergalactic Chess game and JFK was going to expose it.


Am I close Greggggggggy?

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I doubt Gregggggggy meant that Hitler survived WWII.


I suspect he subscribes to the theory that the Third Reich was in contact with Aliens. Near the end of the war both the Western Allies and the Russians made a mad dash to capture as much German/Alien technology and as many German scientists. The Cold War was part of an Intergalactic Chess game and JFK was going to expose it.


Am I close Greggggggggy?

This is fantastic. Could be the basis for a novel, miniseries, or just regular TV series.

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Wo, are you bringing Hitler into this? Like he lived in Argentina until he as 97 or something?


The grand unification of conspiracy theories is the one that links the JFK assassination with UFOs, aliens, and Hitler surviving WWII.


Those are your 4 prongs right there.


No, the grand unified conspiracy theory would include JFK, Bigfoot, 9/11, and UFOs.

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I doubt Gregggggggy meant that Hitler survived WWII.


I suspect he subscribes to the theory that the Third Reich was in contact with Aliens. Near the end of the war both the Western Allies and the Russians made a mad dash to capture as much German/Alien technology and as many German scientists. The Cold War was part of an Intergalactic Chess game and JFK was going to expose it.


Am I close Greggggggggy?




Yes, I did not mean to imply Hitler survived/had Kennedy offed. No aliens needed in this theory. But that scenario is the basis of a lot of fun "research" over the years.


I was referring to the voluminous paper trail that leads back all the way to the pact the United States made with the devil in 1944-45. Operation Paperclip did more than recruit Nazi scientists into our burgeoning space programs, it also focused heavily on the anti-Soviet intelligence officers and assets within the Nazi regime. The number one get was General Gehlen and his network of spies and handlers which organized and ran the extermination campaigns along the eastern front during the war. Gehlen was recruited by the OSS by selling the Americans on the idea that he and his men were necessary tools to be used against the Soviet/Communist threat that everyone knew was going to grip Europe once the war was over.


Gehlen's organization was populated with not just ardent Nazis, but some of the war's most wanted war criminals. These men were given clemency and protection by the US Government and would come to comprised the bulk of the CIA's intelligence arm in Western and Eastern Europe from 1945 well into the late 1970s. The paramilitary wing of the CIA in Europe was Gehlen's Organization. They not only were the only eyes on the ground for Langley, they were the ones charged with preventing the Communist party from winning elections in a rebuilding Europe. Operation GLADIO was one of the more infamous Gehlen led operations wherein the CIA worked with right wing Italian terrorist groups in an attempt to control the outcomes of local elections. Gehlen's group also provided over 90% of the intelligence about the Soviet military threat in Eastern Europe during the height of the cold war. It's now been proven, through official government records and correspondence, that Gehlen's organization routinely and dramatically over-estimated the threat of the Soviets to the point of absurdity.


This over-reporting of the threat not only drove an unassailable wedge between the Soviets and the west almost immediately after the war ended, it also drove up Gehlen's budget and importance in the USIC. Gehlen's organization ran operations all over Europe, the middle east, and northern Africa - using the same tactics and techniques they did while wearing Nazi uniforms.


Funny thing though, about the deal Gehlen cut with the OSS during his paperclip recruitment, he outright told his handler that he would never serve America's interest over that of Germany's if a conflict arose. In fact, Gehlen left CIA in 1979 to form and run the German BND. Of course driving a wedge between the two super powers, playing them off one another, had benefits for Germany as well, namely it allowed Germany (with Gehlen's help - and by extension the CIA's) to develop a turn-key nuclear program in South Africa in direct violation of the treaty. The list goes on...


Back to Kennedy... In the year before his assassination, Kennedy was threatening to destroy the CIA's paramilitary wing and scatter it to the wind according to some. This was after the Bay of Pigs where he saw first hand how the USIC, specifically the CIA's paramilitary wing, was running loose off its chain. He fired Allen Dulles for this betrayal and set out to shutter the agencies ability to wage unsanctioned war.


This, without question, was a direct and imminent threat to Gehlen's Organization. Gehlen's Organization was the CIA's paramilitary wing by 1962. Gehlen and his men were not just CIA assets, most were wanted war criminals by both Mossad and the Soviets. Losing the official cover the CIA would expose them to any number of unpleasantries.


That's a mighty strong motive... Oddly one that is rarely, if ever, discussed when people throw around "Kennedy theories". You always hear about Cubans, the mob, the CIA, but never about the direct Nazi connection to the murder... including the fact that a German Mauser was originally found at the book depository by the Dallas PD (link at the bottom). It's almost like the Cubans, the Mob, the CIA are the distractions thrown out to blur the lines.


Oh... and a second funny thing about that deal Gehlen cut back in 1944-1945 with the OSS, the guy who recruited him and brought him in? Allen Dulles. The same guy who would rise to be the head of CIA, the same guy JFK fired just a few months before his assassination, the same guy who - for inexplicable reasons - was also placed on the Warren Commission.


I'm sure it's all a big coincidence though.



This is fantastic. Could be the basis for a novel, miniseries, or just regular TV series.


That's my job!


No, the grand unified conspiracy theory would include JFK, Bigfoot, 9/11, and UFOs.




The UFO connection is real if you believe Steven Greer. He claims Kennedy told Monroe about the government working on advanced tech from off planet (according to her "diary"). This is what got them both killed ultimately.


Howard Hunt too once said that the real reason Kennedy was killed was because he wanted to tell the world about both the US and Soviets working with ETs... but it's Hunt so...

Edited by Deranged Rhino
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Meh, the Operation Paperclip wasn't some grand conspiracy that was covered up.


Wehrner Von Braun, beloved father figure of NASA, was an SS Major whose research facilities used slave labor from the concentration camps

Hubertus Strughold, the guy more or less credited with designing the space suit, performed human experiments at Dachau


Sorry dude, you're not blowing the lid off anything here. It's pretty much common knowledge the space race was a race between the Nazi scientists captured by the Soviets in the East and the Nazi's who surrendered to the Western Allies

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Meh, the Operation Paperclip wasn't some grand conspiracy that was covered up.


It was actively denied by the US government for decades. It wasn't admitted to until the 90s.



Wehrner Von Braun, beloved father figure of NASA, was an SS Major whose research facilities used slave labor from the concentration camps

Hubertus Strughold, the guy more or less credited with designing the space suit, performed human experiments at Dachau





Sorry dude, you're not blowing the lid off anything here. It's pretty much common knowledge the space race was a race between the Nazi scientists captured by the Soviets in the East and the Nazi's who surrendered to the Western Allies


The space race elements of paperclip is the shiny wrapping around the turd. That's the one they push publicly because it's a good story and their accomplishments were magnificent.


But the number of Nazi scientists brought into the US through paperclip is dwarfed by the number of intelligence operatives brought in with the same program. Most people do not realize the entirety of our intelligence gathering and operations in Europe during the bulk of the cold war were populated by ardent Nazis. The paramilitary wing of the CIA was run by former Nazi intelligence operatives. Former Nazis controlled our intelligence gathering apparatus and inflated the threat of the Soviets for decades, which in turn inflated their importance within the USIC and their budgets. This is the wing that specialized in political assassinations behind the wall and throughout Europe and the middle east. The same organization was used for the Bay of Pigs training and prep and it was THAT organization which JFK was directly threatening.


These men were recruited largely by Allen Dulles, funded by him, and allowed to go off the chain by him. He was fired, embarrassed, and threatened by Kennedy. That he'd turn to his co-conspirators to remove the threat is not a stretch.


Motive, opportunity, and the experience to get the job done.


1962 was a coup. That was when the Nazi lead faction of the USIC officially broke away and took over the shadow government. We've been marching to their tune since that day, with the help of the Bushes among others.

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I doubt it will contradict the Warren Commision, we will see.


The speculation that Jack Ruby had mob connections for reason to kill Oswald still a mystery.


Was there a 2nd shooter in the grassy knoll




As the deadline nears, the White House did not respond to multiple requests for comment asking whether Trump planned to invoke his waiver privilege to keep some of the documents secret, as some members of the US intelligence community have privately requested.
A decision to withhold even a sliver of the documents could give conspiracy theorists more fodder to propel their claims.
Edited by ALF
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