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John McCain on Trumpism


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Bush Jr. just gave a speech indirectly criticizing Trump (I never remember a previous president fcriticizing the current president from their party). Any liberal that now props up George Bush Jr. just because he spoke out against Trump is a hack.

If I voted for George W then criticized him and now agree with him.


Am I a hack?



Yes I do

Edited by ShadyBillsFan
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The new skill now is determining what sources are fake. What might be true. Fact is I have heard this several times from different sources over the years. It kind of fits his profile. He continuously demonstrates his incompetence. Just his general moronic behavior leads me to believe this to be true for the most part. In other words, I'm thinking "yeah, I totally can see this dipshite pulling something like this". It's all we can do these days since all news sources on TV are controlled propaganda. We have to depend on the sources that pop up online that haven't been bullied, defunded or generally compromised yet.

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The new skill now is determining what sources are fake. What might be true. Fact is I have heard this several times from different sources over the years. It kind of fits his profile. He continuously demonstrates his incompetence. Just his general moronic behavior leads me to believe this to be true for the most part. In other words, I'm thinking "yeah, I totally can see this dipshite pulling something like this". It's all we can do these days since all news sources on TV are controlled propaganda. We have to depend on the sources that pop up online that haven't been bullied, defunded or generally compromised yet.


It easier to say that whatever you like is truth and whatever you don't like is fake.


Problem is a lot of people like that treat everything not already in their skull as a target for hostility.

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The new skill now is determining what sources are fake. What might be true. Fact is I have heard this several times from different sources over the years. It kind of fits his profile. He continuously demonstrates his incompetence. Just his general moronic behavior leads me to believe this to be true for the most part. In other words, I'm thinking "yeah, I totally can see this dipshite pulling something like this". It's all we can do these days since all news sources on TV are controlled propaganda. We have to depend on the sources that pop up online that haven't been bullied, defunded or generally compromised yet.


That story was started during McCain's 2008 campaign, and it's bull ****. McCain wasn't taking off, he was in the deck park aft, and the fire was caused by an electrical short in a plane in the deck park across the deck from where McCain was parked. And you can't ignite a missile or Zuni rocket with a plane's afterburner - modern explosives and rocket fuel don't work that way.


Reality doesn't support this story, regardless of what you may or may not think of McCain personally. He wasn't taking off, his A-4s engine was at idle at most, it wasn't pointed at another plane, he didn't "wet start" anything (else he would have launched his A-4 across the deck into parked planes), and the rocket that he supposedly ignited with his supposed "wet start" came towards him from across the deck, where his engine wasn't pointing.

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Bush Jr. made the biggest foreign policy mistake in at least my lifetime in going to war with Iraq based off faulty intelligence. Twenty-seven democratic senators voted for the Iraq Resolution including Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, and Joe Biden. His administration and Congress also passed the Patriot Act which still lives on today in The US Freedom Act. Surveillance has only increased since its passage and I thought liberals were against mass surveillance. Bush's administration authorized torture of suspected terrorists in Guantanamo Bay and many liberals thought he should go to jail for that.


If you prop up Bush Jr. just because he criticized Trump (who didn't have anything to do with any of the things Bush Jr. did and hasn't done much since entering office) you are a hack.

Thanks for the very well thought out critique of the Bush years. I think he was terrible, even if I get the Iraq War; even if I wouldn't have had the balls to do it myself. Hopefully Iraq is on its slow path to being a democracy even while Trump and company are attacking Democratic norms here.


Still, agreeing with his condemnation of bigotry, something I have spoken about again and again on this board, doesn't make me or anyone a hack. Trying to smear people for agreeing with his words might make someone a Trump hack, though.


Did you read Bush's speech? Remember, he didn't run on scapegoating immigrants or even Islamic people. He tried to get Latinos to vote for him. He had many flaws, but that doesn't mean he has nothing to say on the matter

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Thanks for the very well thought out critique of the Bush years. I think he was terrible, even if I get the Iraq War; even if I wouldn't have had the balls to do it myself. Hopefully Iraq is on its slow path to being a democracy even while Trump and company are attacking Democratic norms here.


Still, agreeing with his condemnation of bigotry, something I have spoken about again and again on this board, doesn't make me or anyone a hack. Trying to smear people for agreeing with his words might make someone a Trump hack, though.


Did you read Bush's speech? Remember, he didn't run on scapegoating immigrants or even Islamic people. He tried to get Latinos to vote for him. He had many flaws, but that doesn't mean he has nothing to say on the matter


Hacks gonna hack.

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Thanks for the very well thought out critique of the Bush years. I think he was terrible, even if I get the Iraq War; even if I wouldn't have had the balls to do it myself. Hopefully Iraq is on its slow path to being a democracy even while Trump and company are attacking Democratic norms here.


Still, agreeing with his condemnation of bigotry, something I have spoken about again and again on this board, doesn't make me or anyone a hack. Trying to smear people for agreeing with his words might make someone a Trump hack, though.


Did you read Bush's speech? Remember, he didn't run on scapegoating immigrants or even Islamic people. He tried to get Latinos to vote for him. He had many flaws, but that doesn't mean he has nothing to say on the matter

Yes. I heard his speech and I'll admit it was quite brave. White supremacy is bad. Russia is bad. Immigration is good Outsourcing and free trade is good. Foreign intervention is good. Did it take him nine years to write it? Now most on the left are lionizing him because he took subtle jabs at Trump who they hate more at this moment. I just find it pathetic.

Edited by Doc Brown
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McCain will not tow the party line , that is like me


Of course McCain doesn't toe the party line. He's too bust toeing the Washington establishment line instead. If you supported Republicans that don't toe the party line and did so on conservative principle, you'd instead sing the praises of people like Ted Cruz and Rand Paul.

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Of course McCain doesn't toe the party line. He's too bust toeing the Washington establishment line instead. If you supported Republicans that don't toe the party line and did so on conservative principle, you'd instead sing the praises of people like Ted Cruz and Rand Paul.

:beer: couldn't agree more with the first two sentences.

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Shortly thereafter, Corker revived his metaphor of the White House as an "adult daycare center."

Same untruths from an utterly untruthful president. #AlertTheDaycareStaff

— Senator Bob Corker (@SenBobCorker) October 24, 2017


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