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Kaepernick Files Grievance Against NFL Owners


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No. That's not what I'm trying to say.


I'm trying to say that, while he wasn't the greatest by any means, Colin Kaepernick was a very good QB who did, in fact, know how to win.


And most successful QBs - especially Super Bowl winning QBs - are backed by top defenses.


He was a very good read-option QB who, after the NFL figured out how to defend the college read-option and unlike Russell Wilson, couldn't transition to a pocket passer.


Pretty much the same reason RGIII is out of football.

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He was a very good read-option QB who, after the NFL figured out how to defend the college read-option and unlike Russell Wilson, couldn't transition to a pocket passer.


Pretty much the same reason RGIII is out of football.


Both are also not in the same shape they were when they joined the league and now command more money than some teams wish to spend on a backup QB.

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That's fine. However, it does not excuse the multiple subsequent years of suck that Kaepernick brought to the field.


His skill is simply not worth the pricetag he thinks he commands, and certainly is not worth the headache he (and his idiot girlfriend) brings to any team foolish enough to sign him.


I suppose it depends on the team and the situation.


I totally agree about the circus he'd bring .. especially with the idiot girlfriend.


But if something happens to a team, like what happened to OAK last year (and when it happened), I think that's a situation where he could fill in nicely. An already very good team who is just a serviceable QB away.

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One of the reasons Trump got elected is people are feed up with the PC police. I understand why he apologized but that was a totally innocent joke. So with that joke were any of his victims "traumatized" by what he said, did his joke trivialize Weinsteins actions? Ridiculous.

Can you imagine how much of an insecure twatwad you have to be to complain about his joke?


You'd have to be the biggest twatwad around. I mean huge. I'm talking SaviorPaterman-like twatwaddage.

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Can you imagine how much of an insecure twatwad you have to be to complain about his joke?


You'd have to be the biggest twatwad around. I mean huge. I'm talking SaviorPaterman-like twatwaddage.


No one could be elected to office, even dog catcher, at that level - right?

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What are the collusion requirements in football? I know baseball had a big collision case a while back (isn't that what brought about free agency and got rid of the salary cap?). Also, barry bonds cheated, and that is a very different thing, especially in that sport...of course Sosa corked his bat and still had a contract.


Also, honest question: is this whole flag/anthem thing similar to what was going on in the 60s when protesters would wear the flag as clothing as a form of protest (thinking Easy Rider). Basically, saying the actions of the USA in initiating what they perceived to be an unjust war was hypocritical to the values the flag stood for, therefore the actions of the leadership of the nation directly caused the flag to no longer command the level of respect it had previously? This led to half the country being up in arms because of the disrespect of the flag, and missing the whole point of that protest, which was saying that the actions of the nation were diminishing the flag to a piece of clothing.

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What are the collusion requirements in football? I know baseball had a big collision case a while back (isn't that what brought about free agency and got rid of the salary cap?). Also, barry bonds cheated, and that is a very different thing, especially in that sport...of course Sosa corked his bat and still had a contract.

Also, honest question: is this whole flag/anthem thing similar to what was going on in the 60s when protesters would wear the flag as clothing as a form of protest (thinking Easy Rider). Basically, saying the actions of the USA in initiating what they perceived to be an unjust war was hypocritical to the values the flag stood for, therefore the actions of the leadership of the nation directly caused the flag to no longer command the level of respect it had previously? This led to half the country being up in arms because of the disrespect of the flag, and missing the whole point of that protest, which was saying that the actions of the nation were diminishing the flag to a piece of clothing.

That's a real stretch. There is little to no comparison of the Nation going to war for what some perceived as unjust reasons and this Anthem thing. The USA isn't doing anything here to protest about. A few isolated Police shootings with extenuating cercumstances that were sensationalized by liberal media during an election year isn't really worthy of a protest. Perceived racial injustices are being blown out of proportion as well. It was laughable to see idiotic football players last week holding up pink sneakers saying " we are allowed to support this" . What losers! One in eight women will be affected by breast cancer. About 200 times as many women are beaten and abused by spouses/ boyfriends each year as there are Police shootings involving ANY race suspect. The number of these shootings has remained fairly constant around a thousand per annum for years. In a nation of 325 plus million people. It's not even a relevant number and has zero to do with the US government . Comparing this Anthem tantrum by a few NFL ers over something that barely exists to the country going to war is just nonsense. Edited by Boatdrinks
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That's a real stretch. There is little to no comparison of the Nation going to war for what some perceived as unjust reasons and this Anthem thing. The USA isn't doing anything here to protest about. A few isolated Police shootings with extenuating cercumstances that were sensationalized by liberal media during an election year isn't really worthy of a protest. Perceived racial injustices are being blown out of proportion as well. It was laughable to see idiotic football players last week holding up pink sneakers saying " we are allowed to support this" . What losers! One in eight women will be affected by breast cancer. About 200 times as many women are beaten and abused by spouses/ boyfriends each year as there are Police shootings involving ANY race suspect. The number of these shootings has remained fairly constant around a thousand per annum for years. In a nation of 325 plus million people. It's not even a relevant number and has zero to do with the US government . Comparing this Anthem tantrum by a few NFL ers over something that barely exists to the country going to war is just nonsense.

Well said, though I disagree on the point that I think the protest is about much, much more than police shootings. Here's more what I view the protest as being about:


So, I live in Fort Lauderdale, FL, and in Broward county, nearly 80% of children get free or subsidized lunches in school. That is insane, especially when you think about the fact that I don't know anyone directly in my life who would get their lunch subsidized, and I can tell you it is extremely segragated here between poor and doing alright (forget rich, that's a whole other group).


I'm originally from a suburb of Rochester, went to University of Rochester and had a chance to work as a mentor for kindergarteners in a city school teaching early literacy and social skills for at risk kids. I saw it first hand, really amazing, curious, eager to learn kids that statistically had a ton stacked against them, and that really sucks, because they genuienly were amazing kids, the same as you would find in any suburb (worked at a day camp in a Rochester suburb and they are the same cute, hungry for knowledge kids in both places). Throughout cities like Rochester, Buffalo and urban and rural communities across this country there are children facing similar outcomes. The schools are funded by property taxes, so they suck, employers set up offices in locations that are not those communities so parents are forced to take jobs below their skill set, or be faced with really long commutes, which try renting in south florida right now, cost of living is insane, and you can get affordable housing in bad neighborhoods here still, but it's gentrifying quick, and you routinely hear about people commuting hours a day for a job because they cannot afford to live closer.


Again, that is 80% of the kids that live in Broward county, largely people of color. That is systemic. Period. That has nothing (certainly not directly) to do with police brutality. Recent examples of police brutality are a flash point that lit the fuel, they are a spark, the fuel is so much more, including again, 80% of children in one of country's most densely populated and affluent counties needing help to eat.


Genuinely think about that, and how much harder you would have to work, with how much less margin for error, if you had the luck of drawing that situation in the life lottery.

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Great move. I hope he wins and donates the money to charity.


Yes, he could get twice the money he would have earned under contract.


Of course, he opted out of his contract, so that amount would be...zero. Unless he can prove that all 32 teams colluded to convince him to opt out of his contract.

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I hope he loses and goes away forever once the mindless media drones move on to the next Hot Pockets 'issue'.


Really? You don't want him to stick around and watch the #BlackLivesMatter movement become the #ColinKaepernickIsEntitledToBeAnNFLQuarterback movement, as if those two things are remotely the same?

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My aunt is banned from filing any more lawsuits in Maine. Why don't you talk to her...


My former company accidentally hired this woman. Guess what? She sued us! :lol:







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He almost won that Super Bowl he went to. Wasn't that Jim Kelly's ceiling?

Isn't that like comparing the ceiling of SB winning QBs like Doug Williams, Brad Johnson and Trent Dilfer to Joe Montana and Lady Brady... because ya know they all "won" one?

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Well said, though I disagree on the point that I think the protest is about much, much more than police shootings. Here's more what I view the protest as being about:

So, I live in Fort Lauderdale, FL, and in Broward county, nearly 80% of children get free or subsidized lunches in school. That is insane, especially when you think about the fact that I don't know anyone directly in my life who would get their lunch subsidized, and I can tell you it is extremely segragated here between poor and doing alright (forget rich, that's a whole other group).

I'm originally from a suburb of Rochester, went to University of Rochester and had a chance to work as a mentor for kindergarteners in a city school teaching early literacy and social skills for at risk kids. I saw it first hand, really amazing, curious, eager to learn kids that statistically had a ton stacked against them, and that really sucks, because they genuienly were amazing kids, the same as you would find in any suburb (worked at a day camp in a Rochester suburb and they are the same cute, hungry for knowledge kids in both places). Throughout cities like Rochester, Buffalo and urban and rural communities across this country there are children facing similar outcomes. The schools are funded by property taxes, so they suck, employers set up offices in locations that are not those communities so parents are forced to take jobs below their skill set, or be faced with really long commutes, which try renting in south florida right now, cost of living is insane, and you can get affordable housing in bad neighborhoods here still, but it's gentrifying quick, and you routinely hear about people commuting hours a day for a job because they cannot afford to live closer.

Again, that is 80% of the kids that live in Broward county, largely people of color. That is systemic. Period. That has nothing (certainly not directly) to do with police brutality. Recent examples of police brutality are a flash point that lit the fuel, they are a spark, the fuel is so much more, including again, 80% of children in one of country's most densely populated and affluent counties needing help to eat.

Genuinely think about that, and how much harder you would have to work, with how much less margin for error, if you had the luck of drawing that situation in the life lottery.

Well you've outlined about a half dozen or more issues there that are really socio -economic based rather than specifically race based. It's largely part of living in a democratic republic that is founded on capitalism. What can any of us do about it as individuals? Largely nothing . Good luck changing how schools are funded or even how which schools children attend are based where the family lives. How do you change property costs that are driven by the upper end of the market in s State that is ballooning with population because of its weather. Some issues may be systemic , but they are systemic based on money and / or the lack of it. If these things were solvable by outside forces they would have been. I notice that you said the schools automatically suck because of how they are funded. Most studies dating back to the early '60's find that the greatest predictor of educational success is the values of the family. It starts at home. Equality of outcomes is not guaranteed, but people still flock to America for a chance. It's not perfect, but it's the best the world has to offer. Everything in life isn't fair.

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I'm not sure what I read. (Just the few pages on the middle article and I gave up)


I guess your one of them lesbians, huh?

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