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Tyrod Taylor held to higher standard bc he's black ?

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BADOL with historically bad takes in this thread. Yikes.



Why do people say Tyrod is 3-2 like hes been carrying this team?

Why do people think his weapons are on the caliber of Brady's or even Rodger's? Taylor creates offense with his mobility.

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Well, you do like to refer to the black players that kneel as dancing monkeys who should just eat their peanuts and shut up...so if u walk like a duck and quack like a duck, chances are you are likely a duck...therefore don't get upset with other people for calling u out for words that you posted...just own it.

Rob's house summed it up for me. That was such total bait for every one of you idiots who are racist. And I was almost banned for it until I explained it is not racist. Folks like you and your best friend LAGrant are racist to think everything must be racist.


My God.

Let me put it to you this way- as a black man, myself, and understanding the history of how blacks have been portrayed to be less than human, and in many ways, characterized as monkeys in early to mid 20th century pop culture, I took great offense to his post...I am, in no way, trying to score brownie points with the PC crowd by "standing on my soap box". So forgive me if it hit a little close to home....and just for the record, I wasn't the only one that felt that post sounded extremely racist...perhaps he finds it a little easier to speak that way coming from North Carolina...but where I come from a comment like that is way out of bounds.


I'm starting to notice that whenever boyst62 posts positive contributions are few and far in between

I'm a black man you idiot. Father of 3 and I am afraid my children are going to feel what I have over the last 42 years of being black. They leave the house and I wonder if they're safe.


Relating my statements to NC is hilarious. Further. I don't give a **** what color your skin is not where you live. It shouldn't matter mine, either. Degrading my quality of posts is matter of opinion. Simple as that. My quality suffered when football discussion suffered BBMB and Kaepernick destroying this board is clear as daylight.


You take offense to me? Good, don't care. Not one tiny bit. You're feeble minded to be offended and can only imagine how hard you have it in every day life to be so sensetive

Edited by Boyst62
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Its a log conversation but the effects of slavery and Jom Crows created some of the ghettos that are still challenging people.


I believe the dream of America is every one has the same opportunity to succeed. But sadly, its not the cause for everyone. Thats why sports are great. For the most part, talent and not other things wins out.

Which is why this should be a simple bit of dialogue. If Taylor were more talented, this conversation wouldn't be happening. Edited by RaoulDuke79
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I'm a bit more understanding of a black guy feeling that way than I am of a guilty white virtue-signaler, but this looks like a classic case of seeing racism where it isn't present due to past occurences coloring your perception.

you said coloring. You racist prick! I'm offended!


Okay, Boyst, I have read through this comment a few times now. Let me point out once again, because you have a hard time processing this you are borderline incomprehensible, not because you're an undiscovered genius, but because you write at a grade school level.


It looks like your argument is "this is bad journalism" and "the reason it is bad journalism is because Tyrod is criticized only for his play, if he won, he would not be criticized."


So, first of all, no, it's not bad journalism. It's an interview. We're reading to learn what Tyrod Taylor thinks about different things. You think it's bad journalism because you disagree with what he's saying. Attack the messenger. "Fake News."


To the second point, you are correct that players are criticized less when they are winning. Tyrod says this in the interview, by the way. But that's adjacent to the point he was making that is upsetting you, which is that black QBs tend to be labeled and perceived differently historically, and yes, presently as well. Any sensible person can see that is true.


You bring up the fact that there are more black QBs in the NFL now than in the past as though that means that perception does not still persist. You're correct that people are less resistant to the idea of a black QB than they were when Warren Moon went undrafted, but you are incorrect in assuming that there is no resistance or racism today.


Tyrod was speaking from his experiences, and again, it's no secret that he's had to battle the idea that he's a "run-first QB" unable to pass from the pocket. Obviously yes, some of that is deserved it's not made up from whole cloth. I haven't seen anyone saying Tyrod is a Top 5 QB I think we all agree he's middle of the pack with strengths and weaknesses.


It seems like you think Tyrod was suggesting he is only criticized based on race that's not what he was saying. It was a more general observation about perception that he's had to deal with his life and career, and then he said he uses it as motivation to be better.



Now, why this has upset you so much to post 20, 30, however many times you've laid your droppings in this thread... I can't help you with that.

there really is no way to argue what you have said because you essentially said nothing. You tried hard but said nothing. So, yep. Agree to disagree.
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is it not time to rise above the past? i mean if we keep living in the past are we not doomed to relive/repeat it? rhetorical really, no response needed. this is a deep and many sided argument and persuasive arguments can be made on many sides.


mistakes litter human history and likely are to litter the future as well. rise above them and strive to be better.

I'm referring to a post Boyst62 made just 2 weeks ago that he claimed he almost got banned for...the historical info I mentioned was to give context as to why his post sounded racist...he comes across as very ignorant for not knowing that his post would be controversial. Edited by JaCrispy
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I'm referring to a post Boyst62 made just 2 weeks ago that he claimed he almost got banned for...the historical info I mentioned was to give context as to why his post sounded racist.

yep. I said NFL players are dancing monkeys who play to the music and dance for peanuts. I'll say it again.


They're dancing monkeys who do whatever it takes to make their millions. Just like Luke Bryan, Justin Timberlake, Garth Brooks, Allen Iverson, Chris Paul, JJ Reddick, Jimmy Johnson, The Dixie Chicks, Hal ketchem and Oliver Stone.


And it was more than two weeks ago. It was almost 5 or 6.


This is merely a test


Is it racist?

Edited by Boyst62
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I'm referring to a post Boyst62 made just 2 weeks ago that he claimed he almost got banned for...the historical info I mentioned was to give context as to why his post sounded racist...he comes across as very ignorant for not knowing that his post would be controversial.

Do you have a tattoo of Jayden Smith on your thigh?

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yep. I said NFL players are dancing monkeys who play to the music and dance for peanuts. I'll say it again.

They're dancing monkeys who do whatever it takes to make their millions. Just like Luke Bryan, Justin Timberlake, Garth Brooks, Allen Iverson, Chris Paul, JJ Reddick, Jimmy Johnson, The Dixie Chicks, Hal ketchem and Oliver Stone.

And it was more than two weeks ago. It was almost 5 or 6.

This is merely a testCotton_0.jpg

Is it racist?

Rorschach test

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Take this la grant/jboyst stuff to pm and take out the tall tales of Tyrod falling in draft out and it's pretty good.


#badol killed himself but everyone else has been pretty civil.

I'm.just having fun man. Stop ruining my good times. Besides I'm bored of this and need to vacuum my jeep
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Tyrod (pronounced Tired) is an idiot for making excuses about his own shortcomings.


Ill say it again, if a black defensive coordinator stacks 8 in the box daring Tired to throw the ball in a tight window, if he !@#$s it up as he is apt to do, is he gonna call that d coordinator racist?


I really liked Tyrod, but hes being fed some bad talking points by his agent (or someone who has his head up his arse).

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Lol wrong JaCrispy

serious question. Does my opinion or do my statements mean any less or more than yours regarding this whole matter? Do your statements, your offense to my statements or anything of the like differ at all one bit?


What I am getting at it what so many of the racially charged and cognitively distorted miss out on.


Even if you are offended by what I said it does not mean I have any less or more ability to speak [though, the first amendment doesn't apply here because this is a private Enterprise]


And, for once or maybe thrice I'm posting seriously. Because, please remember I say 99.36% of what I do in order to goof around.


There is no serious football being discussed right now on this site, sadly.

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Which is why this should be a simple bit of dialogue. If Taylor were more talented, this conversation wouldn't be happening.

Totally agree...if Tyrod were putting up better production and winning and people were still bashing him he may have a point- but he hasn't done squat

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one thing i am certain of Taylor is lucky be starting for any team in the league no matter which color he is vlack, blue , orange or whtie. He isn't very good. Mentioning Talyor is a conversation like this cheapens real race issues we have in America


Well said. TT won't be in the league in 2 years. If for any reason he is, he'll be holding a clipboard. Has nothing to do with the *&^%^& color of his skin.

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Tyrod (pronounced Tired) is an idiot for making excuses about his own shortcomings.


Ill say it again, if a black defensive coordinator stacks 8 in the box daring Tired to throw the ball in a tight window, if he !@#$s it up as he is apt to do, is he gonna call that d coordinator racist?


I really liked Tyrod, but hes being fed some bad talking points by his agent (or someone who has his head up his arse).

How about the Clay quote? Insinuating TT gets treated unfairly and wants to succeed for him.


If I'm McBaldy I'm shipping these two clowns out of town as soon as possible.

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Since I am the editor on the actual story and not what someone at another site decided to pull from it, let me say this: those are two quotes pulled from a 40-minute one on one sitdown with Taylor. And frankly, not a fair characterization of the thrust of the conversation.


The full piece along with a wide array of excerpts from the interview will be in the Sunday print edition of The Buffalo News. We also will be making more of it available to non BNblitz.com subscribers. If you are a print or digital subscriber, it is on the site now.


So maybe reserve judgment until you see the whole thing.



Thanks Josh !

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