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Nobel Prize for Economics

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Us Liberals can really rally around this guy!


"Asked how he would spend the prize money, he replied: This is quite a funny question. He added: I will try to spend it as irrationally as possible.


Aaa... Who am I kidding, "Nobel Prize", that's just some big Liberal participation award. Barry got one for making peace. LoL

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Speaking of participation trophies, I choose not to participate in the NYT Paywall. So summary please?


Nevermind, you're not the best person to ask for a reasonable summary.

I got no paywall. I don't pay, link is free to me. On my phone (Verizon mobile, Comcast now @ home). Not sure what you are doing wrong IT Guy. Will check it out though Sue.


Geeze... And you're the "pro" here. I betcha your work doing IT for the workers @ "Lighthouse for the Blind" is getting a lot of bang for their buck. Crack the whip on those guys IT Nazi!





EDIT: Nope still free.

Edited by ExiledInIllinois
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The NY Times gives you access to 10 free online articles per month, and then puts you behind it's paywall.



I never get a paywall. I always browse incognito mode. Does dumping cache help?

Which is easily bypassed but not really worth the effort. Kinda like responding to EII

Huh? You are that freaking lazy? And I work for the gubermint!

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You can copy and paste the headline into google and usually get it for free.

Or just don't be a slob and leave cookies everywhere.


Lazy, fat and stupid is no way to surf the internet.

Which means you have plenty of time to waste

Of course! Throwback to an earlier, simpler time except, one is connected to the world.


Dude. I am at home now. I work 3 12s a week. Meaning, I am home more than @ work. Lock ops are the last of jobs of a bygone era. They were originally meant to be done by a person, caretaker living on site... Than, smacking your son over the head and saying: "Go lock that boat." LoL... It's like being at firehouse or baseball clubhouse when @ work. It's the only way to do the job.


You simply can't put this type of work in modern work method terms.



You probably don't want to know I just got off work @ 06:00. Being the "Columbus Day" holiday in all and being 24/7/365, "DoD essential"... Worked 12 and get paid 24 (Holiday Pay).


Works even nicer when you are regularly off that holiday, say Christmas. Then you get that pay some other day, because still working a regular tour of duty. No "comp time" when going 24/7/365.


Thanx Christopher Columbus... I am all for your recognition!

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The link is still free... LoL...


For once... I am actually, on topic. And it's effing crazy economics, who'd a thunk! LoL... Let's talk economics of the Chicago Sanitation & Waterway systems vs. The Gov't boondoggle: Environment.


Oh wait... Regional bi-partisans don't want to hear that. Carp Bad! :-/


Yeah.. The carp issue is a government money grab... You should be all worked up about that government waste. Not the guys actually helping the economy and promoting clean water. That overhead in last 50 years is chump change.

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The link is still free... LoL...


For once... I am actually, on topic. And it's effing crazy economics, who'd a thunk! LoL... Let's talk economics of the Chicago Sanitation & Waterway systems vs. The Gov't boondoggle: Environment.


Oh wait... Regional bi-partisans don't want to hear that. Carp Bad! :-/


Yeah.. The carp issue is a government money grab... You should be all worked up about that government waste. Not the guys actually helping the economy and promoting clean water. That overhead in last 50 years is chump change.

What in the article that you originally linked gives any indication that Thaler is a leftist, and why do you automatically presume that conservatives would dismiss a Nobel laureate as being liberal, especially when Milton Friedman was one himself?


As an aside, I'm beginning to become concerned about your obsessive preoccupation with carp. Get help while you can.

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Speaking of participation trophies, I choose not to participate in the NYT Paywall. So summary please?


Nevermind, you're not the best person to ask for a reasonable summary.


He studied the impact of paywalls on internet news sites.

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What in the article that you originally linked gives any indication that Thaler is a leftist, and why do you automatically presume that conservatives would dismiss a Nobel laureate as being liberal, especially when Milton Friedman was one himself?


As an aside, I'm beginning to become concerned about your obsessive preoccupation with carp. Get help while you can.

Of course I don't know if he is leftist. He did say he will spend the award $$$ irrationally. LoL...


Not obsessed with carp. The government is. You guys keep bringing it up. Don't you know that I actually think almost nothing should be done or spent on this billion dollar boondoggle. You keep bringing it up, and I keep asserting my position on it in a very conservative manner. It's your 100s of millions, even billions of tax dollars that are being wasted on the Asian carp. It is funneling right into Blue States like Michigan. Liberals with the bi-partisan backing from the conservatives wasting your money. Texas agrees with my position on it, as well as Illinois/Indiana's argument too. I break ultra-right on carp. I guess Thayer has it all together.


You guys think you are so serious politically, then blow billions off into the wind, mock, or think some are being "obsessed." Being obsessed is far from the truth.


He studied the impact of paywalls on internet news sites.

We see it first hand w/dev not even attempting to open a free link. He probably salts his food first before even tasting.


We have a PICNIC, ID-10-T problem with our young IT savants like /dev.

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Sure you are. You're the one who brought it up - again.

Yeah, I guess I did bring it up. Interested, but not obsessed. It is fun bringing up such a bi-partisan issue like this. You would think the issue would be more popular here.


Where do you fall on the fish issue. Is it silly or important? Is your tax $$$ spent on it a waste? Maybe you just don't care, let the dems and repubs in the region share in huge boondoggle.


I mean, it does fit into the thread theme. Economy of the nation is @ stake here over "feelings."


I didn't intend the thread to take this turn. I guess I provide too much information (Fed, Department of Army, etc...) and open myself up for attack and it naturally leads in these directions. People resent the Federal government. I just run with whatever others & I toss out there.


What's your take on this Nobel winner and his economic theory?

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Yeah, I guess I did bring it up. Interested, but not obsessed. It is fun bringing up such a bi-partisan issue like this. You would think the issue would be more popular here.


Where do you fall on the fish issue. Is it silly or important? Is your tax $$$ spent on it a waste? Maybe you just don't care, let the dems and repubs in the region share in huge boondoggle.


I mean, it does fit into the thread theme. Economy of the nation is @ stake here over "feelings."


I didn't intend the thread to take this turn. I guess I provide too much information (Fed, Department of Army, etc...) and open myself up for attack and it naturally leads in these directions. People resent the Federal government. I just run with whatever others & I toss out there.


What's your take on this Nobel winner and his economic theory?




I don't know any of the specifics of the Asian Carp issue, but to me a boondoggle is just that - something that is usually caused by meddling regulators and then made worse by continued government involvement, always resulting in the waste of massive amounts of tax dollars that our leaders are never held accountable for.


I know enough about economics to know that I know truly nothing about economics, but at face value, Thaler's theory makes as much sense as anything else I've heard. I saw nothing in it that struck me as being influenced by political ideology.

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I don't know any of the specifics of the Asian Carp issue, but to me a boondoggle is just that - something that is usually caused by meddling regulators and then made worse by continued government involvement, always resulting in the waste of massive amounts of tax dollars that our leaders are never held accountable for.


I know enough about economics to know that I know truly nothing about economics, but at face value, Thaler's theory makes as much sense as anything else I've heard. I saw nothing in it that struck me as being influenced by political ideology.

I totally agree!


Why w/my first post I said:


"Us Liberals can really rally around this guy!"


Liberals need to change.


Oh, and I do know the specifics, it's a boondoggle like you described.

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