SlimShady'sSpaceForce Posted October 8, 2017 Posted October 8, 2017 Sup Foxx. These clubs could mimic the popular folders TBD Off the Wall And yes PPP those are there only 3 I ever visit.
bobobonators Posted October 8, 2017 Posted October 8, 2017 Im happy with this board the way its laid out now.
CommonCents Posted October 8, 2017 Posted October 8, 2017 Im happy with this board the way its laid out now. Yeah me too. I feel like groups may leave me off in the corner and make me feel like the heavy hottie that gets no attention until closing time.
bobobonators Posted October 8, 2017 Posted October 8, 2017 Yeah me too. I feel like groups may leave me off in the corner and make me feel like the heavy hottie that gets no attention until closing time. HAHA
snafu Posted October 8, 2017 Posted October 8, 2017 I vote nay because I think the law of unintended consequences will eventually kick in and the board works fine now. If it turns out to be messy, unruly, and tough to moderate, then it will be difficult to go back to something that already works.
The Wiz Posted October 8, 2017 Posted October 8, 2017 No, would create cliquescliques or clicks? Tom needs clarifying. I agree either way.
Fadingpain Posted October 8, 2017 Posted October 8, 2017 I'm not making any assumptions here. I'm wondering how people might see themselves using such a feature. Fantasy football discussion for TBD leagues. The Garbage Plate club Regular road trip travelers Etc... My fear is that this feature would be used to create sub-forums of like-minded people who would rarely break out of their own little club. One club would be Tyrod Haters, another Tyrod supporters...another could be the kool aid drinkers, another the "negative crowd" and so on. Earlier this year we would have formed the "pro tank" group then the anti-tank group, etc. The forum will suffer, as a whole, if the conversation gets broken up into splinter groups of like minded posters.
Heavy Kevi Posted October 8, 2017 Posted October 8, 2017 Trusting the masses to handle the clubs as responsible adults would not go well in my opinion. So says the church off TyGod I agree with this. Also, have seen plenty of people express dislike for certain views or opposing opinions, and exiled BBMBers. I like the initial idea, but I'm not sure increased division would be productive. I like to think I am part of TBD, even though I'm relatively new, and being locked out of certain content seems odd. If certain people cannot be a productive member of the community, they should be banned anyway, so I don't really see merit in "trying to keep trolls out" or arguments of the like. Just my $.04 (inflation)...
xRUSHx Posted October 8, 2017 Posted October 8, 2017 Yeah me too. I feel like groups may leave me off in the corner and make me feel like the heavy hottie that gets no attention until closing time.A big thank you to you sir, you brought a tear to my eye for laughing so hard. What a outstanding post.
Gugny Posted October 8, 2017 Posted October 8, 2017 Why can't it just be created by the main system, a only mod type function instead of the clubs. Just create a page for each subject like below. Offense .(no QB talk) Defense . QB. RB. WR. Any player. but no QB talk Head coach. Coordinators Current GM . Owner . Past head coaches . Past GMs Past players Injury reports Around the NFL This week's opponent. FAs available Your team ideas Draft . Stadium. College players watch Away game meetups Home game meetups A very mad thread. Good times thread Players you want the Bills to sign Playoffs Gameday(closed 24 hours after game) Media Good story HOF The wall Off season Gameday food and tailgating Places to visit in Buffalo If you want a thread added thread Problems your having with the board thread I would think simplifying it would make it really easy to use and would stop multiple threads starting on the same subject. Take away people making a thread they would have to put it where it belongs. I think letting posters create clubs will split this board up and create a bunch of areas to clean up for the mods over just what we have now. Not letting posters start there own thread will clean up the mess. Tyrods 15 threads all in one and so on. What is funny is we now have two threads about this subject. Take away people's right to make a thread. Mods could always add a thread if enough people want it added just by talking about it in that thread. You left out "Would Ya." Goodbye.
Nick the Greek Posted October 8, 2017 Posted October 8, 2017 So, in taking a fresh look at the latest release of our current software, a new feature caught my eye: Clubs This is the IPB answer to Facebook groups. It would allow the creation of user created clubs/groups within the community. There is a lot to digest in that article about the feature. It is VERY intriguing. I'd like to hear some feedback on this and if anyone could see a use for them. get a like button. That would be cool. I've seen it in other boards similar to this and I like it.
Virgil Posted October 8, 2017 Posted October 8, 2017 get a like button. That would be cool. I've seen it in other boards similar to this and I like it. Pun intended?
mead107 Posted October 8, 2017 Posted October 8, 2017 I agree with this. Also, have seen plenty of people express dislike for certain views or opposing opinions, and exiled BBMBers. I like the initial idea, but I'm not sure increased division would be productive. I like to think I am part of TBD, even though I'm relatively new, and being locked out of certain content seems odd. If certain people cannot be a productive member of the community, they should be banned anyway, so I don't really see merit in "trying to keep trolls out" or arguments of the like. Just my $.04 (inflation)... very well said.
jimmy10 Posted October 8, 2017 Posted October 8, 2017 (edited) I agree with this. Also, have seen plenty of people express dislike for certain views or opposing opinions, and exiled BBMBers. I like the initial idea, but I'm not sure increased division would be productive. I like to think I am part of TBD, even though I'm relatively new, and being locked out of certain content seems odd. If certain people cannot be a productive member of the community, they should be banned anyway, so I don't really see merit in "trying to keep trolls out" or arguments of the like. Just my $.04 (inflation)... Exiled BBMBers will continue to get sh*t no matter the format of the board. But srsly, I don't think this feature would be about "dividing" anyone, and I certainly don't think SDS or the mods would let that happen anyway. I'm envisioning it looking kinda like the current setup of sub-forums, but with users having much more say in the creation of those sub-forums. So, like in my example earlier in this thread, I could see a "Rochester Fans" club being useful. We can talk about where in town to go watch the games, best routes to/from Orchard Park from ROC (if you're not in a hurry post-game, 20A all the way to Warsaw and then up 19 is a gorgeous and relaxing drive in the fall), rendezvous points for carpools (my crew always uses the Home Depot parking lot off of 490/Buffalo Rd in Gates) and any other random things only ROC fans would care about, without cluttering up any main boards. So I see it as being a constructive way to have people gather around shared interests, and not a way to create "Elite Posters Only" clubs. EDIT: One other point, because I see the other thread on the message board migration has been locked. I would very much be in favor of purging inactive users, selfishly because I'd like to change my screen name to "jimmy." There is a "jimmy" on the roll, but he signed up 13 years ago and hasn't been active since. Edited October 8, 2017 by jimmy10
HerdMenatlity1 Posted October 8, 2017 Posted October 8, 2017 I would like the "club option" ... IMHO, it seems that one would be able to create a club for serious posts/discussions and eliminate the trolls, crusaders, and silly pap that seems to have overrun the site lately. It gets tiring wading through the posts from people who think they are clever by posting nonsense, or starting arguments just because they get some inflated sense of manhood by the anonymous bulling that goes on here sometimes. It would be glorious to be able to discuss the offense without somebody posting that TT sucks for the billionth time, or that we shouldn't have traded Sammy for the millionth time, or suffer through countless recipes of people just trying to hijack the thread. I think our moderators do a good job offer monitoring for this kind of stuff. Sounds kind of elitist to me. "I don't like Dopey so he can't play with us". Actually, sounds like a place where only "like-minded" people can hang out in. As for bullying on this forum, you can't bully me from behind a keyboard. So the group you're in are all Saints? Again, sounds elitist to me. JMHO.does anyone want to be in my club? Are we like-minded enough for you!? I don't wanna be alone.
HerdMenatlity1 Posted October 8, 2017 Posted October 8, 2017 On the other hand, we could put in one place all the people that can't spell "clique," and never have to see that again. Im gesing yu git vilentlee I'll wen yu c these tipe of stuf.hope yu dont puuk reeding dis posts. Yeah,we need subgroups for folks who use a phone that auto corrects to something not even close to what was intended or spells a word or two incorrectly. Name it "The Smart Group". Ooh,ohh, can eye joen? NOT! Please correct me if Im wrong but what we don't understand in my opinion is how you will stop it from happening. It sounds to me that there will be a bunch more areas to look in with clubs and that will create way to much to look at. When you see a certain club based thread it will be really easy to look away and that alone will create people thinking this board is way to complicated because of so many clubs or don't want to go to that club to get harassed because their opinion isn't the same as theirs. I might not agree with some poster's but I want to continue to read what they have to say sadly it will have me not posting as much thats for sure. I guess I just don't understand how creating clubs will make the board less cluttered. I use mine all the time as well Hey, DC Tom,would you mind telling this fool the difference between to and too. Chalkboard offense. Just kidding. Wonder if I'll be allowed into a group at all.
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