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I just went back and looked at the article again and saw that they were just middle school kids. That's messed-up man...

I just went back and looked at the article again and saw that they were just middle school kids.  That's messed-up man...



Yes it is.

No one from this board, maybe the Wall folk, just a guess though. ;)


Well that is what I meant. I look at us as one big happy family. Just some family members we don't talk about in public.


Maybe there should be a special certification for female teachers that are hotties. Only they are allowed to legally have sex with their underage students. Van Halen's visionary video "Hot For Teacher" would become reality. What a great time for post-adolescents with a woody!


Oh man, thanks for sharing that one. Well it will help with my diet, I don't think I'll be able to eat for the rest of the day, thinking about anybody doing THAT thing.

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