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House Democrat: Pelosi, Hoyer & Clyburn need to go away

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Gloria Allreds daughter was on the news saying they had to coach Harvey to let him know some of his behaviour wasnt totally acceptable, like forcing women to watch him shower.


Perfect friend of Bill?

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So what was the final straw for covering up for this creep? The board got sick of all these payouts hurting the profits?

No one was really "covering" for him, his behavior was widely known.


The news just wasn't reporting it.

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No one was really "covering" for him, his behavior was widely known.


The news just wasn't reporting it.


This. Plenty of women and assistants over the years raised noise or tried to raise noise. They were told to shut up if they valued their careers, paid off, or ignored by the very same media outlets claiming how disgusting the behavior is.


There are PLENTY of other big names who should be sweating right about now based on their track records as well. Who's gonna be next?


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Say it ain't so! The NYT took a payoff to help bury allegations against Harvey in 2004? But the Times is an infallible voice of liberalism and reason in these troubled times...



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Say it ain't so! The NYT took a payoff to help bury allegations against Harvey in 2004? But the Times is an infallible voice of liberalism and reason in these troubled times...




Well that's a peculiar kind of darkness for democracy to die in.


(I know, it's the WaPo motto. But i don't distinguish between the approved propaganda outlets)

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Say it ain't so! The NYT took a payoff to help bury allegations against Harvey in 2004? But the Times is an infallible voice of liberalism and reason in these troubled times...




The NY Times is a bastion of journalistic integrity. Just ask them.


At least it has been a few years since one of their journalists has had a plagiarism scandal.

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here is a solution for the OP


Term Limit. Limit the years they can serve and we won't be stuck with the useless politicians


Did you guys see that SNL bit on Weinstein?













Yeah, me neither

They would need to do a Cable channel Special because of the content.


Wait maybe not .... Entertainment tonight had Billy Bush talking about Dearest Donny grabbing puddy


Is he still unemployed?

Edited by ShadyBillsFan
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