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My Hat's off to Nancy Pelosi today...


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I heard her address Congress today after the return of Congressman Anthony Scalise to the Capitol, and was moved by her remarks. I thought they were genuine. It was perhaps the only time I've heard her make a truly bi-partisan speech.

I wanted to post her remarks here, but couldn't find it on the intarwebs. Perhaps it's too soon. I will look again later.

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I heard her address Congress today after the return of Congressman Anthony Scalise to the Capitol, and was moved by her remarks. I thought they were genuine. It was perhaps the only time I've heard her make a truly bi-partisan speech.

I wanted to post her remarks here, but couldn't find it on the intarwebs. Perhaps it's too soon. I will look again later.

Take your hat off for her if you want, but I used to have at least a little respect for you.


Edited by grinreaper
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"Washington, D.C. – House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi delivered remarks of the Floor of the House of Representatives following Whip Steve Scalise’s return to the House of Representatives after being shot during an attack at a Congressional Baseball Practice in June. Below are the Leader’s remarks:

Leader Pelosi. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I ask for your consent to speak out of order to join you in thanking God for the return of our colleague [Congressman] Steve Scalise and to have him do so in such a strong way.

You were brief, Mr. Speaker; I’ll be even briefer. Thank God our prayers were answered. I take great pride in Steve because we’re both Italian Americans and I think that’s the source of some of his strength. Right, Steve?

I, too, want to say how proud we are of Jennifer, Harrison and Madison and of your staff and of our first responders, our Capitol Police who took such good care of you. But if it is, as you said, ‘an attack on you is an attack on all,’ we all came through this magnificently because of your strength. So the power of Steve Scalise.

The day we came to the Floor when you weren’t here, we were all Team Scalise. Today we are Team Scalise. Thank you for being so wonderful. God bless you."


Yes, she might be fos Kelly, but for a moment, albeit a brief one, I agreed with her. Of course, later in the day she went back to attacking Republicans on gun legislation, but for that brief moment there was a difference in the air.


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