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I've been through with a son and a daughter. It's a miserable time. And I didn't put you in any of those categories so relax.

No worries.


I was just curious... Because we have never had any problems @ all. I know the problem exists, but I can't understand the bullying problem and how it became so rampant. I have never stepped foot on social media, even to see what my kids are doing. I wonder if social media makes it worse?


To hear these stories from so many is shocking. Either being the bully or the bullied, IMO children tend to emulate the relationships, drama or lack of drama they see in their everyday life. My daughter, because she is still @ "that age" may be the most susceptible to possibly having an issues... But no issues to speak of. Now the stories she tells are incredible. Mix in social, racial, gender lines and the stories get even more fascinating. One class, Theology, she's the only white person outside of Sister teaching.


Speaking of the racial thing, I wonder what, if anything, race played a part in this Bronx story. The victim was Black and the stabber Hispanic'

That's the problem with some teachers and administrators. They don't realize the most important part of their job is being a good influence on the kids and putting a stop to BS like this.


The same can be said between the husband-wife relationship. Oh wait, do most children even see normalcy there? How many are from broken homes.


Put away their petty BS and be a good influence when it comes to dealing with each other.


The apple doesnt fall too far.


I don't think anything happened to either of them. My friend, I believe, was too embarrassed to report what happened, and no teachers witnessed what happened. Brillo-Head won on that day.

Yet, you still call him Brillo-Head.


Not passing judgement Hammersticks, you are a pretty fly-guy. But, it should have never got to that point where the kid tossed the hot coffee.


You weren't helping enough. You weren't enabling, but not helping to de-escalate the situation. Just saying.

Edited by ExiledInIllinois
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Not passing judgement Hammersticks, you are a pretty fly-guy. But, it should have never got to that point where the kid tossed the hot coffee.


You weren't helping enough. You weren't enabling, but not helping to de-escalate the situation. Just saying.


I was 17 years old, dude.



I was 17 years old, dude.


Old enough. I can't believe you'd be part of something like that. Hopefully, you're teaching your kids to not be so insensitive.



Old enough. I can't believe you'd be part of something like that. Hopefully, you're teaching your kids to not be so insensitive.



Hey, I tried to tell my friend to chill with Brillo. I swear!


I feel like I've done a good job with my son. My daughter on the other hand is a menace. There is nothing I can do about her. She's a meanie.


No worries.


I was just curious... Because we have never had any problems @ all. I know the problem exists, but I can't understand the bullying problem and how it became so rampant. I have never stepped foot on social media, even to see what my kids are doing. I wonder if social media makes it worse?


To hear these stories from so many is shocking. Either being the bully or the bullied, IMO children tend to emulate the relationships, drama or lack of drama they see in their everyday life. My daughter, because she is still @ "that age" may be the most susceptible to possibly having an issues... But no issues to speak of. Now the stories she tells are incredible. Mix in social, racial, gender lines and the stories get even more fascinating. One class, Theology, she's the only white person outside of Sister teaching.



We all try to be great parents...my problem is being a control freak and when others bullied my kids it was out of my control. That and seeing your kids cry over the course of two or three years is a painful experience. Thankfully, my kids have adapted and come to realize middle and high school was a blip on the screen of life and there are many, many good friends they have made since that time in college and in high school.


Ok! So I was a freshman at Bennett and forgot my swim stuff so I had to sit in the bleachers with the other unprepared kids. The bully was being a bully and picked on the wrong kid who pulled out this little knife and they got in a struggle. I didn't move or anything, just sat there watching. So the knife fell, this other kid picked it up as the swim teacher came over and said 'what's going on here?' The kid that picked up the blade said, "Nothing." and we went back to doing nothing at all.


Ok! So I was a freshman at Bennett and forgot my swim stuff so I had to sit in the bleachers with the other unprepared kids. The bully was being a bully and picked on the wrong kid who pulled out this little knife and they got in a struggle. I didn't move or anything, just sat there watching. So the knife fell, this other kid picked it up as the swim teacher came over and said 'what's going on here?' The kid that picked up the blade said, "Nothing." and we went back to doing nothing at all.

And this is why swim class was in the nude for the boys back in the day right before I went into Jr. High. ;-) About 1981 or so.


West Seneca Schools, swimsuits were optional for boys only class. My older brother (born 1964) swam nekkid in swim class. He said, only one kid wore a bathing suit because his "mother made him wear one"... Guess what, they bullied him mercilessly! Thinking back on it, my Bro figures they were all the wierd ones! LoL They went coed swim when I reached grade 7... And of course trunks. I was sweating bullets thinking we'd have to swim in nude... Then they changed policy right before I got to 7th! Thank the Lord! :-)


I talk to a lot of people out here in Illinois/Indiana, it was same policy in some parts out here too.


And this is why swim class was in the nude for the boys back in the day right before I went into Jr. High. ;-) About 1981 or so.


West Seneca Schools, swimsuits were optional for boys only class. My older brother (born 1964) swam nekkid in swim class. He said, only one kid wore a bathing suit because his "mother made him wear one"... Guess what, they bullied him mercilessly! Thinking back on it, my Bro figures they were all the wierd ones! LoL They went coed swim when I reached grade 7... And of course trunks. I was sweating bullets thinking we'd have to swim in nude... Then they changed policy right before I got to 7th! Thank the Lord! :-)


I talk to a lot of people out here in Illinois/Indiana, it was same policy in some parts out here too.


This topic seems to come up yearly around here.


And yearly, I shake my head in disgust.



This topic seems to come up yearly around here.


And yearly, I shake my head in disgust.

LoL... I keep it alive Brutha! ;-)


So uptight! Why kids are so tightly wound now? ;-)


Oh... And come on man... You are a Navy guy! :-P


Builds self-esteem! Most of those PE teachers back then probably fought in the Big War, Korea and thought the same way!


And this is why swim class was in the nude for the boys back in the day right before I went into Jr. High. ;-) About 1981 or so.


West Seneca Schools, swimsuits were optional for boys only class. My older brother (born 1964) swam nekkid in swim class. He said, only one kid wore a bathing suit because his "mother made him wear one"... Guess what, they bullied him mercilessly! Thinking back on it, my Bro figures they were all the wierd ones! LoL They went coed swim when I reached grade 7... And of course trunks. I was sweating bullets thinking we'd have to swim in nude... Then they changed policy right before I got to 7th! Thank the Lord! :-)


I talk to a lot of people out here in Illinois/Indiana, it was same policy in some parts out here too.

Yep. Same here. Either you wore the school issued "ball huggers" or nude. I opted against the ball buggers because of how well endowed I am.

Perfect timing for this thread I guess. My daughter said a third grader slapped her 3 rimes in the face on the bus today.


It's hard to tell the real story when dealing with 7 year olds.


Mybadvise was to tell him in your meanest voice to never do it again and if he does hit him as hard as you can in the nose, and make sure you hit the nose.



Ha!! So the next five 518 lunches will be at the Warren County Jail? I wonder if Mead will come.


Pffffft. I'm from Attica. County Jail is a walk in the park. Mrags anyone??




Hey !@#$stick. You mess with my son I'm going to rip off your head and **** down your neck

Hey !@#$face. You mess with my son I'm cutting off your dad's dick and feed it to you as a chili dog (and I mean chili made from your dead dog) on Super Bowl Sunday

Hey Knuckle nuts. You mess with my son i'm going to ________your mom in the ______ and video it and email it to you everyday for a year.

Hey dickweed. You mess with my son I'm going to piss in your cornflakes. And not a simple piss. I'm going to stand naked on your dining room table with your whole family there while I do it. And with gug this one is by far the scariest one.


And I will do this for one 518 lunch not five. I'm easy.



Pffffft. I'm from Attica. County Jail is a walk in the park. Mrags anyone??




Hey !@#$stick. You mess with my son I'm going to rip off your head and **** down your neck

Hey !@#$face. You mess with my son I'm cutting off your dad's dick and feed it to you as a chili dog (and I mean chili made from your dead dog) on Super Bowl Sunday

Hey Knuckle nuts. You mess with my son i'm going to ________your mom in the ______ and video it and email it to you everyday for a year.

Hey dickweed. You mess with my son I'm going to piss in your cornflakes. And not a simple piss. I'm going to stand naked on your dining room table with your whole family there while I do it. And with gug this one is by far the scariest one.


And I will do this for one 518 lunch not five. I'm easy.



Hey Knuckle nuts. You mess with my son i'm going to ________your mom in the ______ and video it and email it to you everyday for a year.





As a parent of a child who'd been bullied for 5 years straight ... yes. I'm dead serious.


Kids are ass holes because their parents raise them to be ass holes.


No one should have to teach an 18 year old, or any child, to not stab people.


Incidentally, I've been teaching my son to not throw a punch unless he's either been hit, or feels that getting hit is imminent; and to ignore/walk away.


It doesn't work.


So now, I've told him the next kid to !@#$ with him, even if it's just words, to punch him in the face. And to keep punching him in the face until the other kid asks him to stop, or until someone pulls him off.

if it makes you feel better i am an !@#$ (non parent) and if i ever found out someone hit your kid ya wouldn't have to worry about him hitting anyone. just mention it to me. i'd hit that kid. i don't like bullies and i'd feel honored to beat up one of them.


and there is about 93.7% seriousness in this. i grew up picked on at a younger age in elementary school because i was just a quiet kid. puberty started to kick in and those kids that bulled me were much smaller than i was and they stopped after a few beat downs. eventually i felt bad because it was like i was a bully but i got over it and became the anti bully. i beat up bullies just for fun.


This is an interesting thread and I can tell whose kids have been bullied, whose haven't, and who have no !@#$ing idea what they're talking about.

i was bullied a long ass time growing up. only a few times did i ever actually hit someone for it and i felt so guilty afterward that it still bothers me. i choke slammed some kid in 8th grade and i still remember the incident clearly and it's not comfortable.


the results of that upbringing didn't cause me to be an !@#$. i only became an !@#$ in the last 3-4 years as i realize people are generally stupid.


my mom taught me to ignore the kids making fun of me and it's not ok to hit because i was almost always bigger, stronger and faster and because of that it was not ok to use that to hurt people. i've been in maybe 4 actual fights in my life and a handful of skirmishes. the last i remember was in the shower of a wrestling camp and some kid cut in front of me at line. i head butted him and punched him in the gut - all over him cutting in line in front of me.


chef is right, more kids simply need to learn to walk away and realize words don't hurt and there is always going to be someone who upsets them and its on them to not surround themselves with that person.


i was bullied a long ass time growing up. only a few times did i ever actually hit someone for it and i felt so guilty afterward that it still bothers me. i choke slammed some kid in 8th grade and i still remember the incident clearly and it's not comfortable.


the results of that upbringing didn't cause me to be an !@#$. i only became an !@#$ in the last 3-4 years as i realize people are generally stupid.


my mom taught me to ignore the kids making fun of me and it's not ok to hit because i was almost always bigger, stronger and faster and because of that it was not ok to use that to hurt people. i've been in maybe 4 actual fights in my life and a handful of skirmishes. the last i remember was in the shower of a wrestling camp and some kid cut in front of me at line. i head butted him and punched him in the gut - all over him cutting in line in front of me.


chef is right, more kids simply need to learn to walk away and realize words don't hurt and there is always going to be someone who upsets them and its on them to not surround themselves with that person.

Kids these days are persistent. It's too bad. Eventually, my son or daughter will meet up with those kids and the playing field will be tilted back in my kids' favor.



Hey, I tried to tell my friend to chill with Brillo. I swear!


I feel like I've done a good job with my son. My daughter on the other hand is a menace. There is nothing I can do about her. She's a meanie.


I see it in my nieces and nephew: kids have personalities of their own, and there are limits to how much you can mold them.

chef is right, more kids simply need to learn to walk away and realize words don't hurt and there is always going to be someone who upsets them and its on them to not surround themselves with that person.


Except it's not that easy. "Bullying" isn't just "someone's being mean to me," it's action that generates the feeling of a loss of control over one's life and self. That feeling of loss of control isn't something you can just walk away from. That's why people who are bullied often snap back with violence - it's a statement of regaining control.


Kids these days are persistent. It's too bad. Eventually, my son or daughter will meet up with those kids and the playing field will be tilted back in my kids' favor.

and that's what matters, going on with life. and now 20 years later i am here in life not knowing if i am better off or worse on the playing field than those people because i just don't care about them. neverr had a reason to do so



I see it in my nieces and nephew: kids have personalities of their own, and there are limits to how much you can mold them.


Except it's not that easy. "Bullying" isn't just "someone's being mean to me," it's action that generates the feeling of a loss of control over one's life and self. That feeling of loss of control isn't something you can just walk away from. That's why people who are bullied often snap back with violence - it's a statement of regaining control.

i've been there, tom.



As a parent of a child who'd been bullied for 5 years straight ... yes. I'm dead serious.


Kids are ass holes because their parents raise them to be ass holes.


No one should have to teach an 18 year old, or any child, to not stab people.


Incidentally, I've been teaching my son to not throw a punch unless he's either been hit, or feels that getting hit is imminent; and to ignore/walk away.


It doesn't work.


So now, I've told him the next kid to !@#$ with him, even if it's just words, to punch him in the face. And to keep punching him in the face until the other kid asks him to stop, or until someone pulls him off.

Except, maybe in this case here...

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