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In His Three Years With the Bills....


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Speaking of golf.....


A nun goes to confession. "forgive me father, for I have used horrible language today, she says.


"Go on," the priest says.


"Well,"the nun continues. "I was golfing and hit this incredible drive, but it struck a phone line and fell short after about 100 yards"


"And so you swore?" the priest asks.


"No," the nun says. "After that, a squirrel came out and stole my ball."


"And then did you swear?" asks the priest.


"Well,no," the nun says. "Then, an eagle swooped down and grabbed the squirrel in his talons. As they flew away, the squirrel dropped myball."


"And then you swore?" the priest asks.


"No," she continues, "The ball fell on a big rock, rolled onto the green, and stopped 6 inches form the hole."


The priest is silent for a moment, and then finally says "You missed the f**king putt, didn't you?"


lol, pretty good

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thanks...check my profile, tell me if ya tihnk my girlfriend adds to my good taste in women :angry:


i think she does :devil:...


That's not your GF, that's the chick that delivered a pizza that one time, and you asked for a picture!


Nah.... that is his girlfriend. All that and personality too...

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thanks...check my profile, tell me if ya tihnk my girlfriend adds to my good taste in women :P


i think she does :devil:...


I'd definitely have to agree with you, bro.....she's a keeper :angry: Good job!

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Good Lord, some of you guys are ridiculous.......I swear.


First of all, it was just an opinion. Second, the opinion/comment was meant to speak to an aspect of the position that I felt was absent with Bledsoe, in addition to speculating based on his comment and the way he took charge of the huddle last preseason that there is at least SOME evidence that JP has a natural leadership about him.


As I've said three or four times, go back and watch tape of him from last preseason....particularly the game against Denver. Watch him take command of the huddle and then get back to me with your opinion as to with your thoughts. Chances are you'll be of the opinion that he appeared very un-rookie-like in his command, and that it may actually be construed as evidence that the guy can lead.


You gave your opinion and I asked what it was based on, why does that iritate you so?


As for his "taking charge" of the huddle in preseason, I am underwhelmed. I saw the game and what he did was go into the huddle, call a play, break and walk to the line of scrimmage where he proceeded to bark out signals. I have seen every QB we have ever had do the same exact thing. It could not have been more ordinary or run-of-the-mill. It is the same thing I saw in camp. I have seen many quarterbacks correct a receiver going in motion to the wrong side, I have seen them waive off a back and all that kind of thing a million times. I've seen Drew do it as well. To me, those things are no big deal.


Fans have a tendency to discuss these abstract qualities ad nauseum. I remember Marv talking about "confidence", a similiar abstraction. He said something along the lines of players don't win games because they are confident, they get confident from winning games. Winning is where confidence comes from, not the other way around.


Joe Montana never waived, ordered, pointed or yelled or gave much other objective evidence that made it look like, from afar, that he was "in charge" of the huddle. He just won a lot of games and made a lot of plays so when he spoke in the huddle, everyone shut up.


JP is a big fat question mark and, in my opinion, people are investing him with all their hopes and as a result, seeing things that aren't there, not yet anyway.

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You gave your opinion and I asked what it was based on, why does that iritate you so?



Look, I have no problem when people disagree or take issue with my posts.....that's the whole point of having a message board to begin with. But I think some people would do well to actually take a little more time to read what a poster is saying and understand it before they proceed with taking issue. I'm not saying you do or don't fall into that category, but at least in this case I've said several times (including the initial post) what I base my opinion on. I've also stated a few times that I recognize and agree that EVERYTHING about JP is mere speculation at this point. But I don't see how or why that fact should preclude us from having discussions about it. To me, saying that he's going to light a fire under some 300lb lineman's asss shows balls. Having Mularkey tell him - in his first preseason game in the NFL - to go in their and take charge of the situation because the offense is getting sloppy, and then seeing him do just that, shows balls. Now this may or may not translate into JP being a successful QB. Like AD said, it may just get him an asss kicking. But I guess I feel that if there can be entire articles talking about some of the things JP is doing right at his press conferences, surely a post discussing something I personally have noticed about him won't kill anyone :devil:

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Good Lord, some of you guys are ridiculous.......I swear.


First of all, it was just an opinion. Second, the opinion/comment was meant to speak to an aspect of the position that I felt was absent with Bledsoe, in addition to speculating based on his comment and the way he took charge of the huddle last preseason that there is at least SOME evidence that JP has a natural leadership about him.


As I've said three or four times, go back and watch tape of him from last preseason....particularly the game against Denver. Watch him take command of the huddle and then get back to me with your thoughts. Chances are you'll be of the opinion that he appeared very un-rookie-like in his command, and that it may actually be construed as evidence that the guy can lead. Is that proof of anything? NO. But don't tell me that it's meaningless, either.



I really think it's funny that the same group of people who say, "You can't judge JPL based on a few meaningless passes against the Patriots!" will turn around and judge JPL based on 5 meaningless passes against the Broncos. :devil:


He threw the ball on ONE DRIVE against the Broncos. Yes, it was an impressive drive (that did NOT lead to a touchdown...), but it was against (and with!) players who probably aren't even in the NFL anymore. His second drive against Denver, he didn't throw the ball at all...


So you (the general "you," as in anyone who says "He did great against Denver!") can't tell people to ignore the Patriots game while harping on the Broncos game. Doesn't work.


And my biggest concern about JPL is his pencahnt for running instead of passing.


Week 1 vs Denver: 5 passes, 3 rushes

Week 2 vs Tennessee: 6 passes, 4 rushes

Week 3 vs Indy: Oh wait, he got hurt RUSHING THE BALL in training camp...

Week 9 (regular season) vs the Patriots: 2 passes, 1 rush, 1 sack and fumble


If he doesn't start to throw the ball before running the ball, he's going to get killed and then who will we start? We have no 2nd OR 3rd string QB!


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I really think it's funny that the same group of people who say, "You can't judge JPL based on a few meaningless passes against the Patriots!" will turn around and judge JPL based on 5 meaningless passes against the Broncos. :devil:


He threw the ball on ONE DRIVE against the Broncos.  Yes, it was an impressive drive (that did NOT lead to a touchdown...), but it was against (and with!) players who probably aren't even in the NFL anymore.  His second drive against Denver, he didn't throw the ball at all...


So you can't tell people to ignore the Patriots game while harping on the Broncos game.  Doesn't work.


And my biggest concern about JPL is his pencahnt for running instead of passing.


Week 1 vs Denver: 5 passes, 3 rushes

Week 2 vs Tennessee: 6 passes, 4 rushes

Week 3 vs Indy:  Oh wait, he got hurt RUSHING THE BALL in training camp...

Week 9 (regular season) vs the Patriots: 2 passes, 1 rush, 1 sack and fumble


If he doesn't start to throw the ball before running the ball, he's going to get killed and then who will we start?  We have no 2nd OR 3rd string QB!



I totally agree with you, actually. But usually the two things I mention with regard to the preseason game against Denver are 1) Shannahan taking notice of JP, and 2) his command of the huddle/offense. As for the regular season games, you have to remember that JP is a competitor. He's not going to be all that thrilled with going out and handing the ball off in garbage time. Being the emergency QB, he probably saw very few, if any live snaps in practice and wasn't really involved with the game plan. In the preseason games he was out there able to do more of his thing. But I agree with you, none of this stuff is definitive of anything.

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Damn, I need to move to Miami or Tallahasee or wherever the hell you two are lol


Thanks, and so you konw, Ramius' girl is birhgt and thoughtful, and mine's a certified chef! heh heh.


We have friends, how fast can you get here? :devil:


Oh, are they still arguing over Losman? He'll be fine....

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Thanks, and so you konw, Ramius' girl is birhgt and thoughtful, and mine's a certified chef! heh heh.


We have friends, how fast can you get here?  :devil:


Oh, are they still arguing over Losman? He'll be fine....


Wow, so when the four of you hang out it's lots of good conversation and good food, huh? You guys have it made :angry:

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Wow, so when the four of you hang out it's lots of good conversation and good food, huh?  You guys have it made :devil:


Pretty much... During the Super Bowl, lets see, stuffed Jalapenos wrapped in bacon, hot dog soup (sounds wierd, but ohhh sooo goood.), lil smokies wrapped in croaissants, ... what else am i missing?


Well. Its Friday, and dangerously close to 5:00. See you all later, I'm out.

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Wow, so when the four of you hang out it's lots of good conversation and good food, huh?  You guys have it made :devil:



zepp, i can hook you up with some of my girls friends/roommates, they are single...onyl caveat is that you must not have a problem with hot 18-yr olds :angry:

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zepp, i can hook you up with some of my girls friends/roommates, they are single...onyl caveat is that you must not have a problem with hot 18-yr olds :devil:


LOL, damn.......if only I were ten years younger :angry:

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