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Companies are starting to take sides with protests


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but they are supposed to be paying tribute to those that have fought for our country. Its seen as disrespectful by many, and understandably so.


Serious question.


Who says we play the National Anthem to honor those that fought for our country? Before they play it, the PA announcer says it's "to honor America". There are are a lot of other things to honor (or not) besides "those that have fought for our country".


We have 2 national holidays for that. Veterans Day and Memorial Day.


As a veteran, I find it disrespectful that the Bills and NFL have Co opted Veterans Day into a recruiting commercial.


Those that did fight, did it to protect our freedom. Yet some are upset the players are exercising thier freedom.


This whole thing makes no sense to me.

Edited by reddogblitz
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Did you watch/ listen to Skip and Shannon yesterday? Shannon Sharpe nailed it. This is not the protest the owners want the players to think it is, it's a protest against Trump telling the owners what to do. It's a financial protest. If it were truly a protest for unity and inclusion, why wouldn't thishave happened around so many other more truly important events and controversial statements and actions by Trump. The true stupidity of this protest is that it serves solely to create even further discord and division. If the NFL WAS SMART, everyone would have stood with arms locked together, showing both solidarity and respect.

I did not see Skip/Shannin, can't stand skip. But you/he seems to have identified the problem. First it was crooked cops, then just "things need to change", and now it's solely **** Trump. Problem with that is that the flag is not the symbol of any of those things, they are merely a part of it.


It is increasingly clear none of this is about unity. They are sewing seeds of division on their own, all the while telling Trump his 1st amendment doesn't count, and that somehow he is the only catalyst of division. Trump knows, though he, as usual, was incendiary and ham-handed, that the general public sympathizes with his sentiment, and this is one he can come out of clean. Though you would never know of it watching MM, and as I stated before, over 70% of Americans are against taking out non-related grievances on our country's most sacred symbol of unity. I have several flags tattooed on me, and quite frankly I don't give a dried up pile of donkey **** for the NFL in comparison with my love of America and the American spirit. And I find it a bit ironic that some of the people who have benefitted most from America are smashing it's institution as if it were some wholly rotten republic. There is no doubt the US is flawed, but it is overall a great place and the vast majority of people are truly good folks that don't care who you pray to, where you came from, what color you are, or who you want to have sex with.


Yes, we might be throwing on first down. Seriously though, he's doing fine right where he is at. He can push for many of the things that a lot of us want but be held in check by the other branches. For example, do we need a wall? No but if he pushes for that we will get better border security. Do we need 15% corporate tax rates? Maybe, but 20% might do the trick.


This is definitely his tactic. Straight out of his book "Art of the Deal", he shoots for the stars, so when you settle on giving up the moon it doesn't seem as bad. That's what he does on literally everything. Dreamers will never be deported, there will never be a wall on the entire border, they will never fully repeal our socialist healthcare disaster, but Trump gets his opposition all in a tizzy, and they will give more in negotiations.


Obviously he is being obstructed by the undercover demagogues and the Washington establishment, and that's why it has failed to work so far. As I have often quoted, "If pro is the opposite of con, what is the opposite of progress?"

Serious question.


Who says we play the National Anthem to honor those that fought for our country?


We have 2 national holidays for that. Veterans Day and Memorial Day.


As a veteran, I find it disrespectful that the Bills and NFL have Co opted Veterans Day into a recruiting commercial.


Those that did fight, did it to protect our freedom. Yet some are upset the players are exercising thier freedom.


This whole thing makes no sense to me.

I do understand your statement....


But if you showed up to work and spent on clock hours protesting something that offended 70% of their customers, they would fire you. Without question.


Secondly, it is "you're right" to insult elderly people, swear around children, and walk around in your underwear. That doesn't make them appropriate in public discourse.


Perhaps these folks should actually protest what they want to protest. They say they "love the flag", and they are not protesting America or the anthem, but then why are they protesting it, instead of the crooked cops, white supremacists, or whatever else they are upset about?


If I'm mad a Chuck Schumer, should I then protest McDonald's becausd I saw him eat there one time?

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Trump could be seen as directly responsible for the death of the USFL due to convincing other owners to move to the fall and directly compete, then filing an antitrust lawsuit - which he won, but was awarded $1 damages

His motivation was said to be, to force a merger which would raise the value of his NJ Generals team.


Be ironic if he managed to kill the NFL over this, 30 years later.


That will never happen. People amaze me at the **** they get all bent out of shape about, but yet they have no issues with the vets being treated like crap and having their benefits cut every time Congress needs funding for something else.


Kneel for the anthem? OH HELL NO!!! I'm boycotting cause of all the vets who served, blah blah blah


Vets get benefits cut and are treated like trash? Oh, OK, no problem...


Makes ZERO sense.


Guess it falls under the "not coming out of my pocket" theory...they can get all pseudo-worked up about that issue cause they don't have to fund it.



More than this, I simply can't believe people can't see what Trump's "game" is...basically divide the American people, get them focused on all this other BS that makes absolutely no difference in the long run, then while everyone's attention is focused on these issues he creates out of thin air on a regular basis, he can be doing whatever he wants because nobody is paying attention...


As they say in Swordfish...misdirection...



Edited by matter2003
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More than this, I simply can't believe people can't see what Trump's "game" is...basically divide the American people, get them focused on all this other BS that makes absolutely no difference in the long run, then while everyone's attention is focused on these issues he creates out of thin air on a regular basis, he can be doing whatever he wants because nobody is paying attention...



Trump is drawing peoples' attention to issues he creates out of thin air so that people will be so focused on what he's doing that they won't notice what he's doing because they're not paying attention?



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"Palmetto Restaurant won't be showing NFL games until it rids itself of protest by its employees during the anthem."



Some restaurants around the country are beginning to ban NFL games over player protests.


According to the Washington Post, four restaurants in South Carolina, Texas, New York and Louisiana are among a wave of establishments refusing to air NFL games in some capacity after players and owners exercised their right to peacefully protest during the national anthem during last weekend’s games.

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Serious question.


Who says we play the National Anthem to honor those that fought for our country? Before they play it, the PA announcer says it's "to honor America". There are are a lot of other things to honor (or not) besides "those that have fought for our country".


We have 2 national holidays for that. Veterans Day and Memorial Day.


As a veteran, I find it disrespectful that the Bills and NFL have Co opted Veterans Day into a recruiting commercial.


Those that did fight, did it to protect our freedom. Yet some are upset the players are exercising thier freedom.


This whole thing makes no sense to me.

Its definitely being used as a marketing tool to recruit for the military.


It really doesn't make a lot of sense, I agree.


Personally, I understand what they are trying to do, I just can't understand why they chose this way to do it. I think there are much more appropriate ways for them to express their views. This type of protest doesn't seem to align with what they are trying to do. If they really wanted to promote the cause, they could actually go out of their way and be proactive, but they choose a venue where they really don't have to make any effort because they are already there. No effort necessary. I believe many are sincere in what they are doing, but it sure looks a lot more like a left wing agenda than bringing attention to social injustices.


They definitely have the freedom to do what they are doing, but with that comes with consequences. Just like someone has the freedom to stop going to work, or paying the power bill, the action gets a reaction. We will see how it plays out.

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"Palmetto Restaurant won't be showing NFL games until it rids itself of protest by its employees during the anthem."









now, you celebrate this, yes? as they are exercising their freedom of speech, right?
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steelers-fan-flips-off-referees-e1352833Networks Refused to Show Angry, Booing NFL Fans...




Now..................why would that be.............isn't it news ?

Don't blame them but it must be a tough choice. They love controversy but this isn't good for them. I wouldn't expect them to. It's not like they are a news organization that is supposed to show both sides. They are an entertainment show.
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Trump was purposely divisive. He knew that by going after the "kneelers" would be a politically winning issue for him. I know of people who can't stand him who are now showing their disdain for the "kneelers".


And the athletes played right into his hands. The NFL owners had little choice but to protect their product (the players) and it's unfortunate that the president would interject himself into a private business company matters to score cheap political points.


I look at this and it appears that everyone seems to be in the wrong here. Personally I don't give a **** if they kneel but at the same time I look at it and ask myself "You want to protest racial inequality by kneeling to the flag?" What a misguided and stupid decision.


But whatever, all I see are snowflakes on both sides of this argument

Edited by Magox
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Trump was purposely divisive. He knew that by going after the "kneelers" would be a politically winning issue for him. I know of people who can't stand him who are now showing their disdain for the "kneelers".


And the athletes played right into his hands. The NFL owners had little choice but to protect their product (the players) and it's unfortunate that the president would interject himself into a private business company matters to score cheap political points.


I look at this and it appears that everyone seems to be in the wrong here. Personally I don't give a **** if they kneel but at the same time I look at it and ask myself "You want to protest racial inequality by kneeling to the flag?" What a misguided and stupid decision.


But whatever, all I see are snowflakes on both sides of this argument

Agreed. The stupidity by mostly all involved throughout this entire controversy is staggering.

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Trump was purposely divisive. He knew that by going after the "kneelers" would be a politically winning issue for him. I know of people who can't stand him who are now showing their disdain for the "kneelers".


And the athletes played right into his hands. The NFL owners had little choice but to protect their product (the players) and it's unfortunate that the president would interject himself into a private business company matters to score cheap political points.


I look at this and it appears that everyone seems to be in the wrong here. Personally I don't give a **** if they kneel but at the same time I look at it and ask myself "You want to protest racial inequality by kneeling to the flag?" What a misguided and stupid decision.


But whatever, all I see are snowflakes on both sides of this argument

Maybe, maybe not. Could have been planned, or off the cuff, or even a little of both. I doubt the SOB comment was planned, but who knows? This divide has been going on for much longer than he has been in office.


You stated the players are misguided and I agree. Unfortunately half of our population is misguided because they tend to draw conclusions without basing their conclusions on all the evidence and only headlines from a misguiding media.

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Maybe, maybe not. Could have been planned, or off the cuff, or even a little of both. I doubt the SOB comment was planned, but who knows? This divide has been going on for much longer than he has been in office.


You stated the players are misguided and I agree. Unfortunately half of our population is misguided because they tend to draw conclusions without basing their conclusions on all the evidence and only headlines from a misguiding media.

Yes, its been going on, but Trump has turned it into an art of attacking anyone of color and turning the issue into white grievance. Not much different than him pushing families in front of cameras who have been victims of crime from immigrants, or telling cops to abuse people arrested, or sheriff Arpaio and on and on

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Yes, its been going on, but Trump has turned it into an art of attacking anyone of color and turning the issue into white grievance. Not much different than him pushing families in front of cameras who have been victims of crime from immigrants, or telling cops to abuse people arrested, or sheriff Arpaio and on and on

I have heard many say he "attacks" people of color, but where is the evidence? This isn't about race. He did sign an executive order allocating 25 billion to black colleges, while the former president allocated 4 billion over 7 years. That is about race, but you won't hear about that on CNN. He was called anitsemitic until they found out his son in law was Jewish and the PM of Israel endorsed him. He was a Putin puppet until a year later they still hadn't found a shred of evidence to support it. I get it, you don't like the way he speaks, but look at evidence, not headlines.

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I have heard many say he "attacks" people of color, but where is the evidence? This isn't about race. He did sign an executive order allocating 25 billion to black colleges, while the former president allocated 4 billion over 7 years. That is about race, but you won't hear about that on CNN. He was called anitsemitic until they found out his son in law was Jewish and the PM of Israel endorsed him. He was a Putin puppet until a year later they still hadn't found a shred of evidence to support it. I get it, you don't like the way he speaks, but look at evidence, not headlines.

You are new here and Tiberius/gatorman (and possibly Baskin) are the same. It is the offspring of Sandra Fluke and a rolled up copy of The Huffington Post. Many here have him on ignore while many more refuse to discuss things with him. Others (like me) occasionally respond to him. I do it to practice my mocking skills. Welcome to PPP.

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You are new here and Tiberius/gatorman (and possibly Baskin) are the same. It is the offspring of Sandra Fluke and a rolled up copy of The Huffington Post. Many here have him on ignore while many more refuse to discuss things with him. Others (like me) occasionally respond to him. I do it to practice my mocking skills. Welcome to PPP.

LOL, thank you

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I have heard many say he "attacks" people of color, but where is the evidence?


There is no evidence. Tiberius/gator/baskin needs to scream racism at everything, although I think they're moving away from 'racism' and moving foward with 'white supremacists' now because they know they've used racist too much.


In the end, they don't need evidence.They just copy/paste whatever their master tells them to post from the plantation known as the Democratic Party.

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