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Hughes doesn't get why Jim Kelly is on the field in 2017


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I do! I do!

The first black guys were protesting other black guys getting oppressed by the po'po.


The second black guys and their white teammates were protesting orange clowns.


The rednecks were protesting pinko fags spitting on the flag even though there weren't any.


The closet racists were protesting various random negroes for being negroes.


The crazy lefties were protesting something about someone doing stuff they're supposed to be against but don't really know what except that it's intolerable.


The flag wavers were protesting the flag haters for spitting on the veterans who support the flag haters.


The Trump fans were protesting anything anyone says against their führer even though they don't really believe in what they are saying.


And the rest are protesting Hillary's emails.

You quite oossibly post the worst trach that my eyes have ever partaken. And thats quite the accomplishment. Congrats!
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not that you'll have the fortitude to ever respond, but it legal speak should is about as definitive as must.


No, it is not.


The policy uses both words, with clear distinction between the two.


Should is a suggestion.


Must is a mandate.


It's really that simple.

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Your crusade is already old. I thought you quit the NFL. Shouldn't you be gone, now?



A veteran who served to protect the freedoms - including standing whenever the hell we want to - of our nation.

Bye, honey.

this is such a tired argument, as I can list dozens of veterans who are also discussed by this. You're a veteran you have your Viewpoint, it's precious. But, it's your individual right and it does not reflect on any other veteran.


So, spare everyone the individual freedoms of what being a veteran must entail. You're right as a veteran is no different than mine as a douchebag.


No, it is not.


The policy uses both words, with clear distinction between the two.


Should is a suggestion.


Must is a mandate.


It's really that simple.

here's a Cornell article that addresses this, where they determined that it is a legal precedents AKA a law


Just like if I said I saw you with Fergy in the back of the car 100 years ago it would be much more than it meant last Sunday. Vernacular changes, but in certain aspects it does not

Edited by Boyst62
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Its almost like the Divider In Chief never disrespected the military or veterans himself, and then took the, ahem, patriotic stance that his base laps up.


So weird...


Its almost like the Divider In Chief never disrespected the military or veterans himself, and then took the, ahem, patriotic stance that his base laps up.


So weird...


Its almost like the Divider In Chief never disrespected the military or veterans himself, and then took the, ahem, patriotic stance that his base laps up.


So weird...

That makes no sense.As crude as DT is at least he isnt one of the putridly ignorant/weak politically correct types who have absolutely no idea why they are kneeling or supporting the kneelers.

It couldnt possibly be because they believe that police are the problems in inner city america? Lets hope not because common sense and reality say that that is not so. How about a little respect for the poor innocent black people in the inner cities who are victimized by black drug gangs? i am sure these people caught in the crossfire arent encouraged by the idiots causing anti-police riots when the police are the only ones in there trying to protect them,. Yeah all those victims in the inner cities really want LESS police protection...which will be the result if there are riots after every single questionable cop involved shooting.At some point the depts are gonna say hell with this...And the gangs will rule even more and the poor black citizens will be even further victimized. -This kneeling crap based on BS has much worse effects than the blind and weak kneeler supporters seem to think.

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this is such a tired argument, as I can list dozens of veterans who are also discussed by this. You're a veteran you have your Viewpoint, it's precious. But, it's your individual right and it does not reflect on any other veteran.


So, spare everyone the individual freedoms of what being a veteran must entail. You're right as a veteran is no different than mine as a douchebag.


I couldn't agree with you more. Veterans don't have any more rights than those who've not served.


I wasn't speaking on behalf of anyone; I'd never do that. I was only speaking for myself.


And I don't need to spare anyone anything, as I wasn't talking about "freedoms of what being a veteran must entail."


But thanks for letting everyone know how much you respect veterans.

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I dont drink. Its terrible for your health and long term destroys your ability to function as the human body was designed. But you gonaheqd and tell me how tough you are drinking that strong stuff champ.

You say you don't drink but you just typed "gonaheqd?" I apologize in advance if it's cerebral palsy but that there looks to me like you took a few too many nips of creme de menthe.

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I couldn't agree with you more. Veterans don't have any more rights than those who've not served.


I wasn't speaking on behalf of anyone; I'd never do that. I was only speaking for myself.


And I don't need to spare anyone anything, as I wasn't talking about "freedoms of what being a veteran must entail."


But thanks for letting everyone know how much you respect veterans.

I'm too good at this, it never ends pretty.


A dedication to me from you

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You say you don't drink but you just typed "gonaheqd?" I apologize in advance if it's cerebral palsy but that there looks to me like you took a few too many nips of creme de menthe.


Or methanol.

2 letters Tom. Dont insult your own intelligence by acting like you couldnt change two letters of the words that I fat fingered? Cmon thats a tired argument looking to start a fight?


I'm not insulting my intelligence. I'm insulting yours.

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You say you don't drink but you just typed "gonaheqd?" I apologize in advance if it's cerebral palsy but that there looks to me like you took a few too many nips of creme de menthe.

There you go with petty insults. Im sure you have never mistyped anything on your phone. But go ahead and keep insulting me. Im sure it soothes that pain inside if you.
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There you go with petty insults. Im sure you have never mistyped anything on your phone. But go ahead and keep insulting me. Im sure it soothes that pain inside if you.

I WAS feeling great. The pain I now feel is having to read and try to figure out what gonaheqd was supposed to mean. Now I need a drink.

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