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Hughes doesn't get why Jim Kelly is on the field in 2017


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Listen, unless you're going to speak to me through a meme or a video or a video of a meme or a screenshot of a facebook post or a tweet from a radio host, i can't be 100% sure that what you're saying is even true. So, if you can get me an infowars page or a Brietbart political cartoon or a gif of the president hitting the CNN logo with a golf club, then we can talk. Otherwise, how can we even validate these 'facts.' Also, I need you to prove that you're not in the deep state.


:wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:

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If i were McD.. I would nip this in the bud.. this board is obviously not representative from what most people think .. Kelly is revered in this town.. and a chump like hughes should STFU.

Kelly is an ass. He may have been a great player and I am glad he is healthy, but he is an ass.

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And who said anything about beating wives, even Poyer piped up and said the workplace is not the appropriate avenue to be doing this. So you want to pick one point and go to the extreme and ignore the main point.... its just someone who felt so strongly about multimillionaires bitching about being oppressed that he couldnt work for them. FFS, KtD get a grip

No. The main point of THIS particular story is the guy quit his job over a peaceful protest. And the millionaire protestors were not protesting about their personal treatment, but rather everyone's personal treatment.
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Trump is an awful business man (with a string of business failures and scams) who's not much more than a carnival barking clown. You have been duped.

My favorite thing of today. Puerto Rico owes millions of dollars. No mention of the $33MM is because he left a failed golf course and now PR has to pay for it.

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are you afraid of the truth and what's going on in this county are you afraid of reading this comments under that video. You have no clue what's going on. Trump won by over 4,000 countries to Hilary's 400 or something like that. She cheated Bernie Sanders out of the nomination and all the media can do is play identity politics. People are sick of it and 60,000 factories going over seas and these do nothing politicians. I've voted for Obama twice and now regret it. Millions of Obama voters like me went for Trump because he get America and honors are vets



are you really that naive? I'm guessing you are with that statement.





John McCain


He’s not a war hero,” he said at an Iowa summit in July 2015.

“He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.”




Veterans are not happy about Donald Trump’s ‘callous’ PTSD comments




while answering a question about veteran health care, he made an offhand comment saying that “strong” veterans don’t deal with PTSD.


@iava As a veteran of the USAF I cannot take the way this man speaks about any group of people including veterans. https://twitter.com/peterdaou/status/782972025195331584






Amid Donald Trump's Feud With the NFL, This WWII Veteran Took a Knee



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Everyone has a right to express themselves.


Jim Kelly was an excellent football player who brought this franchise into national relevance in the late 80s and early 90s.


That being said, he was also a privileged, philandering, misogynistic prima donna who discovered a moral high ground later in life when his own mortality unfortunately came into focus. While undoubtedly tough and resilient, he lacks empathy and intellectual flexibility, and accountability. He does not deserve the idol worship some grant him.


Therefore, Jerry Hughes, go on with your bad self. Tell him if he doesn't like the team, he can find a new one. I recall Jimbo saying something similar recently...

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And who said anything about beating wives, even Poyer piped up and said the workplace is not the appropriate avenue to be doing this. So you want to pick one point and go to the extreme and ignore the main point.... its just someone who felt so strongly about multimillionaires bitching about being oppressed that he couldnt work for them. FFS, KtD get a grip

Not appropriate in the workplace like the republican firebrand, Kim Davis, not issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples? They used that woman as a savior.

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Because he's not allowed his opinion? He's not allowed to express his views?

A league that is 70% black who wants to take a knee, but refuse to go into the inner cities where real help is needed. We have children who don't know where their next meal is coming from, where is the kneeling for that?

The league is full of drug abusers, women/children beaters, law breakers, phonies, etc... yet you wanna sit there and take your moral compass from them?

Kelly is not without his warts, but he's just as entitled to his opinion as any of these other athletes.

Here is what the NFL players are currently doing and trying to do, if you're interested. We are not allowed to paste large sections of articles so I will just provide the link.


It is a letter that was written by the NFL players commission and sent to the league. It outlines the basis of what they are currently doing to bring about change in their communities as well as a call to action. It's really a pretty interesting read -



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It started falling apart when your boy Trump was elected. But I'm optimistic that something like that will never happen again and we'll see record voting numbers in the next election and as a result we'll have a President that better represents America.

In case you missed these numbers, let me remind you. There WAS record voting this past election.7 million more than the previous number of 132 million set in 2008. And before you state that population has increased, and further prove "my" boy's point that illegal immigration is out of control, let me just say that Trump didn't hold the "minority" vote.

It's safe to say, therefore, that the majority has spoken.

As far as representing our country better, do you mean to the rest of the outside world? As in business as usual? How's that worked out in the last 50 years?

Or do you mean better represent US? The citizens of this/our land?

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