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Hughes doesn't get why Jim Kelly is on the field in 2017


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read the comments under the video his actions on game day were what he believes. He is in fear of getting cut now he must conform to the liberal globalist agenda and play identity politics. He's like a Isis captured hostage reading a statement. So sad this country is falling apart.



Are you serious or trolling? I don't read YouTube comments to form my opinions.

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A lot of people have been out of line in this. Trump, Kelly, McCoy, Hughes, among others... all should STFU. I think the most sensible response I've seen thus far is this guy...



Yep. Everyone should quit their jobs. MakeAmericaInTheGreatDepressionAgain.


You know, when it was awesome and we could beat our wives.

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are you afraid of the truth and what's going on in this county are you afraid of reading this comments under that video. You have no clue what's going on. Trump won by over 4,000 countries to Hilary's 400 or something like that. She cheated Bernie Sanders out of the nomination and all the media can do is play identity politics. People are sick of it and 60,000 factories going over seas and these do nothing politicians. I've voted for Obama twice and now regret it. Millions of Obama voters like me went for Trump because he get America and honors are vets


I am a veteran. He does not honor me and I do not respect him as a man, let alone the leader of the free world.


And that's all I got to say about that.

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are you afraid of the truth and what's going on in this county are you afraid of reading this comments under that video. You have no clue what's going on. Trump won by over 4,000 countries to Hilary's 400 or something like that. She cheated Bernie Sanders out of the nomination and all the media can do is play identity politics. People are sick of it and 60,000 factories going over seas and these do nothing politicians. I've voted for Obama twice and now regret it. Millions of Obama voters like me went for Trump because he get America and honors are vets


You've been brain-washed by conservative propaganda.


As for veterans, this man says it best...



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are you afraid of the truth and what's going on in this county are you afraid of reading this comments under that video. You have no clue what's going on. Trump won by over 4,000 countries to Hilary's 400 or something like that. She cheated Bernie Sanders out of the nomination and all the media can do is play identity politics. People are sick of it and 60,000 factories going over seas and these do nothing politicians. I've voted for Obama twice and now regret it. Millions of Obama voters like me went for Trump because he get America and honors are vets

Listen, unless you're going to speak to me through a meme or a video or a video of a meme or a screenshot of a facebook post or a tweet from a radio host, i can't be 100% sure that what you're saying is even true. So, if you can get me an infowars page or a Brietbart political cartoon or a gif of the president hitting the CNN logo with a golf club, then we can talk. Otherwise, how can we even validate these 'facts.' Also, I need you to prove that you're not in the deep state.

Edited by quinnearlysghost88
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read the comments under the video his actions on game day were what he believes. He is in fear of getting cut now he must conform to the liberal globalist agenda and play identity politics. He's like a Isis captured hostage reading a statement. So sad this country is falling apart.




What is wrong with you? Seriously? Comments under a youtube video? That's your evidence?

You really think that the Steelers would cut their starting guard, an ex-Army Ranger over this?

Are you serious or trolling? I don't read YouTube comments to form my opinions.


I hope he's trolling because if he isn't.....wowzers.

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I am a veteran. He does not honor me and I do not respect him as a man, let alone the leader of the free world.


And that's all I got to say about that.

People supporting Trump the draft dodger who said he like soldiers who don't get captured not POWs, and wrapping themselves in the flag over this issue, is hysterical.
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are you afraid of the truth and what's going on in this county are you afraid of reading this comments under that video. You have no clue what's going on. Trump won by over 4,000 countries to Hilary's 400 or something like that. She cheated Bernie Sanders out of the nomination and all the media can do is play identity politics. People are sick of it and 60,000 factories going over seas and these do nothing politicians. I've voted for Obama twice and now regret it. Millions of Obama voters like me went for Trump because he get America and honors are vets



The Trump Collection clothing line is made in Bangladesh, Honduras, China and Vietnam.

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Were they telling Villanova to his face? Because he actually says he intended to stand with his teammates and there was a kerfluffle.

I'm sure there was no pressure in that locker Room from the way James Harrison was talking. I'm glad in the end the man followed his heart.


I served in the army. My brother was a ranger in the army. I agree with all the protests, but I myself could not find myself doing anything other than standing for my national anthem. It would be hypocritical of me to say I fought for our freedom to speech and had anything other than respect for the protests. But at the same time, the protesters must also respect that there are people who do agree with them but not with this particular type of protest.

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That's odd, because Kaepernick scored a 37 on the Wonderlic. Kelly scored a 15. That's probably shocking to some though because, you know.


It's amazing that the cringe-worthy posts still pop up all over the place. I wouldn't even call it a racial undertone. It's pretty much just racist.

You're forgetting to account for the racial bias in the Wonderlic.

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Yep. Everyone should quit their jobs. MakeAmericaInTheGreatDepressionAgain.


You know, when it was awesome and we could beat our wives.

And who said anything about beating wives, even Poyer piped up and said the workplace is not the appropriate avenue to be doing this. So you want to pick one point and go to the extreme and ignore the main point.... its just someone who felt so strongly about multimillionaires bitching about being oppressed that he couldnt work for them. FFS, KtD get a grip

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The Trump Collection clothing line is made in Bangladesh, Honduras, China and Vietnam.


That's because we have the highest corporate tax in the world with trillions parked overseas from the companies doing business over there. Trump is smart business man. Lower the taxes on corporations and small businesses and get rid of these regulations and jobs come back. Factories come back. millions of real paying jobs come back to the middle class. These globalist have gutted the American middle class. it no wonder Trump won over 4,000 counties to Hillaries 400 and why millions of us that voted for Obama twice voted for Trump

Edited by Thurmanator 12074
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That's because we have the highest corporate tax in the world with trillions parked overseas from the companies doing business over there. Trump is smart business man. Lower the taxes on corporations and small businesses and get rid of these regulations and jobs come back. Factories come back. millions of real paying jobs come back to the middle class. These globalist have gutted the American middle class. it no wonder Trump won over 4,000 counties to Hillaries 400 and why millions of us that voted for Obama twice voted for Trump


Trump is an awful business man (with a string of business failures and scams) who's not much more than a carnival barking clown. You have been duped.

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That's because we have the highest corporate tax in the world with trillions parked overseas from the companies doing business over there. Trump is smart business man. Lower the taxes on corporations and small businesses and get rid of these regulations and jobs come back. Factories come back. millions of real paying jobs come back to the middle class. These globalist have gutted the American middle class. it no wonder Trump to over 4,000 counties to Hillaries 400 and why millions of us that voted for Obama twice voted for Trump


LOL...not it's not. He's only doing it because he can pay these factory workers much, much lower wages. Don't be so naive and brainwashed.

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