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Hughes doesn't get why Jim Kelly is on the field in 2017


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I have always thought it is long past the time when the old guard needed to step away and let the Bills be their own team. Jimbo hanging around the sidelines kind of reminds me of the "cool kids" coming back to their old high school after their first year of college, to brag about their glory days and remind everybody of how much better it was way back when.


On top of that, it's a totally new game now. A lot of what worked in the 90's in terms of both the playbook and the types of players who execute it, just doesn't apply anymore. Jimbo may have a lot to offer in terms of motivation and mentoring, but he can't be handing out pointers on strategy and player evaluations in a league that is so different from the one he played in.


I agree with Jerry Hughes - it's time to make the sideline visits a once-every-year-or-so thing, unless he's legitimately on the payroll with a defined set of responsibilities. Otherwise, it's time to be respectful of the guys who wear the uniform today. They don't need the helicopter parenting.

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Where does this even come from? You know what players do/'dont do in their own time? League full of drug abusers cause its 70% black? Full of women and children beaters cause its 70% black??? WTF are you talking about?



Damn, you read posts like this and some wonder why the need to raise awareness to racism in this country?

Read a few more of his posts & you'll exactly where this is coming from.

No there is no ignorance

I saw JJ Watt raise in incredible amount of money for Texas relief. Didn't need to kneel during the anthem. Didn't need to raise it for just whites, just blacks, just any color. Raised it for an ENTIRE STATE.

And again, didn't need to grandstand during the anthem to get people's attention.

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When your living under Shari law you won't be saying that. you will infact truly be oppressed, so keep drinking the liberal globalist kool aide why u bring down this country.

Shari law? You mean the chick with the sock puppet is going to take over the country?
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Read a few more of his posts & you'll exactly where this is coming from.

Where is that? Because you don't agree with me all of a sudden I'm racist lmao please.


I have plenty of black friends, plenty of Spanish friends, a couple that actually are gay or going through a gender identity situation on their own.


I have black family members.


If your best retort is that I am racist than you are missing the bigger issue at hand.

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I don't know how old everyone is, but this is very reminiscent of after 9/11 and who did or didn't support the war was also an indicator of if you were a 'TRUE PATRIOT " or not. Also if you didn't have an american car flag you might as well have been the enemy. Obviously this is a smaller scale, but the whole holding someone's love of country of their head based on their non-violent, first-amendment right has been done and will continue to be done.

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Let me tell you something all these liberal kiss Azz antifa want to be bills fans have been duped by the fake stream media. it's a group effort by the media to make this a big deal. sure there going to show the national anthem. Have cameras in the faces of the players. Trump is right you should stand and respect the flag and the anthem and the people who died for your freedoms the Veterans. if you don't, your not an good American. This goes for all players White Black Hispanic Indian or what ever color you are. He never said just black players. I love how the media twists it into trump is telling black players they can't protest. I support there right to protest but not at work. your upsetting over half your customer base. If you want to protest do it on your own time and on your social media. The media has turned us Against one another. They are in the tank all of them against the president. They are helping to divide us. If you support not standing for the anthem then stay home. Players or teams should not be out on the field when the anthem is played if they can't respect the flag. Let the fans pay there respects. you who support kneeling are in with this group of Anti American sentiment. You are in for bringing down the laws of this country and its constitution. You want Shari law to happen so women can be abused and gays thrown off buildings with no religious freedom.


I'm so sick and tired of this fake made up controversies by the liberal press that did everything they could to steal the election.

They screwed Bernie Sanders and now there trying to bring down are government. Real Americans see threw this crap and if you keep it up Trump will win 48 states in 2020.


Yes there is a lot of Kelly haters they hate him, they hate the bills our country and everything else it stands for. I'm a veteran from the US Air Force and also US Army. I will not stand for this and I will call you out every chance I get. How is this good for business when people are turning off the TV not going to games. Burning tickets and memorabilia. The media has used sports to compromise them. They have turned the ESPN and The NFL into communist organizations. The NFL even had the gull to tell teams like the Giants and the Cowboys they could not honor 911 victims with patches and When the Dallas police officers were killed by the BLM terrorists the Cowboys could not honor them with patches.they tried but were told to take them off. This is why you don't let this stuff infiltrate your business. The NFL commissioner is a weasel and he should have kept these teams in the locker room. You don't protest the flag or the anthem or Veterans holding the flag or singing the anthem on company time. No one thinks that could possible be ok and I'm pretty sure if you did this at your work you would be fired.

Ive got a feeling someone is heading for a little unplanned vacation...


I would tell you to come down here and stand around a bunch of monuments but they all got taken down. There may still be a small one of Jefferson Davis that I see confederate flags flying around from time to time.


BTW, there isn't much that I like more than a good TBD meltdown.

Edited by Kirby Jackson
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An immigrant who now lives in the USA craving For freedom knows what the US flag and anthem means.

everyone one of you anti Americans should be ashamed. Watch her cry defending freedom and what it stands for

I'm embarrassd for you all




Edited by Thurmanator 12074
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When your living under Shari law you won't be saying that. you will infact truly be oppressed, so keep drinking the liberal globalist kool aide why u bring down this country.

People are always trying to sell fear. Fear of terrorists, fear of guns. I'm not afraid. That BS doesn't work on me. The founders wrote the Bill of Rights because they knew the power of fear. We should all be thankful.

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Dear Jerry Jim Kelly is on the field because he is a last link to the glory days of the Bills (Its marketing 101 Jerry) wouldn't be necessary if the Bills had not been the worst team in the league based on playoff appearances in the last 17 years. Despite the current players giving their all....they have not achieved what Kelly did...four consequtive Super Bowls. THATS why Jerry.........

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An immigrant who now lives in the USA craving For freedom knows what the US flag and anthem means.

everyone one of you anti Americans should be ashamed. Watch her cry defending freedom and what it stands for

I'm embarrassd for you all






I find your post offensive and anti american. I've been triggerd

Do you know how I know these protests are working? Every right-winger is debasing themselves to do whatever they can to change the conversation. To discredit the protests and protestors. And to tie their actions to anything to make them look bad. It's severely unsettling them that they have to think about this.

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