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Jim Kelly disrespected by Shady stretching during Anthem


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So all these threads, all these tweets, news stories, arguments, talk radio discussions, and exchanges between warring factions has been about what security guards do during the anthem? What fans in the stands do? What people on message boards do? That's what this has been all about?


I guess I was wrong. I thought it was only about what the players were doing.


Damn, I really thought when everyone was talking about one specific thing that they were talking about that one specific thing.


Who knew?

Do you want to live in an America where people pee in sinks during an anthem while players silently kneel?!? Can you imagine the nerve of those players. Who knows what they will come up with to disrespect us next.

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What Dallas did was a contrived theatrical show with zero meaning. They did nothing, other than doing nothing. Were they kneeling about the domestic violence problem in our country? They're a joke.



Loved what Dallas did. Handled it better than any other save perhaps the Steelers. Kneel before the anthem ( we already know what they were protesting, plus a Trump factor), then stand as one. Great stuff.

Loved this article, exactly how I felt when Jerry was staring at the camera ..saying look at me, I am a marketing genius

http://deadspin.com/this-is-all-bull ****-1818779588


Again, I think the whole Anthem demonstration has lost the meaning of what Kap was fighting for and trying to bring visibility too, and that's a shame




We know they are protesting Cops shooting black people or what ever injustice, Trump saying SOB, whatever. What the players are doing is disrespectful to what the Anthem and Flag stand for. Basically the players selfishly are saying their cause is more important than the 2 minutes to acknowledge and revere what our Nation means and has been through. Disrespect and they brought a political issue into a sport. that is the issue. How much of the past 2 days since they have done this have we solved their protested issue. Seems to me they made it worse for themselves

Interesting fact I learned yesterday through all this stuff, The Anthem actually advocates killing slaves. I never knew that, interesting fact.


And in terms of bringing politics into sport, sport has inspired so much social change it would be wrong not to in my eyes. From Jackie Robinson, to Ali, to Juan Carlos and Tommie Smith. Based on comments in the two threads, I think a lot of us may not be discussing the issue if not for Kap and the last 12 months. That's is a good thing in my mind, no matter what your opinion on the kneeling vs not kneeling debate.

Edited by plenzmd1
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Is doing crosswords whlist naked a thing?


I mean ... I've never done it. I'd never DO it, of course.


Just wondering if there's anyone else out there .... I mean, anyone out there who really does that kind of thing.



That's definitely not a part of my morning routine. Definitely not.

Edited by LBSeeBallLBGetBall
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A toy gun, nonetheless. He as doing nothing wrong, cops drove right up to him and shot him. No questions asked.


Even if this was a good cop making a terrible error- he gets away with it. That's the gist of the problem.

Because that's his job,silly.


This is like complaining a Marine who accidentally shoots a non-combatant "gets away with it." Of course he does.

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LeSean McCoy on Jim Kelly: "He said some things to the media he probably should have said to me."



McCoy on Jim Kelly exchange after his comments-I like Jim Kelly and he texted me - he's human, didn't have to apologize. I still respect him



#Bills RB LeSean McCoy on why he stretched during anthem: I was extremely hurt, upset, frustrated, and that's how I wanted to express myself


McCoy: President's comments really got to me. Words he's using to talk about us. Still bothers me. He's supposed to be a leader. #Bills

McCoy: demonstration plans to be determined - we do have to focus on game this week. When you're on field it's go time. #Bills

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Because that's his job,silly.


This is like complaining a Marine who accidentally shoots a non-combatant "gets away with it." Of course he does.

No, its his job to accurately assess the threat before using deadly force. Further, there is no comparison between actions on a battlefield and those on city streets in US soil. The police are not at war with their own citizenry, thank goodness. Quite the contrary. There is negligence and there is criminal negligence. No one goes to jail for mere negligence but they should and do get fired. When the facts justify charges of criminal negligence or worse, they should be prosecuted.

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Aww ****! Duck Marcell!



Marcell Dareus: "Jim Kelly needs to sometimes stay back."



In my opinion, like him or not, Marcel Dareus is part of the current Buffalo Bills and has every right to say what he said.


From the sounds of it, Kelly is finally wearing out his welcome.


I hope it's a trend that continues.

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No, its his job to accurately assess the threat before using deadly force. Further, there is no comparison between actions on a battlefield and those on city streets in US soil. The police are not at war with their own citizenry, thank goodness. Quite the contrary. There is negligence and there is criminal negligence. No one goes to jail for mere negligence but they should and do get fired. When the facts justify charges of criminal negligence or worse, they should be prosecuted.


This is correct. And they are prosecuted. Juries hear the evidence and make a decision . Some don't like the decisions. Perhaps they should try to sit on the next jury the get called for, and do their part. It's the best system we have though it's not 100% foolproof. I've yet to hear a better suggestion, or any suggestion from the kneeler or their supporters.

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No it's not, you're simply assigning your interpretation of what it means and it's not your place to dictate their form of protest. You certainly have the right to not like it however.

No the announcer actually says "please rise and remove your hats while we honor America...". It's not an interpretation its an intentially disrespectful gesture

May be they have been doing that for several years with no impact. We are not in their shoes.

Doing what for years? Kneeling?

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No the announcer actually says "please rise and remove your hats while we honor America...". It's not an interpretation its an intentially disrespectful gesture


What the public address announcers says is completely different from the intentions of those who kneel, raise a fist or whatever else is done to raise awareness of the issues at hand.

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