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Jim Kelly disrespected by Shady stretching during Anthem


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Kelly is 100% correct. Why do we traditionally stand and take off our hats and remain silent during the anthem. It's to "honor American". As the announcer always reminds us. Kneeling is meant to do the opposite, its disrespectful and disgraceful. If you want to bring attention to a belief wear an armband, say something during interviews instead of telling us how great you are. Instead of dancing in the end zone like a clown quietly go down to your knee then.

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Kelly is 100% correct. Why do we traditionally stand and take off our hats and remain silent during the anthem. It's to "honor American". As the announcer always reminds us. Kneeling is meant to do the opposite, its disrespectful and disgraceful. If you want to bring attention to a belief wear an armband, say something during interviews instead of telling us how great you are. Instead of dancing in the end zone like a clown quietly go down to your knee then.

Yep. It's amazing anyone ever gets married with all these disrespectful proposers.
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Kelly is 100% correct. Why do we traditionally stand and take off our hats and remain silent during the anthem. It's to "honor American". As the announcer always reminds us. Kneeling is meant to do the opposite, its disrespectful and disgraceful. If you want to bring attention to a belief wear an armband, say something during interviews instead of telling us how great you are. Instead of dancing in the end zone like a clown quietly go down to your knee then.


No it's not, you're simply assigning your interpretation of what it means and it's not your place to dictate their form of protest. You certainly have the right to not like it however.

Edited by 26CornerBlitz
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Yep. It's amazing anyone ever gets married with all these disrespectful proposers.

Sarcasm or clueless? I'm sorry I can't tell anymore.


No it's not, you're simply assigning your interpretation of what it means and it's not your place to dictate their form of protest. You certainly have the right to not like it however.

Let's be intellectually honest here. Our cultural norms (maybe I want societal there?) in this country dictate standing for the anthem is the respectful thing to do. Therefore, doing anything else would logically be disrespectful. We can debate whether or not the intention is to be disrespectful. I think some maybe, some no. That said, norms dictate behavior and generation after generation has been raised to stand for the anthem out of respect. That isn't debatable is it?

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So it's funny that NFL players around the league are now saying this protest has NOTHING to do with lack of pride, lack of patriotism or disrespect for the country. That's a crock of bull. If Kaepernick would have protested on his own time, or found a way to do it without knocking the flag or America - this would have never gotten out of hand.

And it wouldn't have gotten any notoriety either. And how do you propose to know what the players are protesting...what they do or don't take pride in?? We have protests of some kind every day in our nation. The few...very few protesters at the time...were singled out by the president. Divisively and most disrespectfully. Did not Trump disrespect their constitutional rights by that act? Did not he himself disrespect the constitution...as much a symbol as the flag or anthem???


Had he worded it tactfully, none of this occurs. What an egotistical dipshit.

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And it wouldn't have gotten any notoriety either. And how do you propose to know what the players are protesting...what they do or don't take pride in?? We have protests of some kind every day in our nation. The few...very few protesters at the time...were singled out by the president. Divisively and most disrespectfully. Did not Trump disrespect their constitutional rights by that act? Did not he himself disrespect the constitution...as much a symbol as the flag or anthem???


Had he worded it tactfully, none of this occurs. What an egotistical dipshit.

Constitutional rights? I get your outrage but what? No sarcasm or disrespect meant here, educate me if I am wrong please.

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Had he worded it tactfully, none of this occurs.

If he doesn't call players who support taking a knee SOB's I suspect it would have been much different. Those are fighting words to many guys who were raised by strong, supportive mothers.


It pissed me off...and I can only imagine how infuriated many players were.

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And it wouldn't have gotten any notoriety either. And how do you propose to know what the players are protesting...what they do or don't take pride in?? We have protests of some kind every day in our nation. The few...very few protesters at the time...were singled out by the president. Divisively and most disrespectfully. Did not Trump disrespect their constitutional rights by that act? Did not he himself disrespect the constitution...as much a symbol as the flag or anthem???

Had he worded it tactfully, none of this occurs. What an egotistical dipshit.

You underestimate the media greatly. Any protest with a liberal stance is going to be gobbled up and regurgitated for the masses with great gusto. If the players formed a circle and knelt before the second half they'd be on it like flies on a Buffalo chip. It probably wouldn't offend anyone either. CK originally said he was protesting because he wasn't going to " show pride " in the country by standing? Call it what you want but it's intended to have more than a touch of disrespect. If you can't admit that you've bought in hook line and sinker. I'm glad the Prez disrespected the players. They didn't deserve any respect.

Sarcasm or clueless? I'm sorry I can't tell anymore.


Let's be intellectually honest here. Our cultural norms (maybe I want societal there?) in this country dictate standing for the anthem is the respectful thing to do. Therefore, doing anything else would logically be disrespectful. We can debate whether or not the intention is to be disrespectful. I think some maybe, some no. That said, norms dictate behavior and generation after generation has been raised to stand for the anthem out of respect. That isn't debatable is it?

No. Not debatable.

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Yep. However, choosing that time guarantees very strong backlash. In my opinion, that backlash waters down their message.

I wonder how many players knew it was Gold Star Families Day?

The type of people that use "free speech" during our National Anthem only care about themselves. They could care less what is going on around them. They use a fake cause brought on by Kapernick supporting a Castro shirt and cops are pigs socks. This is their cause for social justice. What is lost is what our Anthem and our Flag mean. funny how people call out "Freedom of Speech" the 1st Amendment rights but forget how we got those RIGHTS! The Anthem and Flag are the reminders of why we are a great Nation and why those Rights are so important. But selfish people only see one side and care less who they hurt along the way. I canceled my NFL Sunday Ticket and won't watch another NFL game till Politics are taken out of the NFL. Even their own rules forbid those actions. SAD.

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How about we just realize that nobody is going to change their opinion and just do away with the anthem or keep players in the locker room until afterward? If it is true that their actions have nothing to do with disrespecting the anthem, flag, country, or refusing to show pride, why do they choose to " protest " during the anthem? Anyone? Why not do it say, during the first commercial break?


Different era guys. Jim was raised that way, and that's good If the NFL is smart they will outlaw personal politics at the games. It's entertainment, not a political event.


At the London game, nobody took a knee for God Save the Queen!

That is why we know it is a lie that it isn't about the USA and how they perceive it. that was a deliberate action against the Anthem and the USA.

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And it wouldn't have gotten any notoriety either. And how do you propose to know what the players are protesting...what they do or don't take pride in?? We have protests of some kind every day in our nation. The few...very few protesters at the time...were singled out by the president. Divisively and most disrespectfully. Did not Trump disrespect their constitutional rights by that act? Did not he himself disrespect the constitution...as much a symbol as the flag or anthem???


Had he worded it tactfully, none of this occurs. What an egotistical dipshit.

The players don't even know what they are protesting. Trump called them out...guess what, people 50 years ago and people TODAY are calling them out and saying "shame on you"! I say shame on them. If you are going to stand for something, stand for something. Don't change it every friggin' week for the next trend. Don't stand up for something like CK did and then change it. Don't "kneel" for a dictator (Castro), call for an end to police brutality (in disguise, and I agree with standing up to police brutality as well as propaganda and divisiveness) and then turn it into a racial issue over an individual that committed a crime, assaulted a cop and tried to take his gun and then blame the cop. Give me a break.


The anthem and the flag are representative of UNITY of the American people. It has nothing to do with the government or political figures! Enough already.

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As I've said many times here, just get rid of all the pre-game BS involving the National Anthem, Honor Guards, giant field-sized US flags, military flyovers and all of it.


Let the military spend their marketing dollars on TV commercials instead.

Get this **** out of the game of football.


It has no place before a football game.


At all!


What happen to Freedom of Speech and Advertising?

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And another thing, those "powers that be" have successfully taken away God, family...and now country. Congrats for buying in. They've won. We are now the divided states of America. Football was my break away from everything on Sunday. It was my day to forget the world for a few weeks. Now, not so much. I'm not sure I'll make it through another week of this. It's so pathetic. NFL is really becoming nothing more than a waste of what is actually SUPPOSED to be a waste of time. I've got one foot out the door...

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I've read quite a few of those opinions. It's true that the US Constitution does not protect the players from being fired by their teams or by the league, but that's not really the issue. The players are union members who are protected by a collective bargaining agreement that sheilds them from being fired, except under certain circumstances. Under the CBA, a team could release a player for participating in peaceful protests, but the player could file a grievance that would be decided by a neutral arbitrator and could be reinstated. I've seen the language in the CBA that the owners might try to rely upon, and I think its unlikely that the owners would prevail, but I will admit that the ultimate result would depend on a lot of other previous arbitrators' decisions (and other factors) that I'm not privy to. There are also state and local laws in many of the jurisdictions where NFL teams are located that protect workers from being fired for engaging in rights that are protected by the state or federal constitution. Whether those laws apply will vary, of course, depending on where the team is located.

All the HC and GM has to say is I don't think your part of our future, only if the player is hurt can anything be done. Contract is money and money alone. No guaranteed employment in the NFL.

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Let's say you were an alien just dropped into America, or a foreigner, or were born in America but had been in a coma for thirty odd years, and someone was explaining this for the first time to you.


And they said okay, there are two camps, on one side you have a bunch of people who think the flag is sacred and no one should disrespect it and everyone should do this one thing at this set time for three minutes and if you don't like it leave the country no matter what you think.


And this other side, you have a bunch of people who say we like this flag thing as much as anyone but we think everyone should probably stay quiet for these three minutes and be able to do what they feel is right as long as it doesn't physically hurt anyone else,


Which side seems the most reasonable, fair, open, free, brave, kind, generous, tolerant, and the place you would want to be in?

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The fact that anybody would get upset over someone not standing for a song... is the most ridiculous thing. How does it affect you?

Just a "song" you couldn't be more disrespectful if you tried!!!

This is absolutely not true. I have pals that have died for the flag. You and Bill Hicks know nothing about what the flag is or isnt to the military.

Watch the movie GLORY!

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Just a "song" you couldn't be more disrespectful if you tried!!!

Watch the movie GLORY!


Yes, he could.


And it really is just a song. And a flag is just fabric. Inanimate objects.


Here's some food for thought for all of you guys who like to speak on behalf of all veterans ...


About 80% of all homeless adults are veterans.


What's more disrespectful? Kneeling during a song, or not talking about the REAL PROBLEM of too many homeless veterans?

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Let's say you were an alien just dropped into America, or a foreigner, or were born in America but had been in a coma for thirty odd years, and someone was explaining this for the first time to you.


And they said okay, there are two camps, on one side you have a bunch of people who think the flag is sacred and no one should disrespect it and everyone should do this one thing at this set time for three minutes and if you don't like it leave the country no matter what you think.


And this other side, you have a bunch of people who say we like this flag thing as much as anyone but we think everyone should probably stay quiet for these three minutes and be able to do what they feel is right as long as it doesn't physically hurt anyone else,


Which side seems the most reasonable, fair, open, free, brave, kind, generous, tolerant, and the place you would want to be in?


Sure and anyone that feels it's right should be able to masturbate in their pants without exposing themselves because, hey, it doesn't hurt anybody. That's fine with you, correct? You're okay with that?

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Kelly is 100% correct. Why do we traditionally stand and take off our hats and remain silent during the anthem. It's to "honor American". As the announcer always reminds us. Kneeling is meant to do the opposite, its disrespectful and disgraceful. If you want to bring attention to a belief wear an armband, say something during interviews instead of telling us how great you are. Instead of dancing in the end zone like a clown quietly go down to your knee then.

May be they have been doing that for several years with no impact. We are not in their shoes.

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Former Bill Mike Lodish had this to say on the subject on FB:

What a disgrace to all that have served our country. To see the NFL players boycott the National Anthem because of THEIR OWN ISSUES WITH racism. I have news for you you protesting punks, there have been men and women of all types of color and race that have lost their lives because they chose to defend your way of life. You have not only **** on those hero's but you have disrespected our constitution, rights and various freedoms.

I was fortunate to have been given the opport...unity to play in the NFL and have been fortunate to have played in the biggest show of them all, The Super Bowl, six times and let me tell you this, there isn't a day that has gone by where I wouldn't stand for our anthem, to show those families of all colors mind you, that have been associated with the military in some way, the gratitude and thanks for what they and their families have done for the USA. May god watch over all of you and God bless America!



Very well said! Not so simple as this is MY RIGHT to do what I may during the National Anthem. Yes you can burn the Flag too but there are repercussions!

Edited by USABuffaloFan
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