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Yellowstone super volcano


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NASA wants to prevent the Yellowstone super volcano from destroying the US

Instead, vast quantities of searing magma and clouds of fumes would slowly crawl across the landscape — burying much of the United States under a thick coat of ash and lava.

In the case of Yellowstone, it’s enough to change the climate of the world for several centuries.

The answer: find a way to cool the magma down.

Such a project could cost in excess of $3.5 billion. But it’s nothing like the reconstruction cost of digging two thirds of the continental United States out from under mountains of volcanic ash.

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3.5 billion is a drop in the bucket.


Sounds reasonable.


Now... Can it work or are buying some lame product protection policy.


[To to cashier]: Tack it on!





Oh... Can it reach me here in Illinois. If not, it's only the Inter-Mountain West that would get obliterated.


I gotta rethink my above post... ;-)

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Old news. Pshaw! That caldera is over two million years old.

When it does blow it'll cool the atmosphere and put an end to this global warming nonsense. :ph34r:

It'll be winter around the world for decades. There'll be knee deep snow in Cairo... in August.

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I actually think humanity could benefit from an eruption right now....as much as i hate to give him props, but DC Tom may be right, we are an idiotic lot





NASA wants to prevent the Yellowstone super volcano from destroying the US
Instead, vast quantities of searing magma and clouds of fumes would slowly crawl across the landscape — burying much of the United States under a thick coat of ash and lava.
In the case of Yellowstone, it’s enough to change the climate of the world for several centuries.
The answer: find a way to cool the magma down.
Such a project could cost in excess of $3.5 billion. But it’s nothing like the reconstruction cost of digging two thirds of the continental United States out from under mountains of volcanic ash.


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I'm sure there will be no detrimental, unexpected effects from us messing with the planet like this. I personally believe that man's belief that it can manipulate/control nature for its own ends is the root of most the issues of our age and will lead to our ultimate end in the near-term (speaking in planetary timing terms).

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I'm sure there will be no detrimental, unexpected effects from us messing with the planet like this. I personally believe that man's belief that it can manipulate/control nature for its own ends is the root of most the issues of our age and will lead to our ultimate end in the near-term (speaking in planetary timing terms).

Yeah, the hotsprings in Colorado on the next ski trip will be cooler.


Scratch that plan. No dice! Ut ah... Taint gonna happen now!




Nature is like raising children or dealing with water. You aren't going to control them or even stop them for too long, but you will guide then and steer them in a direction.


Just because one doesn't control it, doesnt mean you let it run wild and don't guide it.

Edited by ExiledInIllinois
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Man thinks he can manage mother nature :lol:

Sure, why not, done every day. Now if you said: control instead of manage I may chuckle with you

Scientists should spend their time devising a way to direct all the ash north to Canada. They're used to long winters. Everybody wins!

Giant fans. Of course plugged into Mexican power grid. They can pay the electric bill.

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$3.5 billion? Yeah right. It would cost at least that much to just come up with the plan. It cost twice that to build the 2 mile eastern span of the Bay Bridge. The original cost estimate was $1b with the final price tag being $6.5b


Fortunately the Yellowstone volcano is not in California where prices are inflated by multiple factors.

Maybe the rocket man can drop a warhead right in the middle of the cauldera.....


or on the Bay Bridge...

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