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What if people in NFL stadiums took a knee today too?

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Holding the flag horizontal( as is done in many stadiums)goes against the Federal Flag code and is considered a sign of disrespect.

Budweiser cans festooned with Flags..... Disrespect

Large Bosommed ladies sporting Flag bikinis.... Disrespect

Etc, etc, etc.

People don't give a rats rear end about these things but lose their minds over principled stands for human beings and the way they are treated.......?


Bc the original stance wasn't a principled stand. It was a guy wearing cops are pigs socks, and claiming cops have some agenda, and that there are bodies in the streets.



A majority of Americans support players peaceful right to protest. A majority of Americans are appalled at what happened to Philando Castillo & Tamir Rice. A majority of Americans support equality and that means that Black Lives Matter equally as much as white lives.


The idea that a player as good as Kaepernick is out of the league is all the evidence you need that the 31 white NFL owners conspired to blackball Kaepernick. Thankfully Trump and his big-mouth put a megaphone to the silent back-door deal that was made to keep Kaepernick out of the league.


For that reason the NFL Boycott continues.


Oh give me a break. Kaepernick sucks, and teams don't want the distraction.

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Holding the flag horizontal( as is done in many stadiums)goes against the Federal Flag code and is considered a sign of disrespect.

Budweiser cans festooned with Flags..... Disrespect

Large Bosommed ladies sporting Flag bikinis.... Disrespect

Etc, etc, etc.

People don't give a rats rear end about these things but lose their minds over principled stands for human beings and the way they are treated.......?


totally unamerican :)

Edited by bigduke6
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Moving forward by disrespecting the flag... sure.


The far left liberal agenda obviously does not represent everyone in this country.

I see you are a bright guy.

The "flag" represents, if anything, a freedom of speech and right to protest.


The Nazis we fought in WWII and the communists we fought in Korea and Vietnam were not much into freedom of speech.


Disrespecting the flag would be not allowing a football player to kneel during the singing of the national anthem.

That would be utterly Nazi-esque. Something beloved by Josef Göbels or Heinrich Himmler.


Why are people in this country so freaking stupid?

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Moving forward by disrespecting the flag... sure.


The far left liberal agenda obviously does not represent everyone in this country.

I think the way the Soros backed left violently shuts down any speech they dont agree with tells it all. We know where the real intolerance is in this country.And its not with right wingers.

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Of course that's not what the protest is about. It's embracing what the anthem and flag stand for; freedom. Freedom of speech to protest social injustice.

The national anthem is a symbol of our country's sovereignty and Independence has nothing to do with social injustice the protest is stupid

Edited by Mrbojanglezs
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The Trump supporters are desperately clutching onto their vision of how America maybe once was...because the current America moving forward is leaving them behind. And it makes them scared.

I don't feel lady behind. Doing just fine here. What drivel. Seriously , doesn't anyone not working at CNN really believe this? Lemmings.......

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I am hopeful we can replace the anthem with speeches against white supremacy and racial injustice before every game. If the players were the ones giving the speeches, that would be all the better.


Players should also be permitted to put stickers on their helmets to support their favorite causes.

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Bc the original stance wasn't a principled stand. It was a guy wearing cops are pigs socks, and claiming cops have some agenda, and that there are bodies in the streets.




Oh give me a break. Kaepernick sucks, and teams don't want the distraction.

Great white boy talking points. Did you get those from O'Reilly's Talking Points Memo?

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I see you are a bright guy.


The "flag" represents, if anything, a freedom of speech and right to protest.


The Nazis we fought in WWII and the communists we fought in Korea and Vietnam were not much into freedom of speech.


Disrespecting the flag would be not allowing a football player to kneel during the singing of the national anthem.


That would be utterly Nazi-esque. Something beloved by Josef Göbels or Heinrich Himmler.


Why are people in this country so freaking stupid?


Allow a counter protest inside the stadium next to the players, then. Seriously it's not the time or place for it, is it?

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I see you are a bright guy.

The "flag" represents, if anything, a freedom of speech and right to protest.


The Nazis we fought in WWII and the communists we fought in Korea and Vietnam were not much into freedom of speech.


Disrespecting the flag would be not allowing a football player to kneel during the singing of the national anthem.

That would be utterly Nazi-esque. Something beloved by Josef Göbels or Heinrich Himmler.


Why are people in this country so freaking stupid?


Freedom of speech does not allow me to make a political stand at work and make my company a target for controversy.


Also freedom of speech allows me to critique what you are saying. By all means, keep saying it, but I will also keep saying Kaepernick and you are both wrong.

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Great white boy talking points. Did you get those from O'Reilly's Talking Points Memo?


I got that from significant research into the issue and Kaepernick is simply wrong. If you want to reduce the number of police shootings through more training fine. But it isn't a racial issue.

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I got that from significant research into the issue and Kaepernick is simply wrong. If you want to reduce the number of police shootings through more training fine. But it isn't a racial issue.

Tamir Rice was 12. Shot after police arrived in under 2 seconds. Dispatch failed to relay he had a toy gun. Research brah.

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