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You are not stating the truth--you are stating your opinion. That's fine. Just do it on a forum that is more a more appropriate platform. Very often the people who are the most righteous and outraged are the most intolerant.

Only a moron doesn't recognize confirmation bias when he hears it. That's exactly what this is: and is therefore a fact.


Perhaps if more had recognized their own confirmation bias last year, things would have been different. But they didn't, did they?


Confirmation bias is 2nd only to cliches as the enemy of actual, rigorous, thought.


Do you regularly put up with with people ripping you off?

How about disrespecting you?


Oh, I'm sure that if I spent 2 minutes ripping into your supposed values, you'd go running for your safe space.


But, that's not what this board is about, and, is sure as hell isn't what pregame Bills football is about.

I actually don't care.




you apparently did not comprehend what I posted.





rookie? who say's I have to handle it, you? ha!!


if it has no bearing on me or affects my life in anyway, why the !@#$ should I care about it?


I don't listen, like you do, I don't read the ****, like you do. so why the !@#$ should I care?



because you think I should. don't try and patronize me with your rookie bull **** kid, it wont work.



enjoy the game, unless you're one of those who are offended and choose to not watch.

Babble, none of which excuses the fact that I am hearing clear confirmation bias, or, the considerable outlier # of calls dropped.


No, I tuned in to hear football coverage, like I've done since I was 6 years old.


Today, that is not the case: hence the thread.


Offended? No. Pissed is the proper term. Bills football is the once place we can all agree, for 3 hours on a Sunday, we are all best friends with people we never met.


This morning was a complete contravention of our shared tradition. Therefore, it deserves a thread, and it should stay right where the F it is, since WGR crossed the line.


You must be angry at the President for jumping into this issue just to bash black athletes


Why has viewership dropped the last year, and even more this year? Such a mystery. They really are trying their hardest to lose more than half of their viewers and fan base/ money. It's working NFL! Keep it up. Just see how well it worked for ESPN, Target, Starbucks, and General Mills.

You must be angry at the President for jumping into this issue just to bash black athletes

Nah, just bashing stupid, ignorant, racist players who are too dumb to use common sense.


I didn't listen . I had the post game on in my car for a minute until they started talking about the protest crap. Idiot Schopp being self righteous and pompous as usual . I turned it off. Can't I just hear a show about football ?


Did someone hold you down and force you to listen? Weird. Guess some people just like being offended.

Copy that.....better take a knee to show people you're legitimately offended.


How could they not discuss what the owner of the team said:



“Several of us met tonight- players, coaches, staff, and ownership. Our goal was to provide open dialogue and communication. We listened to one another. We believe it’s the best way to work through any issue we are facing- on and off the field.


President Trump’s remarks were divisive and disrespectful to the entire NFL community, but we tried to use them as an opportunity to further unify our team and our organization.


Our players have the freedom to express themselves in a respectful and thoughtful manner and we all agreed that our sole message is to provide and to promote an environment that is focused on love and equality.”


Perhaps if the bloviating man child in chief kept his yap shut for once your Sunday morning football routine would've been normal, blame him.

I would take that over the murderous, traitorous, snake tongued racist witch that ran against him. I wonder if she still carries her 'hot sauce' in her purse and brings the blacks to heel...


Perhaps if the bloviating man child in chief kept his yap shut for once your Sunday morning football routine would've been normal, blame him.

I am glad the President called the idiots out. It exposed them for what they are. They are unified together in their message of divisiveness. They love everyone, as long as they agree that bad caucasian cops are all harassing African American citizens.




Offended? No. Pissed is the proper term. Bills football is the once place we can all agree, for 3 hours on a Sunday, we are all best friends with people we never met.


This morning was a complete contravention of our shared tradition. Therefore, it deserves a thread, and it should stay right where the F it is, since WGR crossed the line.


Posted (edited)



See, a snowflake is somebody who can't hear the other side of an argument, because they might melt, so they have to run to a safe space/ban that argument/ban the person who makes it/surround themselves in a bubble of snowflakes. (Which is not you, btw) Which is exactly what Jeremy White & clown did this morning.


As you know from personal experience, I can hear both sides of the argument just fine: I destroy leftist posts/posters using their own arguments(which are hardly ever thought out) against them. I also destroy leftist parrots, because by definition, they don't understand the inner workings of the arguments they parrot.


And besides, you know what this board was like in 2005. But, in 2009-10, when the details of just how bad Obamacare was, and, Obama showed he was going to piss away his chance at being a historical president in favor of unworkable progressive nonsense(Solyndra)...you all ran away from PPP, because you knew what was coming, culminating, and this is fact: with a gutted D party and President Trump.


So, who are the real snowflakes? I've been here since 2005, and I'm still here.

Edited by OCinBuffalo
Posted (edited)



See, a snowflake is somebody who can't hear the other side of an argument, because they might melt, so they have to run to a safe space/ban that argument/ban the person who makes it/surround themselves in a bubble of snowflakes. (Which is not you, btw) Which is exactly what Jeremy White & clown did this morning.


As you know from personal experience, I can hear both sides of the argument just fine: I destroy leftist posts/posters using their own arguments(which are hardly ever thought out) against them. I also destroy leftist parrots, because by definition, they don't understand the inner workings of the arguments they parrot.


And besides, you know what this board was like in 2005. But, in 2009-10, when the details of just how bad Obamacare was, and, Obama showed he was going to piss away his chance at being a historical president in favor of unworkable progressive nonsense(Solyndra)...you all ran away from PPP, because you knew what was coming, culminating, and this is fact: with a gutted D party and President Trump.


So, who are the real snowflakes? I've been here since 2005, and I'm still here.

I've been here since 2002, and I'm still here...you've been a demented bigot the whole time....nice try though. I "ran" away from PPP because I realized, there are a lot of demented bigots, like you, that thrive there....and after all these years, you still have this childish style: "I destroy leftist parrots...". You don't destroy them, they just step away, because they realize you are pretty deranged, and there is really no point in extending a conversation with you...and I do have some self-loathing for stepping into it once again...

Edited by Buftex
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