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Emergency Team Meeting - Regarding Trump comments?


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Yep. I wouldn't hate it if he cut all protestors tomorrow . It will free them up to be full time activists championing a struggle that statistically barely exists. Quite a hill to die on.

I don't even need them to cut the protesters - the NFL (foolishly, in my opinion) has decided to allow the protests. As long as the NFL says they do, the players can protest.


OTOH they should cut any player who isn't focused on winning and thinks they need a team meeting/group hug to deal with a Trump tweet. This is a prime example of lack of mental toughness of the sort that prolongs a 17-year playoff drought.


You hear any stories about "emergency meetings" from any other NFL teams? You can bet your butt N.E. didn't need a team hug.

Edited by BobChalmers
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I hope there is no increase in protesting. There is no reason for it to begin with. And as business owners the best thing to do would be to ban protesting as a general policy and stay out of it.

Should be done at the NFL level then. Wording will need to be inserted into contracts.


Kaepernick has really affected perceptions. Either by making Folks more aware or reinforcing opinions.

But its a real thing.


I think those that were empowered need to find a new venue sooner than later. But I do not feel this has run it's course. Trump just threw gasoline upon the subjects.

Players need a a different way to protest. Because the Flag has so much meaning to most all of Us .

But not because Donald suggested owners should threaten them.

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You don't think he's cognizant of some of their favorable government dealings that trump could put pressure on?

That's Goodell's prerogative to interpret Trump's stance that way.


I personally don't hold people responsible for the actions of other people who perceive them incorrectly. I don't think Trump would use his political influence to go after the NFL because Goodell used the wrong word or phrase.

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It doesn't impact the game in any way. Too many people making a big deal out of silent protests.

says the guy who fuels this very topic with 2 simple keys any chance he can.


This has no impact for the game. Yet people throw it as part of it

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If you see an equivalence between actual white supremacists, and football players kneeling for an anthem at a football game, you have more serious issues than can be resolved on a football forum.

Way to dodge the point. Now you're not arguing for free speech, you're arguing what speech should be allowed.

Edited by Rob's House
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Did they actually say which comment the meeting was about?


I would assume it was the comment where Trump said anyone who kneels during the national anthem is a "son of a B word" that should be fired immediately. But it could also be where he said that NFL players needed to "shut up and play" or it could be when he went off on a rant against trying to prevent concussions saying that concussion/injury prevention was ruining the game..


Just remember, anyone who supports the nonsense that Trump farted out of his mouth last night, he also suggested that if you see someone kneeling or protesting you should immediately leave the stadium and stop supporting the NFL. So anyone that has a problem with what the Bills are doing today I suggest you listen to your president, stop watching NFL games, stop going to NFL games, and quickly sign off out of here and stop supporting the NFL. Don't even post a response, just do as your president tells you and get out of here ASAP. Maybe go watch Hannity or something instead. You won't learn as much as you would from watching Football for 3 hours, but at least you won't have to be offended by someone kneeling down on TV.

What crap. He didn't say concussion prevention was ruining the game? Did you see the officiating call he was referencing? Officiating is bad. The game has gone overboard in some ways. He really just pointed out that the NFL is a business, and as a business fans have the right to " protest" an inferior product that is turning them off. A business needs to provide its customers with what they want. Why should folks have to abandon a product they want ( football) because the owners won't weed out what they don't want( protesting, bad officiating, bad rules etc)?

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Which people are you feeling sorry for - The Nazi's, The Fascists? or The KKK?


Didn't our soldiers give their lives to kicking the Nazi's and Fascist's a$$es? Wasn't/Isn't the KKK a domestic terrorist organization? So which one of these groups do you want American Citizens to support?



Huge difference between "feeling sorry" (your term - noone else) for someone and being concerned about ANY American being targeted for private political activity.


I'd also suggest that there were a lot of people who were upset about the principle of historical statues being removed w/o being Nazis, etc.

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Don't get it twisted E-man, I don't agree with a lot of what he says.


That doesn't mean that I don't think he should be allowed to say it.


That's all.

He's allowed to say it, but as the holder of that office, he SHOULDN'T say it. Calling for people who work for a private entity to be fired for protesting is the sort of action dictators take. It's using his power in order to try to quash dissent. There is a threat in the backing of the power of his office.


I get your argument, and can understand why you're making it, but disagree in that I don't think most who are upset with him are saying he should not be allowed to say it, but that it is, at best, beneath the dignity of the office, and, at worst, a misuse of the power with which he has been bestowed by 25-26% of the populace.

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What crap. He didn't say concussion prevention was ruining the game? Did you see the officiating call he was referencing? Officiating is bad. The game has gone overboard in some ways. He really just pointed out that the NFL is a business, and as a business fans have the right to " protest" an inferior product that is turning them off. A business needs to provide its customers with what they want. Why should folks have to abandon a product they want ( football) because the owners won't weed out what they don't want( protesting, bad officiating, bad rules etc)?

Here's what he said: http://www.businessinsider.com/trump-nfl-national-anthem-protest-alabama-rally-2017-9



"...Trump went on to suggest that NFL ratings were down because of stricter penalties on hard tackles:

"Because you know, today if you hit too hard — 15 yards! Throw him out of the game. They had that last week, I watched for a coupled of minutes. Two guys, just really, beautiful tackle. Boom! 15 yards. The referee goes on television, his wife's so proud of him. They're ruining the game! They're ruining the game."

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What crap. He didn't say concussion prevention was ruining the game? Did you see the officiating call he was referencing? Officiating is bad. The game has gone overboard in some ways. He really just pointed out that the NFL is a business, and as a business fans have the right to " protest" an inferior product that is turning them off. A business needs to provide its customers with what they want. Why should folks have to abandon a product they want ( football) because the owners won't weed out what they don't want( protesting, bad officiating, bad rules etc)?

Trump is a one progression azzzhole. He doesn't go through his second, third and fourth progressions like you described. He wasn't saying that at all. He was saying the first thing that came into his head 24 minutes after he saw it on TV.

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