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I didn't read past the first sentence. I'm saying straight up teams will pick the player that gives them the best chance to WIN. The rest that you typed was not worth my time. I'm not getting into arguments that can't be won, but only lost by participating.

How is it an argument? I'm just making a point . However you offer no explanation as to why this " overrepresentation" may exist or if it is even a " problem". This term " overepresented" is a current hot button one used by the media to push an agenda. As if every life activity must have equal participation by all. They will say that whites are " overrepresented" at universities or in certain jobs. A USA Today article last year lamented that African Americans are " underrepresented " in baseball and that something must be done! Ludicrous. Perhaps black athletes just aren't interested in baseball. Maybe white kids aren't as interested n playing football. This nonsense has gotten out of hand. I'm not calling you racist, just showing how the reverse of your statement would be construed as such. And I'm genuinely interested in what you may think is an explanation for this " overrepresentation" of African Americans in the NFL. Saying it is due to race is like saying there are more white CEOs because their race gives them that ability.

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Posted (edited)

I mentioned a female tennis player (who happened to be black) was well spoken. Hey, she was cute and funny and made me laugh after her match! My (black) friend told me "I know this isn't you, but some people would say that's racist". WHAT? Now, I think that's wrong, because I know people of all races can be well or poorly spoken, but he was just sharing where he comes from. (A well spoken college grad professional.)


use this to talk to your black friends. it's what i give to all my honky friends so i can understand them.


see it works like this:

Yo tonight if you'd like ta come ova, we's can gots ni**a chickn n` corn bread an' watermelon at muh motha !@#$in crib. please invite beotches, ah like beotches Jus' like Orenthawl James.


literally all i put in was if you'd like to come over for a chicken dinner tonight, please come. and bring women, i like women.

Edited by Boyst62

This post is a mess.


How so? It's completely germane to the thread and is the essence of what we are really talking about here. When a jock gets on their soapbox and talks about " inequality" in America, what is really being said?


Things should be based solely on ability. Those with the best ability to win will be "represented". The best kids in math get into MIT. The best football players get college scholarships then a shot at the pros if they dominate in college. Over and under-represented is a stupid concept in my mind. Some people are trying to make this into more than that....so I am out.


How so? It's completely germane to the thread and is the essence of what we are really talking about here. When a jock gets on their soapbox and talks about " inequality" in America, what is really being said?


He's saying there's racism in America on a wide scale, which is undeniable.


How is it an argument? I'm just making a point . However you offer no explanation as to why this " overrepresentation" may exist or if it is even a " problem". This term " overepresented" is a current hot button one used by the media to push an agenda. As if every life activity must have equal participation by all. They will say that whites are " overrepresented" at universities or in certain jobs. A USA Today article last year lamented that African Americans are " underrepresented " in baseball and that something must be done! Ludicrous. Perhaps black athletes just aren't interested in baseball. Maybe white kids aren't as interested n playing football. This nonsense has gotten out of hand. I'm not calling you racist, just showing how the reverse of your statement would be construed as such. And I'm genuinely interested in what you may think is an explanation for this " overrepresentation" of African Americans in the NFL. Saying it is due to race is like saying there are more white CEOs because their race gives them that ability.

African Americans make up about 14% of the US population, but they make up about 68% of the NFL.


That's really interesting. It shouldn't be like that, mathematically speaking, but it is.


There's no way that's explained by an overwhelming majority of young football players being black or not white. Football is played by all colors and types in this country, and there is no economic or other artificial barrier or incentive I know of preventing or encouraging one group or another to play or not play football at lower levels. My impression is that football is a super popular sport in this country and kids of all types play it by the tens of thousands at lower levels.


We also know that NFL teams operate in the most bias-free environment you could ever dream of due to the pressure to win. NFL franchises don't care if you have a criminal record, are black, white, green, have long hair, no hair....like to kill dogs for fun, or KO your girlfriend in an elevator. They care if you are a big fast piece of meat who can make plays for them consistently...and nothing else. The NFL is almost clinically pristine and free of bias in that regard.


So why is the league 68% African American?


Anyone have a theory?


African Americans make up about 14% of the US population, but they make up about 68% of the NFL.


That's really interesting. It shouldn't be like that, mathematically speaking, but it is.


There's no way that's explained by an overwhelming majority of young football players being black or not white. Football is played by all colors and types in this country, and there is no economic or other artificial barrier or incentive I know of preventing or encouraging one group or another to play or not play football at lower levels. My impression is that football is a super popular sport in this country and kids of all types play it by the tens of thousands at lower levels.


We also know that NFL teams operate in the most bias-free environment you could ever dream of due to the pressure to win. NFL franchises don't care if you have a criminal record, are black, white, green, have long hair, no hair....like to kill dogs for fun, or KO your girlfriend in an elevator. They care if you are a big fast piece of meat who can make plays for them consistently...and nothing else. The NFL is almost clinically pristine and free of bias in that regard.


So why is the league 68% African American?


Anyone have a theory?

Of course, but it doesn't really need to be said in this forum.

Posted (edited)

African Americans make up about 14% of the US population, but they make up about 68% of the NFL.


That's really interesting. It shouldn't be like that, mathematically speaking, but it is.


There's no way that's explained by an overwhelming majority of young football players being black or not white. Football is played by all colors and types in this country, and there is no economic or other artificial barrier or incentive I know of preventing or encouraging one group or another to play or not play football at lower levels. My impression is that football is a super popular sport in this country and kids of all types play it by the tens of thousands at lower levels.


We also know that NFL teams operate in the most bias-free environment you could ever dream of due to the pressure to win. NFL franchises don't care if you have a criminal record, are black, white, green, have long hair, no hair....like to kill dogs for fun, or KO your girlfriend in an elevator. They care if you are a big fast piece of meat who can make plays for them consistently...and nothing else. The NFL is almost clinically pristine and free of bias in that regard.


So why is the league 68% African American?


Anyone have a theory?


It's not racist to say African Americans are better football players than any other race because of their genetics.


All 8 of the finalists in the men's 100 metre sprint were African American in 2016. Same reason.


It's genetics, and saying it's genetics isn't racist unless you don't understand the definition of racism.

Edited by jrober38

He's saying there's racism in America on a wide scale, which is undeniable.


Or is it? If every difference in life outcome is perceived as a dirivitive of race, then one will see racism everywhere on a wide scale. There are much deeper explanations for these differences than race. It's a drastic oversimplification of data and a reflection of our dumbed down society.


African Americans make up about 14% of the US population, but they make up about 68% of the NFL.


That's really interesting. It shouldn't be like that, mathematically speaking, but it is.


There's no way that's explained by an overwhelming majority of young football players being black or not white. Football is played by all colors and types in this country, and there is no economic or other artificial barrier or incentive I know of preventing or encouraging one group or another to play or not play football at lower levels. My impression is that football is a super popular sport in this country and kids of all types play it by the tens of thousands at lower levels.


We also know that NFL teams operate in the most bias-free environment you could ever dream of due to the pressure to win. NFL franchises don't care if you have a criminal record, are black, white, green, have long hair, no hair....like to kill dogs for fun, or KO your girlfriend in an elevator. They care if you are a big fast piece of meat who can make plays for them consistently...and nothing else. The NFL is almost clinically pristine and free of bias in that regard.


So why is the league 68% African American?


Anyone have a theory?


I agree, the NFL has often been called a meritocracy and for good reason. For the players. The coaching ranks, not so much. In a way I've often thought of it as the reverse of how society often turns out. Probably because of the talent involved and how rare it actually is compared to most occupations.

It's not racist to say African Americans are better football players than any other race because of their genetics.


All 8 of the finalists in the men's 100 metre sprint were African American in 2016. Same reason.


It's genetics, and saying it's genetics isn't racist unless you don't understand the definition of racism.


And that means most of the media in America don't understand the meaning of racism .


Or is it? If every difference in life outcome is perceived as a dirivitive of race, then one will see racism everywhere on a wide scale. There are much deeper explanations for these differences than race. It's a drastic oversimplification of data and a reflection of our dumbed down society.


Nope. It's wide spread.


The US system makes it difficult for minorities to succeed because they lack opportunities. Inner city schools are generally terrible, crime is a problem, and without a good education and an opportunity for a half decent job, poverty is incredibly hard to escape. Lack of opportunity leads to major problems. People are desperate which leads to crime, or in other parts of the world terrorism.


The problems across the US are systematic, which is why the same problems exist all over the country. Minorities, and poor people in general are mostly forgotten. The rich couldn't care less about helping them, and in many situations that population would never allow for the poor Black and Hispanic kids to go to school with the rich white kids, which is where the racism factor kicks in.


If you want to fix any social problems, it starts with creating economic opportunity for those people.

Posted (edited)

I really don't understand what minorities want.

From what has been going on in America, one could conclude that the media wants everything bad that happens to be attributed to race or racism. When it is obvious that there are other factors involved entirely unattributable to race or racism. I'm not sure if that is what minorities want but that's how it is portrayed.

Nope. It's wide spread.


The US system makes it difficult for minorities to succeed because they lack opportunities. Inner city schools are generally terrible, crime is a problem, and without a good education and an opportunity for a half decent job, poverty is incredibly hard to escape. Lack of opportunity leads to major problems. People are desperate which leads to crime, or in other parts of the world terrorism.


The problems across the US are systematic, which is why the same problems exist all over the country. Minorities, and poor people in general are mostly forgotten. The rich couldn't care less about helping them, and in many situations that population would never allow for the poor Black and Hispanic kids to go to school with the rich white kids, which is where the racism factor kicks in.


If you want to fix any social problems, it starts with creating economic opportunity for those people.


I disagree entirely. It's not the schools that are terrible. Id bet that if you took the students from a wealthy suburban school and bussed them to the " terrible" school while bussing the kids from the " terrible " school to the " good " school in the suburbs the academic performance of the schools would flip. The terrible school would become the good one and the good one would become terrible. Educational success is based on the home front, not the school. What is stressed and valued in the home will follow the students to the different venue. There is no racism involved. Just socio-economic variables of geography. The children bring home to school with them. Rich or poor, minority or not. The economic opportunity to which you refer is created with home cooking. How does one change that? Edited by Boatdrinks
Posted (edited)

The rest that you typed was not worth my time. I'm not getting into arguments that can't be won, but only lost by participating.



that is the problem in this country. Whenever an idea is presented with a conservative viewpoint or data that shows white people may not be all of the problem then it is written off as nonsensical. That is cowardice. Cowards cause wars, they don't solve problems. It is possible to be black or brown and be a raging racist the same as a white racist, but that doesn't fit the agenda. It is easy to blame white people for everything rather than trying to change your situation. Boyst working to build something in his community is a step in the right direction. We as a culture need to take responsibility for ourselves and stop relying on the government or society to determine our values. Love prevails but love isn't picking a side and demonizing the other. Love doesn't lie, it faces an issue directly. The race issue begins to disappear little by little when we build a community and values together. Edited by Chimp
Posted (edited)

From what has been going on in America, one could conclude that the media wants everything bad that happens to be attributed to race or racism. When it is obvious that there are other factors involved entirely unattributable to race or racism. I'm not sure if that is what minorities want but that's how it is portrayed.

I disagree entirely. It's not the schools that are terrible. Id bet that if you took the students from a wealthy suburban school and bussed them to the " terrible" school while bussing the kids from the " terrible " school to the " good " school in the suburbs the academic performance of the schools would flip. The terrible school would become the good one and the good one would become terrible. Educational success is based on the home front, not the school. What is stressed and valued in the home will follow the students to the different venue. There is no racism involved. Just socio-economic variables of geography. The children bring home to school with them. Rich or poor, minority or not. The economic opportunity to which you refer is created with home cooking. How does one change that?


Sorry but home life in an inner city is also a mess. Inner cities in general are a mess because there are no jobs, the people have no education, and crime rates are high. The lack of opportunities didn't happen by accident.


How did so many minorities wind up living in cities while the rich people live in the suburbs? Luck? LOL

Edited by jrober38


Sorry but home life in an inner city is also a mess. Inner cities in general are a mess because there are no jobs, the people have no education, and crime rates are high.

How did so many minorities wind up living in cities while the rich people live in the suburbs? Luck? LOL

I get what you are saying but it's 2017, lack of education is an inner city culture issue. It has everything to do with what your culture teaches you is appropriate. I was dirt poor but I managed college. Really big student loans which suck but I got an education and got out of the heroin infested dump of a town where I grew up.

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