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Along those lines, DOJ stats show that black men are 3x more likely than white men to be injured by police. Interestingly enough, black men are 3x more likely to commit violent crime.



They are tangling amongst themselves, which means they are arming themselves for protection. Those escalations invariably lead to eff ups with the police if they can't follow the law to a tee and keep all their schit & life together. That means living "the white man's way" & who wants to live the uptight white man's way? ;-)


Example: Dude is armed and is driving around (unemployed hurts, he's got nowhere to be) with traces of the "sweet bud" in his ashtray and strewn about the ride. Yet... His schit is not together and he is driving around with a broken tail light and expired temporary license plates.


Result= Dude now has problems if he makes the illogical leap that Officer G.I. Joe pulls him over "just because he is black."



Laziness and not keeping your schit squared away gives said Dude a greater chance at getting killed by the Po Po if Dude gets unruly and thinks it's time to argue with the police. That is the reality of what is happening


When in Rome do as the Romans. One's odds of better self preservation go up 100 or fold. Leave ill luck to being just ill luck. I can't help that one is marked for life and dragged down by similar people that make illogical choices. Break the cycle. The pain of that hair shirt, skin color, will lessen for next. I am sorry that hair shirt can't be voluntarily removed. Don't misunderstand this, this isn't guilt or burden on my part.


I had this argument with a black co-worker, same age as me (year older)... He just couldn't fathom living more uptight, about squaring certain aspects of his life away. You know what he said: "If I lived like that, worrying about this, that, I'd go crazy!" Hey, you all here know I am crazy! :-) But really, same "laid back" Dude dogging chicks on the side, supporting two families and a new baby mama is worried about squaring away simple schit in his life? Maybe life is so FUBAR'd that he simply doesn't know how to reboot. Yet, start with the little thing, simplify the emotions. Who's more a complicated person? Emotionally mess of a life? Risk assessment is totally thrown out the window with many.


Sorry... Just some morning thoughts... Carry on!

Edited by ExiledInIllinois
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