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Sean Jauron has a nice ring to it.......


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.....but you know what Dickie J was thinking if he was watching.........."it wouldn't have been a 2 score game at the end like that if I had Tyrod instead of JP.......we'd have been lining up for the game tying 56 yard field goal on that play".



In all fairness.......we saw Rex play a few games like this......so close to the vest.........trying not to make any sudden movements until late in the game.........the loss in NE in 2015 comes to mind........but that was the Jauron-iest performance we've seen since 2008 maybe.

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Yeah...I still get excited during this type of game. We were just watching two great defensive performances, rather than two great offensive ones.



Man, I was sure the first response was going to be someone obliviously pointing out that it wasn't a 2 score game. :mellow:


Yeah the problem with these games is that you don't get better as a team playing not to lose...........we've learned this.


Jauron once beat the Packers and Jags in Buffalo......went 7-9.......then went 7-9 the following year when those teams were representing their conferences in their respective championship games.


If you are not getting better.......you are getting worse.


I am hoping McDermott has another gear........playing it ultra-close to the vest seems to have a strong pull on certain coaches like Jauron.

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Man, I was sure the first response was going to be someone obliviously pointing out that it wasn't a 2 score game. :mellow:


Yeah the problem with these games is that you don't get better as a team playing not to lose...........we've learned this.


Jauron once beat the Packers and Jags in Buffalo......went 7-9.......then went 7-9 the following year when those teams were representing their conferences in their respective championship games.


If you are not getting better.......you are getting worse.


I am hoping McDermott has another gear........playing it ultra-close to the vest seems to have a strong pull on certain coaches like Jauron.


The other problem with playing not to lose is that the players start to realize that their coach doesn't have any confidence in them.

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Man, I was sure the first response was going to be someone obliviously pointing out that it wasn't a 2 score game. :mellow:


Yeah the problem with these games is that you don't get better as a team playing not to lose...........we've learned this.


Jauron once beat the Packers and Jags in Buffalo......went 7-9.......then went 7-9 the following year when those teams were representing their conferences in their respective championship games.


If you are not getting better.......you are getting worse.


I am hoping McDermott has another gear........playing it ultra-close to the vest seems to have a strong pull on certain coaches like Jauron.


The D was playing aggressively.


The offense should learn from such a crappy performance...


The other problem with playing not to lose is that the players start to realize that their coach doesn't have any confidence in them.


Wasn't that the point of the excessive clapping?


The guys should feel really good about themselves.

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The other problem with playing not to lose is that the players start to realize that their coach doesn't have any confidence in them.



It occurred to me that the reason McDermott is so worried about Kyle Williams temperature is that he knows that he's already been thru Jauron ball and how important it is to keep him engaged in getting full effort from the others.


Nobody else on this team really saw THAT Dick Jauron........even Wood came in at the end when the Dickie J regime was in full-on panic mode trying to build a no-huddle offense with Trent Edwards at the helm. :lol:




The offense should learn from such a crappy performance...



It just doesn't work like that, unfortunately.

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This thread is ridiculous.


We all knew this was going to be a painful offensive season and this team will threaten the team record of least points in a 16-game season.


To say McDermott is Jauron after two games experience as a HC is downright laughable.


Most of us don't want to go through this or admit it, but it takes time to implement an offensive system and when you don't have a QB, it take even longer.


Not having a QB severely hampers whatever you can do.

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Yeah...I still get excited during this type of game. We were just watching two great defensive performances, rather than two great offensive ones.

I said to my buddy as we were watching this game..."you know, as miserable as this game is, if they end up winning 10-9 we will be one of the high-lights of the season". As ineffective as our offense was, it is important to note, the Carolina defense is pretty damn good too! It was a real nail-biter...if only they coulda' pulled it out on that last drive!

I'll spot you that, but calling a pitch play for 1 yard? Not a very good call.

Yes, that was bad...but I don't think Jauron would have called for that...

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Seriously ?!!??!! While McDermott might yet prove to be a conservative careful coach, he hasn't been here long nor disgraced himself with woosiness like Jauron did. Jauron was the absolute worst and I will never EVER forgive him for laying down to NE in that game where the Bills gave up 56 points and NE kept going for 2. All we saw from Jauron was the 1000yd death stare of fear.

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Year 1 Jauron performance isn't such a bad thing; it's if the team never takes the next step like the Jauron teams that would be the problem.

The positive takeaway from the game is the change from Rex's confused and overwhelmed defense to the wrestling coach's very good and smart defense. I have given my thoughts on Taylor so there is little reason in pointing out his deficiencies. But in his defense I have never seen a group of receivers who are worse at creating space for themselves. The defense was on the receivers like peanut butter and bread. The only receiver who seems capable of getting some separation is Clay.


I have said it many times before and I will say it again: This is a rebuilding endeavor. It is going to take more likely four years (including this season in the count) before this team becomes more than a middling team. The assumption is that the Bills acquire a legitimate qb prospect in next year's draft. If not, then the drought count will continue on for another decade or so.


JeffisMagic was vilified; JeffisMagic was right. Failing to seize on an opportunity to acquire a legitimate qb prospect has like a disease plagued this exasperating franchise. Dithering is not a solution; it is a problem.

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