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Ever message an old friend/colleague/roommate?

Another Fan

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I heard from an old college buddy living in Boston about buying some condos in SW Florida in late 2005. (The RE market collapsed 1st quarter of 2006 there.) They were not yet built, far from anything nice and not really near the beach. That was when I knew the end was near and the world was about to change! Seriously! It took a couple years until the financial collapse in 2008, but the problem was clear. I never asked, but I hope he didn't dump $$$ into that.


I stay in touch with an old roommate weekly, and we visit a couple time a year. I go back for a college hoops game, and he finds an excuse to come to Atlanta.

Edited by Augie
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Ever massage an old friend/colleague/roommate?


Actually many times. I worked as an assistant trainer during summer when in college and multiple times I have done massage.


My boss used to ask me to come to office and help with shoulders.


I was in field and a women I used to work with was working at same remote location and I noticed she was having issues and when we had break I asked her issue and she said she pinched her shoulder a few weeks ago working night shift and can barely sleep. I asked if she tried getting a massage and she lady made it worse. I told her after shift change we can use office since supervisor would be gone and we went in there and I told her from way she is holding shoulder her muscles are twisted and misaligned. I spent 15-20 straightening out the shoulder muscles and she told me pain was gone. Next day she told me she felt great all day but after she woke up she had issues again, could I help again? When supervisor left we used the office again and this time she was prepared for it for she had a halter on under her blouse so she could give me better access. Again she was fine but a few days later she needed more work. This continued for several weeks until last week I was there she had no issues. I did get a call asking when I was going back to remote location and I told her not sure, maybe next big test. She told maybe she wills see me again when test was at my location but never saw her again.


Regarding original subject:


I was called out of the blue after I left college by an old housemate who said he just moved to area but I never told him where I moved since he graduated year before me. He said he was new in area and knew I'd be able to tell him where a game was and guessed I probably was running one. I didn't have one setup but since he had two players I got one set up fairly fast.


I was with my family visiting relatives in Newark, NY (small village between Rochester & Syracuse) eating dinner and a friend who I worked for 5 years went into restaurant. He joined me for dinner. This was 15 years after I graduated in a different part of state. Left him my number but not sure if he lost it for he never called.


I was travelling with family at airport and a woman came up and kissed and hugged me out of the blue. My wife asked me who this woman was and I told her I had no idea. With me still having a surprised look on my face she teased my wife "I am not surprised he did not tell you about our trip to nude beach and overnight stay in cabin." I just said "Never!" with more confused look. The stranger then told me she was surprised I do not recognize her since we did a lot of labs together even though she wore contacts now, dyed her hair and lost some weight. After all of that I finally recognized my old lab partner. She then told my wife she was just kidding about the trip, etc. and my my wife relaxed a little.

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