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Explain how, please.

Cops don't have the legal authority to cause pain and suffering while arresting a compliant individual. The big question is on the profiling. If he was seen as a suspect for legitimate reasons he will have a hard time winning this case. If it was more random than that and the cops were acting on intuition, he has a very very good case. Still waiting for a police statement.



Watch the video. See all the people around while this is happening? There are A LOT of people. You would think someone would be talking about how the cops called him the N word and threatened to blow his effin' head off, no?





I don't see anybody else in the video. Cars yes, people no.


At no point in the encounter as related by Bennett did the officers inform him of the basis for their suspicion. An officer can detain a person based on a reasonable suspicion that the person has committed or is about to commit a crime. Reasonable force can be used to detain a person who is resisting being detained. Lastly, an officer is required to use the least amount of force that is reasonable under the circumstances. An appropriate investigation will surely take place and hopefully the facts will emerge and until that time, it is unfair to judge Bennett's complaint or the officer's actions.


What worries me is that most normal people would be terrified to have anyone, officer or not, pointing a gun at their head and threatening to shoot them. If a person in that situation makes a single mistake, they could be shot dead. Under that kind of duress, people are bound to make mistakes, especially innocent people with no experience with being forcefully detained. I spent four years investigating cases exactly like this and in almost every one of them, a tragic death and a ruined career hung by the tiniest of threads.

Good post, thanks. Still a lot of unanswered questions. Too many people jumping to conclusions on both sides.



Kaepernick weighs in.



This violation that happened against my Brother Michael Bennett is disgusting and unjust. I stand with Michael and I stand with the people.




Let me translate this for you. Kaep is a commie. He has simply chosen race as the vehicle to spout his commie message.




Would you have preferred: Stay Down!!!!! But here is a lollipop while you wait?


The general subject of police abuse is no joke. Active shooter situations: also no joke. Improper phrasing of instructions by a cop is something that needs to be corrected, but it probably isn't high on the list of crap to worry about in that particular situation. Is there any indication that the cop said: All black people get down and stay there or I'll blow your elfin head off....white people you are free to go?


Just "Stay down!" would work.


I want to clarify that, of course, everyone should be compliant if there is an active shooter. It's about how compliant people are treated and whether all the treatment is necessary in effectively handling the situation.


they need to use this as a teachable moment. people either through ignorance and just plain stupidity don't know what to do when being questioned by police. i'm begging them to please show step by step why they stopped him, why they detained him, how they went about handcuffing him and why that is the right way to do it, why they had guns drawn (if they did), and what they expect out of the suspect in this situation. there are so many people on both sides that are just so completely oblivious and angry and that's not going to accomplish anything. i'm hoping some good comes from this and not just more hatred and animosity


Let me translate this for you. Kaep is a commie. He has simply chosen race as the vehicle to spout his commie message.


This is getting good.




Here is the official release from #SeahawksNFL_2017_SEASeahawks_v2.png DL Michael Bennett on being assaulted by Las Vegas PD:







That does not appear to be a release from the Seahawks at all. It is a release from his attorney. Ian Rapport is a MORON.


As for the release itself: Describing Bennett as a "Super Bowl Champion"? WTF? What is the purpose of that?


they need to use this as a teachable moment. people either through ignorance and just plain stupidity don't know what to do when being questioned by police. i'm begging them to please show step by step why they stopped him, why they detained him, how they went about handcuffing him and why that is the right way to do it, why they had guns drawn (if they did), and what they expect out of the suspect in this situation. there are so many people on both sides that are just so completely oblivious and angry and that's not going to accomplish anything. i'm hoping some good comes from this and not just more hatred and animosity


+1. This.


Let me ask you this, my friend. And I mean that.


Which do you think is MORE likely or more close to the truth? That the cop did what Bennett said he did or very close to it? Or that the cop was just a little strong with him, never put a gun to his head, never threatened to blow his head off, never overused force, and Bennett just made that all up and is coming out in public and suing the police department, knowing they likely have video of it.


Which do you think is more likely? Just a simple answer.


Based on just watching the video, I suspect it's more likely something in the middle. But I can only speculate. I don't pretend to know what police consider appropriate force in a shooting scenario relative to a what a human considers to be inappropriate force.


My preference is to wait for all the evidence, which was really the point of my post to whomever JohnBonhamRocks is. He didn't watch the video, but quickly gives Bennett the benefit of the doubt, but not the police.


Unfortunately, that prevailing knee-jerk reaction is what we're about to hear from every sports journalist from NY to Tehachapi for every freaking game of the season. And when the evidence comes out, the truth won't matter because the perceived truth is being set right now through speculation by people with the biggest megaphones.




That does not appear to be a release from the Seahawks at all. It is a release from his attorney. Ian Rapport is a MORON.


As for the release itself: Describing Bennett as a "Super Bowl Champion"? WTF? What is the purpose of that?

The tweet does not say it is from the Seahawks. It says it is from a Seahawk.



Based on just watching the video, I suspect it's more likely something in the middle. But I can only speculate. I don't pretend to know what police consider appropriate force in a shooting scenario relative to a what a human considers to be inappropriate force.


My preference is to wait for all the evidence, which was really the point of my post to whomever JohnBonhamRocks is. He didn't watch the video, but quickly gives Bennett the benefit of the doubt, but not the police.


Unfortunately, that prevailing knee-jerk reaction is what we're about to hear from every sports journalist from NY to Tehachapi for every freaking game of the season. And when the evidence comes out, the truth won't matter because the perceived truth is being set right now through speculation by people with the biggest megaphones.

It seems to me you are giving the police the benefit of the doubt. That is not wrong on the surface. It's okay to have an opinion. But I think you are. Sure, neither of us know right now. And sure, we have to wait until all the evidence comes out. And it's likely somewhere in the middle, but maybe not. This kind of thing seems to happen all the time. I don't think he is just making that up. I could be wrong. I'm more likely to believe it's a lot closer to what he said than the cop did nothing out reason.


they need to use this as a teachable moment. people either through ignorance and just plain stupidity don't know what to do when being questioned by police. i'm begging them to please show step by step why they stopped him, why they detained him, how they went about handcuffing him and why that is the right way to do it, why they had guns drawn (if they did), and what they expect out of the suspect in this situation. there are so many people on both sides that are just so completely oblivious and angry and that's not going to accomplish anything. i'm hoping some good comes from this and not just more hatred and animosity

Agree with all of this.


There's always a reasonable explanation for why things are handled the way they are. In this case, I'm sure the police didn't target Bennett specifically unless he fit the description of an active shooter in the downtown of a city where anything and everything happens. Couple that with the fact that it was fight night, very high profile people from around the world, not just a black football player, are there.

The police were on heightened alert for anything and everything. Let's say that Bennett fit the description. Should the police just approach him and ask in a polite and professional manner if he was shooting a gun in a large crowd of people or should they detain that person(as they did) and make sure he wasn't the one with the gun?


From what I saw, he got off pretty easy given the situation that was unfolding around them. Bennett already has a preconceived agenda that he needs to get out there and this worked out perfectly for him to do that.


I've been in a situation worse than him, where I've had multiple weapons pointed at me,(from police of multiple races) dragged from a vehicle, slammed into a car and cuffed violently. I had to go to the hospital from the injuries received, only after I was detained, questioned and let go because I was completely innocent but in the wrong place, at the wrong time, with the wrong people. It was my own fault for being there and I understood that. Granted it wasn't mistaken identity but I should never have been there in the first place. I didn't sue because it was my fault too. I guess if I had an agenda, maybe I should have but I was a young white kid out with a friend, who was with other people I didn't know. I'm just thankful the police didn't react to hastily or I wouldn't be here.

The officers apologized, so did I and that was that.

Sometimes we should just be thankful that there are people out there protecting us(even from ourselves) and sometimes have to go about that protection in various degrees to keep us all safe.


This is a joke right?


A big man who plays a contact sport is whining about being hurt?


He met the description one would clearly understand or believe. He was put to the ground and held at gun point as any possible suspect with a gun would be and he's upset? If the police went up to him nicely would he have complied?


When you're detained it is not the time to plead to be let go or say I did nothing wrong. A case of great example is Adolphus Washington.


How was he profiled? Give me a break and tell this baby to go get a bottle.


So when is the last time you were put in handcuffs and laying on the ground when a PO came over to you and threatened to blow your head off? And of course you are NOT black i presume....



Based on just watching the video, I suspect it's more likely something in the middle. But I can only speculate. I don't pretend to know what police consider appropriate force in a shooting scenario relative to a what a human considers to be inappropriate force.


My preference is to wait for all the evidence, which was really the point of my post to whomever JohnBonhamRocks is. He didn't watch the video, but quickly gives Bennett the benefit of the doubt, but not the police.


Unfortunately, that prevailing knee-jerk reaction is what we're about to hear from every sports journalist from NY to Tehachapi for every freaking game of the season. And when the evidence comes out, the truth won't matter because the perceived truth is being set right now through speculation by people with the biggest megaphones.


"I don't believe Bennett or the police, but I'm not ruling out what either says. I haven't seen a statement from the LVPD. I give Bennett and the police the same benefit of the doubt - I entertain what they claim and then compare it against the facts that come to light.

The only evidence so far I am aware of is the video. Let's wait until some more comes forward."
That was my post before you accused me of giving Bennett the benefit of the doubt, but not the police. Reading helps.


oh, so you watched the video?


Not yet. Going to when I get home. Going off what I have read so far and will add the video to my opinion as soon as I can watch it.

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