TakeYouToTasker Posted September 1, 2017 Posted September 1, 2017 You have made it clear time and time again that you don't care about racial equality. Both here and in the PPP. I don't have a really strong stance on this topic but it is obvious by available statistics that the justice system disproportionately favors white people. If you had an ounce of empathy that would upset you. The fact that that doesn't upset you, while a silent protest does, says a lot about your character. No, the justice system does not favor white people. The justice system favors wealth. Wealth and white are not synonyms. If you extend the same courtesy to others who make similar inferences, then no. I give everyone the opportunity to make their case, or to explain their point or purpose.
HappyDays Posted September 1, 2017 Posted September 1, 2017 Manipulated data. The overwhelming majority of drug sentences are plead down to possession charges, with other charges being dropped in the process. The unfortunate truth is that drug use and crime are a socio-economic issue, and because of past injustices and misguided social engineering black Americans are more likely, as a percentage of their demographic, to be poor. Poor people are more likely to commit crimes, and many of those crimes are plead down to drug charges. How about a source? Here's some more reading for you: http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2016/feb/26/hillary-clinton/hillary-clinton-says-blacks-more-likely-be-arreste/ The stats don't lie.
GoBills808 Posted September 1, 2017 Posted September 1, 2017 I give everyone the opportunity to make their case, or to explain their point or purpose. I look forward to our next discussion on the relative merits of various socioeconomic systems, then.
Kirby Jackson Posted September 1, 2017 Posted September 1, 2017 The same reason that when a parent says you will do this it's an order - and you "should" do this it's more of a strong suggestion but not an order.FWIW, I am dealing with this exact issue right now for a client with regards to Harvey. They are trying to file a business interruption claim. There have been guidelines administered that basically say you shouldn't call in these impacted areas. The Louisiana law "prohibits" the calls. They are going to have a chance to collect for Louisiana because it is illegal for them to donit. The Texas case is a little stickier because it is an extremely strong recommendation.
LeviF Posted September 1, 2017 Posted September 1, 2017 (edited) How about a source? Here's some more reading for you: http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2016/feb/26/hillary-clinton/hillary-clinton-says-blacks-more-likely-be-arreste/ The stats don't lie. Yes, they do. They don't control for socio-economic status, they don't control for neighborhood type, crime rate in the area, urban vs. rural, etc. You ignoring the point doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Eta: this doesn't mean that they're wrong...just that they're incomplete. Which means we can't tell if they're right or wrong. And neither can politifact, much as they would like you to believe they can. Edited September 1, 2017 by LeviF91
BMWR100RT Posted September 1, 2017 Posted September 1, 2017 Crazy reading in this thread. My take is if he thinks he's causing people to think, more power to him. My family will be talking about this this weekend all because of his actions. A great read: https://onbeing.org/blog/what-i-said-when-my-white-friend-asked-for-my-black-opinion-on-white-privilege/ I'd guess the people who protest his actions live a pretty comfortable life.
PolishDave Posted September 1, 2017 Posted September 1, 2017 No one said that. People who commit crimes should be punished equally. The point is that if one race is being jailed 6x as much as any other race, then there's probably a problem with the system, not the race. Your logic is flawed. Nothing has anything to do with the other.
nucci Posted September 1, 2017 Posted September 1, 2017 I thought the original protest was that there were instances of white cops shooting unarmed black people? Isn't that how this started?
spartan19 Posted September 1, 2017 Posted September 1, 2017 Not me. Universal Standing for the aanthem never started in the NFL until 2009. So did you still support the 90s teams when they did other things instead if standing This is just false
KD in CA Posted September 1, 2017 Posted September 1, 2017 Good grief, it's really time this stopped being an 'issue' for all sides.
billsfan1959 Posted September 1, 2017 Posted September 1, 2017 How about a source? Here's some more reading for you: http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2016/feb/26/hillary-clinton/hillary-clinton-says-blacks-more-likely-be-arreste/ The stats don't lie. However, a blind, superficial interpretation of those statistics can be a lie. Be careful when using statistics to support an argument...
boyst Posted September 1, 2017 Posted September 1, 2017 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/West_Virginia_State_Board_of_Education_v._Barnettethat does not remove the legalities of requiring one to stand. It is subtle and different. I am afraid I don't have time right now nor is this the place to discuss it but it's an interesting whole hooplah
Direhard Fan Posted September 1, 2017 Posted September 1, 2017 I'm with Matter2003. The media is to blame for a lot of this. Once they took the cameras off Kaernick it started to go away. The NFL should tell the broadcast people to not show negative stuff like they do with fans on the field and fights in the stands. Let people do what they feel is best but don't make a fool out of your self. Like Lynch saying he never stood his entire time in the NFL. He flat out lied.
boyst Posted September 1, 2017 Posted September 1, 2017 No one said that. People who commit crimes should be punished equally. The point is that if one race is being jailed 6x as much as any other race, then there's probably a problem with the system, not the race. the system is the socio economic system. Not the justice system. *high five*. We agree! Good grief, it's really time this stopped being an 'issue' for all sides.ahh. But we are talking about football!
JohnBonhamRocks Posted September 1, 2017 Posted September 1, 2017 Your logic is flawed. Nothing has anything to do with the other. Talk about flawed. I have no clue what you are saying.
HerdMenatlity1 Posted September 1, 2017 Posted September 1, 2017 http://buffalonews.com/2017/08/31/cameron-jefferson-heckled-bills-fan-fist-roster-spot-remain-air/ It's the National Anthem. Stand and show your respect. It's not a time to call attention to yourself or whatever your individual cause is. This is probably the only time you will hear that guys name other than on the cut list. If you don't know what to do during the National Anthem look at Eric Wood in the photo. I swear if any Bills player doesn't stand for the National Anthem and the team does nothing about it I will not support this team any longer. Who is with me? Thanks for your opinion. And thanks to Cameron for his. That's what this country is about. I'm ex-military and I love my country but, I am with Cameron on this one, especially in these times of the donald. JMO, and that's what makes the US of A AWSOME!!!
Fadingpain Posted September 1, 2017 Posted September 1, 2017 http://buffalonews.com/2017/08/31/cameron-jefferson-heckled-bills-fan-fist-roster-spot-remain-air/ It's the National Anthem. Stand and show your respect. It's not a time to call attention to yourself or whatever your individual cause is. This is probably the only time you will hear that guys name other than on the cut list. If you don't know what to do during the National Anthem look at Eric Wood in the photo. I swear if any Bills player doesn't stand for the National Anthem and the team does nothing about it I will not support this team any longer. Who is with me? Why the hell is the National Anthem played before a sporting event? Stupid; get rid of it. And the flag, and the honor guard, and the military flyovers, and all the other paid-for bull **** by the oligarchs who control this country and need to preserve some BS notion that "patriotism" and "love of country" actually mean something... They are amorphous concepts invented and employed as mere marketing tools by those in power to convince those not in power that it is honorable to die for those in power every now and again. The dumber you are, the better this scheme works.
PromoTheRobot Posted September 1, 2017 Posted September 1, 2017 Yes, I'm sure Kaep and company are very upset about a blonde chick from SLC getting arrested for no good reason. This is a dumb thing to say. First of all it just happened so how do you know what Kaep & co think? All you are doing is blaming him for something you invented in your own head.
TakeYouToTasker Posted September 1, 2017 Posted September 1, 2017 How about a source? Here's some more reading for you: http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2016/feb/26/hillary-clinton/hillary-clinton-says-blacks-more-likely-be-arreste/ The stats don't lie. No, actually. The stats here do lie. They are telling lies of omission with the purpose of buttressing a narrative in favor Hillary Clinton's Presidential campaign. The data is intentionally incomplete. An honest accounting of data, seeking to inform, would have included reported crime rates by race, socio-economic status of the offender, the types of crimes etc, and would have told a much different story. Were you aware, for instance, that New York City's much maligned "stop and frisk" policy actually under targeted blacks as a percentage of the population based on the amount of crime committed by that demographic?
LeviF Posted September 1, 2017 Posted September 1, 2017 This is a dumb thing to say. First of all it just happened so how do you know what Kaep & co think? All you are doing is blaming him for something you invented in your own head. What am I blaming him for?
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