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Hurricane Thread --

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I am not interested in her shoes. But since victims of Hurricane Sandy are still waiting for the $1m Trump pledged for THEM, the Harvey folks might to better to take those shoes, put 'em up on eBay and use the proceeds to buy a small inflatable boat.



It's telling that of ALL the things you can pick on Trump about, you choose to pick on an act of human kindness.

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It's telling that of ALL the things you can pick on Trump about, you choose to pick on an act of human kindness.

That seems to be the problem with the MSM. If you nitpick everything the president does (especially personally donating a million dollars) then when there is actually something of substance to criticize your credibility is shot so there's no weight behind it.

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That seems to be the problem with the MSM. If you nitpick everything the president does (especially personally donating a million dollars) then when there is actually something of substance to criticize your credibility is shot so there's no weight behind it.


Well said. :beer:

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I am not interested in her shoes. But since victims of Hurricane Sandy are still waiting for the $1m Trump pledged for THEM, the Harvey folks might to better to take those shoes, put 'em up on eBay and use the proceeds to buy a small inflatable boat.

Trump pledges $1M of his private funds

Chris Christie and Barack Obama pledge the support of the state of New Jersey and the Federal Government


And you're complaining the victims are waiting on a private donation :rolleyes:

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081916_trump_louisiana_1280.jpg took all of 8 seconds to find, but pasta's spin is to be expected :lol:

They are weak minded people who look at everything through partisan shades. They don't concern themselves with what is right or wrong, it all comes down to whether or not it will help their side win. What a lousy existence they must live when they have no sense of right or wrong but instead follow the lead of people like Pelosi, Schumer and Warren.

Edited by grinreaper
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Yesterday gas price was $2.35 a gal , today $2.55 -$2.70 , as long as they don't run out.


Yeah, it's been pretty ridiculous around here. People are creating an exaggerated demand via their social media freakouts. The only gas stations that don't have lines are the ones that already ran out of gas.

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BREAKING: AP Exclusive: Many Houston ultra-polluted Superfund sites are flooded, concerns about toxins spreading; EPA not on scene. Unfortunately for Texas, they are getting the EPA they voted for, not the EPA they need right now.


Bill introduced 02/03/2017 by Republicans: H.R. 861 - To terminate the Environmental Protection Agency.

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Yeah, it's been pretty ridiculous around here. People are creating an exaggerated demand via their social media freakouts. The only gas stations that don't have lines are the ones that already ran out of gas.

In Hawaii during hurricane season we get about 3-7 major storm 'warnings' a year and people promptly go out and spend 250% of what they might normally during that given month. I'm half convinced the grocers and gas stations are in cahoots with the local news channels in getting people to stock up for hurricanes that only hit once every 7 years or so.

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In Hawaii during hurricane season we get about 3-7 major storm 'warnings' a year and people promptly go out and spend 250% of what they might normally during that given month. I'm half convinced the grocers and gas stations are in cahoots with the local news channels in getting people to stock up for hurricanes that only hit once every 7 years or so.


In Virginia, and I'm sure it's the same elsewhere in other areas in the potential path of hurricanes, the local news stations always put out a 20## Hurricane Prep guide which are made freely available at local grocery stores



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BREAKING: AP Exclusive: Many Houston ultra-polluted Superfund sites are flooded, concerns about toxins spreading; EPA not on scene. Unfortunately for Texas, they are getting the EPA they voted for, not the EPA they need right now.


Bill introduced 02/03/2017 by Republicans: H.R. 861 - To terminate the Environmental Protection Agency.


EPA's not on the scene because the area's flooded and they can't get there. :wallbash:

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